
发布时间 : 星期日 文章新东方名师-非谓语动词更新完毕开始阅读

warming up exercises 看看我会了多少:

1. It is known to all that English is not an easy language ______. A. to be learned B. to learning C. to learn D. learning

2. I couldn’t do anything but ______there and hope. A. just sit B. just sitting C. just to sit D. just to sitting

3. The total influence of literature upon the course of human history______.

A. is difficult to evaluate B. is difficult to evaluate it C. difficult to evaluate it D. it is difficult to evaluate

4. Whenever I feel lonesome, I always find someone______. A. to talk B. to talk to C. talking D. to be talked

5. After being scolded, George finally confessed ______the money.

A. to steal B. to have stolen C. stealing C. to having stolen


在英语中,单独的某个动词只能用作谓语,要想让动词能充当主语、宾语、表语,补语、定语、状语、同位语和独立成分等角色,就得改变动词本来的结构,第一种方法就是采用动词不定式。不定式的基本形式是“to + 动词原形”,有时to 可以省略。不定式具有名词,形容词和副词的基本特征,因此,它可以在句子中充当的成分十分灵活。



1. 动词不定式的 词性和作用 2. 动词不定式的 实用句型 3. 动词不定式的 特殊用法

动词不定式的词性和作用 当名词用时,它可以: 1、作主语 【例句】: To ignore this would be a mistake.

It made us very angry to hear him talk like that. It is more important not to think lies.


例句: I’m longing to see Judy again.

They found it impossible to get everything ready in


We thought it unnecessary to argue with him about


① 常跟不定式作宾语的动词有:(超级重点!)

want,afford, agree, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, choose, claim, dare, decide, decline, determine, expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, happen, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seek, tend, volunteer ② 也可以用疑问代词(副词)+ 不定式”来作宾语: 例句:

My mother will teach me how to cook the dish.

He didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry when he

heard the words.

3. 作表语

例句: Our task is to clean the windows.

That boy seems to be a college student.

超级难点:All you can do now is wait until we come.

4. 作同位语 例句:

His ambition, to be a pilot, was never fulfilled.

We’ll soon have to face that annual problem — what to give her for her birthday.

做形容词用时,它可以: 5. 作定语 (重要口语表达!)

例句: I have something to do.

She has a lot of things to tell you.


Let’s first find a room to put the things in. There is nothing for us to worry about.


例句: Linda asked Tom to buy her a book written by the essayist. 要点:

常跟不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask, advise, allow, beg, tell, invite, force, oblige, get, help, wish, want, like, hate, prefer, intend, expect, persuade, permit, remind, order, warn, cause, urge等。 【考点点津】:

① 在表示使役和感官的动词(如make, let, have, see, hear, watch,

notice, feel)后作宾补的不定式的用法: 例句:

I often hear him sing this song. Don’t forget to have him come.

Someone was heard to come up the stairs. They were made to work day and night.

② hope, demand和suggest不可接不定式作宾语补足语。 误:He hoped me to give him more help. 正:He hoped that I would give him more help. 误:I suggest him to go with me. 正:I suggest that he should go with me.

作副词时,它可以: 7. 作状语 例句:

She came to see me yesterday. (目的)

He opened the door for her to come in. (目的) We were surprised to hear the news. (原因) He is old enough to join the army.(结果)

超级重点: in order to, so as to, too…to, …enough…to, only to,

8. 作独立成分 例句:

To tell you the truth, I am not in favor of your


Among writers of his age, he was, so to speak, a giant among dwarfs.

He was rude, to say the least of it.


(一) for + 名词+ to do 例句:

It is impossible for us to finish the work without your



I think it necessary for you to look into the case yourself. (二) adj. + of +人+ to do

在和人有关的形容词的后面,经常采用该句型。常见的有:brave, careless, clever, cruel, foolish, greedy, rude, right, silly, selfish, stupid, thoughtful, wise, wrong等。 例句:

It was very kind of you to say so.

It was careless of Tom to lose the key. It was wise of her to do that.
