
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新东方名师-非谓语动词更新完毕开始阅读

resist, risk, suggest,appreciate, can’t help等。 例句:

She tried to avoid making him angry. Do you mind my smoking here?

No one can avoid being influenced by


(经典作文开头句,引自《新概念英语》Book III)

② 在动词attempt, begin, start, intend等后面,可以用V-ing,也

可以用to do(不定式)作宾语,含义相同。但如果后面接know, understand等词时,则常用to do(不定式)。 正: I begin to understand the truth. 误: I begin understanding the truth。

③ 在动词love, like, hate, prefer等后面,用V-ing时,表示习惯性的、一般性的动作;用to do(不定式)时,多表示一次性的、具体的动作。 【例句】:

I like going to the cinema.


I like to go with you. 我很愿与你一起去。 I hate getting up early. 我讨厌早起床。

I hate to say so, but I really can’t go. 我不愿意这么说,但我确实不能去。

④ 在动词remember, forget, regret等后面,用V-ing时,V-ing

往往表示过去的动作;用不定式时,动词不定式常表示将来的动作或过去未做的动作。 【例句】:

Remember to see him.

I remember seeing him once in Beijing.

I forgot to post the letter.

He will never forget seeing Bill Clinton. ⑤ 在动词stop, try, want, mean, need等后面,用V-ing还是用to do,意义上有明显的区别。


She stopped to talk with him.

She stopped talking.

You must try writing letters in English.

You must try to write this letter in English.

The boy wants to wash the car. The boy wants washing .

She doesn’t need to come.

The bike needs repairing (needs to be repaireD..

Your plan would mean spending hours.

I didn’t mean to make you angry.

⑥动词permit, allow, advise等词可以有V +one’s doing和V+ sb to do两种搭配,意思完全一样。 例句:

We advise you to go to college. 我们建议你上大学。 We advise your going to college. 我们劝你上大学。

超级难点:一般来说,动名词做宾语时用V-ing就够了,但当需要特别强调动作已经完成时,我们也可以用having V-ed的形式。

例如: I remember informing you of the date of the meeting.

= I remember having informed you of the date of the meeting.

I don’t mind having been written about like that. =I don’t mind being written about like that.

3.做表语 【例句】: My hobby is collecting stamps.

My favorite sport is traveling.


【例句】:He is in the reading room.

This is a swimming pool.

A boy is sleeping in a sleeping car.


一、one’s doing 结构的用法 (1)作主语: 【例句】:Mary’s going there won’t be of any help.

Her refusing to accept the invitation upset me.

(2)作动词的宾语 【例句】:

Do you mind his/him smoking here?

We don’t like the doctor’s saying that.

(3)作介词的宾语 【例句】:

We insist on Mary’s staying longer.

She will be astonished at your coming home in such

a manner. (4)在口语中,我们常可用人称代词宾格(如me, him, you, us, them等)或名词的普通格(即名词本身)(如Mary, Tom, my father等)和V-ing 一起用作宾语。 【例句】:

We insist on Mary staying longer. We don’t like them saying that.

??注意:在下面几种情形下, 通常用名词的普通格。 ▲ 当V-ing的逻辑主语是无生命的东西而不是指“人”时:

I knew nothing about the window being open.

▲ 当V-ing逻辑主语是不定代词或指示代词时(如someone, anyone, this等):

She was awakened by someone knocking on the window.

Is there any likelihood of this being true?

▲ 当V-ing的逻辑主语是较长的名词词组时:

Mary insisted on Tom, Sam coming to the party together.

Is there any chance of the people in the back of the room talking a little louder?


动名词也可以在介词后作宾语。 例句: He is fond of swimming.

They talked about going abroad.


be used to doing, be accustomed to doing, be devoted to doing, object to doing, look forward to doing, with a view to doing, confess to doing, take to doing

例句: I am used to sleeping with the light on.

Do you object to working on Sundays?

三、动名词和其他句型的转换 1. before /after V-ing…

I had turned off the TV before going out. =I had turned off the TV before I went out.

2. on V-ing…

On hearing the news, I changed my plans.

=AS soon as I heard the news ,I changed my plans.

3. can’t help V-ing…

I just can’t help missing you when you are not around. =I just can’t help but miss you when you are not around.

4. it goes without saying that…

It goes without saying that health is better that wealth.
