
发布时间 : 星期日 文章新目标英语八下unit+7导学案更新完毕开始阅读


课型:新授课 授课时间: 班级和小组: 学生: 执笔: 审核: 审批: 印制数量: 八年级下册unit7 第1课时 section A(1a— Grammar Focus) 备注 【学习目标】 掌握重点短语:mind, turn down, yard, move your bike, right away, not at all 掌握重点句子1. Would you mind doing the dishes? turning down the music? —No, not at all./ OK, I’ll do it right away. /Sorry, I’ll do it in a minute. 2. Would you mind not sleeping late not wearing old jeans? —I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.Would you mind 【重难点预见】Would you mind doing…?和Do you mind doing…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。 【知识链接】 1.mind用法:请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。 1)Would you mind…?和Do you mind…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。 mind后面可以用V-ing形式,复合结构 one’s doing或if引导的从句。 1)Would/Do you mind doing sth.? *Would you mind doing the dishes? =Do you mind doing the dishes? = Please do the dishes. 请把餐具洗了好吗? (表示请求别人做事) *Would you mind turning down the radio? = Do you mind turning down the radio? 请把收音机关小点好吗? *Would you mind my opening the window? =Do you mind my opening the window? = Can I open the window? 我可以开窗吗? 注意:这个句型的否定形式是在mind后加not,即Would you mind not…?或Do you mind not…? Would you mind not playing basketball here? 你不要在这打篮球好吗? Would you mind not wearing those old jeans? 2)答语:在回答带有 mind的问句时要注意:yes或no 都是针对mind选用的。Yes表示介意,在乎,意思是不让对方做某事;No表示不介意,不在乎,意思是允许对方做某事。有时也可用OK同意对方的请求。 介意: 不介意: Yes, I do. No, not at all./No,do plaese. Yes, please don’t. Sorry, I’ll……(I’ll do it right away.) Yes, you’d better not. OK, I’ll……(I’ll get up now.) Sorry, but I do. Certainly not./ Of course not. 【学习流程】 【自主学习·预习案】 ■预习指导:仔细阅读教材p52-53,将学习目标、重难点所涉及的内容用蓝、黑笔


勾画出来,并将存在的问题用红色的笔勾画或记录在书中相应的位置,然后完成p52,1a. ■预习反馈: 一、英汉互译。 1.介意做某事 ______ 2.院子 _____ 3.把…调低 _________ 4.立刻 ______ 5.put on ____ 6.一点也不 __________ 7.移动自行车__________8. in a minute________9.another pair_______ 二.根据句意、音标或首字母提示完成单词。 1. I have to clean the y_____ before breakfast. 2. Would you mind w______ the dishes? 3.— Don’t wear those old jeans. They look t_______. —Ok, I’ll put on a______ pair. 4. Could you please m______ your bike? 5. She is getting out _____ the car. 【合作学习·探究案】 ■活动1:小组认真观察1a的图画,结合预习的内容,谈论怎样表达请求。 〖问题1〗 〖问题2〗 ■活动2;听力大测试, 1.听录音,完成p52,1b,后给出正确答案。 2.听录音,完成p53,2a,2b。 3.关上书,复述关键句型。 ■活动3:小组练习对话 ■活动4:熟读grammar focus,并背诵。 〖展示提升〗小组练习后上台表演对话,完成2c. 【过关检测·过关案】 一、单项选择 ( )1.--Would you mind moving your bike a little to make room for me ? -- . A .Yes , I would B. Ok , I’ll do it right now. C .Wait a moment D . No, I won’t do it ( )2.I’ll do it ____a minute . A. at B. on C. in D. after ( )3. ---Would you mind ____your room ? --- I’m sorry . I’ll do it right away . A. clean B. to clean C. cleans D. cleaning ( )4. ---Could you please ____ the dishes ? ---Ok. A. washing B. to wash C. wash D. washes ( )5.—Do you mind if I open the window? —_____. A. No, of course not B. Thank you very much C. Yes, please D. I’ll be glad to


( )6.Would you please _____ talk in class? A. A.don’t B. not C. not to D. won’t ( )7.He won’t telephone us until he _____ back. A. A.come B. comes C. came D. will come ( )8.—May I smoke here? —_____ A. Yes, please. B. Yes, you must. C. No, you may. D. I’m afraid not. ( )9 don’t know _____ I can do for you. A. A.who B. that C. what D. which ( )10. The car is in the way. Would you mind moving it? Sorry, I’ll do it _____. A. in a minute B.a minute ago C. after a minute D. for a minute 〖自主反思〗 知识盘点: 心得感悟: 八年级下册Unit 7 第2课时(Section A 3a—4) 【学习目标】 重点短语be at a meeting / have a meeting, go to a movie, help me make dinner, no problem; help me with my homework, babysit your little cousin, make posters, school open day 重点句型:would you mind… Could you please… Have to … Please … 【重难点预见】1.能使用目标语言礼貌的提出要求。 2.能写一张留言条。 【知识链接】 1.If I finish these tasks, we can go to a movie tonight. 如果你完成了这些任务,我们今晚就可以去看电影。 (1)task是可数名词,一般指分派的工作任务,也指自己要求的工作。 例句:I didn’t finish these tasks until it was dark.直到傍晚我才完成这些任务。 (2)work是不可数名词,可以指为完成某事或达到某种目的而付出的脑力或体力劳动,比较抽象。 例句:I have a lot of work to do tonight.今晚我有许多工作要做。 (3)job是可数名词,主要指需要做的具体的工作、职业等。 例句:His father found a new job.他的爸爸找到了一份新工作。 2.Could you help me with my homework? 你能帮我做家庭作业吗? help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人。还可以说help sb.(to) do sth. 例句:I often help my mother to make dinner.我经常帮助妈妈做饭。 3. the help of…在……的帮助下. 例句:With the help of her, my English has improved a lot. 在她的帮助下,我的英语进步很大。 4.OK. I’ll do them in a minute.好的,我一会儿就做。 in a minute一会儿与其类似的表达还有:soon, in a minute, in a few seconds等,多用



于将来时,表示即将去做某事。 例句:I’ll clean the room in a minute.我一会儿就去打扫房间。 5.I’m going shopping.我要去购物。 (1)在英语中come, go, leave等移动性动词可以用现在进行时表示将来。 例句:---Jim, where are you? Supper is ready.吉姆,你在哪儿?晚饭准备好了。 ---I’m coming.我这就来。 We’re going to the Children’s Palace.我们要去少年宫。 ( 2 ) go shopping去购物。 go+v.ing是一种固定的表达方式,一般表示娱乐、消遣的动作。如:go swimming去游泳,go fishing去钓鱼, go skating去滑冰, go hunting去打猎, go sightseeing去观光旅游, go hiking去徒步旅行 【学习流程】 【自主学习·预习案】 ■预习指导:1.预习Section A 3a—4,自学本课生词,短语及句型,并能读写生词; 2.学习【知识链接】内容; ■预习反馈 英汉互译 1. 在开会_________________ 2. 调低电视_________________ 3. 照顾你的小堂弟___________________ 4. no problem___________________ 5. make posters________________ 6. school open day_________________ 【合作学习·探究案】 ■ 活动1:小组交流自学成果,完成书上的便条。 ■ 活动2:组长带领组员熟读课文,并指定课堂朗读人选。 〖展示提升〗 用”would you, could you,have to” 填空,并编对话。 A: mind getting? You help me in the kitchen. B: Ok, I’ll get up right away. Do I wash the dishes? A: Yes,and you help me make dinner. B: Ok,when I finish, help me with my homework? A: Sure. 【过关检测·过关案】 一、用括号中动词的适当形式填空。 1.Would you mind __________(clean) your room? 2. Could you please__________ (clean) your room? 3.Why don’t you__________ (clean) your room ? 4. Why not__________ (clean) your room? 5. Please __________ (clean) your room? 二、按要求完成下列各题 1. What does this word mean? (同义句改写) ________ the _______ of this word? 2. Tom is the strongest boy in our class. (同义句改写) Tom is _______ than _____ ______ boy in our class. 3. Tom’s grandfather began to read two years ago. He is reading now. (同义句改写)

