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我们要根据形势的发展来调整政策。We must make adjustments in our policy in response to changing of the situation. 请大家积极参与单位的体制改革。Everyone is called on to take an active role in the systematic reform of one’s work. 他总是以积极的态度处理各种问题。He takes a positive attitude in dealing with all kinds of problems.

发言者先简短的做了自我介绍,然后开始演讲。The speaker began his speech after a brief self-introduction. 我先介绍一下本公司的主要产品。Let me start by saying a few words about our company’s main products. 你能否介绍一下你的成功经验?could you tell us how you achieved your success?

如果不是朋友介绍,他不会得到那个职位。Only with his friend’s recommendation was he able to get his job.

我国的一项基本国策式发展乡镇企业。Promoting the growth of township and village enterprises is an integral part of our national policy.


In Beijing, the tourist guide has to walk a lot because there are so many places to see; in Xi’an, he has to talk a lot because there are so many histories to tell; in Guilin, he doesn’t have to talk or walk a lot because the beautiful mountains and rivers are attractive enough for the travelers themselves to see and enjoy.

The charming of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders of leaps and sparkles or just glows. 交谈的魅力在于不能确定它始于何处,也无人料及会通向何方,它时而缓流蜿蜒,时而水流涌急,时而火花闪烁,时而炽热通明。

Each conqueror in his turn raising a new dynasty and new monuments to his own glory in this region has all passed into history. 一个又一个的征服者相继在此建立新的王朝,树立新的丰碑,以显示其不朽的功业,然而最终却通通如过往云烟,化为历史遗迹。

A few years ago, it was thought unusual that programs could ever be called up by viewers to be displayed on their TV screens at home.几年前,人们认为,观众能够打电话要求在自家的电视屏幕上播出节目是一件稀罕事。

风和日丽fine and warm 走南闯北travel extensively 欢天喜地in rapture 洁白无瑕spotless white

平淡无奇lack distinction/insipid

PLC public limited company上市公司 Ltd limited有限(责任)公司 Inc incorporated股份有限的

吃在广州 food/delicacy in Guangzhou

解放前、解放后 before/after the founding of People’s Republic of China 饭桶good-for-nothing

饭碗 rice bowl(lose one’s job) 吃不开be unpopular

吃不了兜着走get into serious trouble 吃不消be unable to stand

吃不住 be unable to bear or support 吃老本live off one’s past gains

吃软不吃硬be open to persuasion but not to compulsion 吃闲饭lead an idle life 吃香be very popular

吃奶的力气the last strength 使劲 strain every muscle

吃力不讨好be a fool for one’s pains 吃眼前亏suffer loss under one’s nose 消防车fire engine 三轮车pedicab 人力车jinrick-shaw 救护车ambulance 鸡毛feather 羊毛wool 牛毛ox hair 猪毛bristle 卡丁车 go-kart 华伦天奴 Valentino

花旗参 American ginseng 黄金时间prime time 花式调酒flair bartending 猎头head hunter 激流勇进flume ride

旋转木马merry-go-round 摩天轮ferris wheel 米字旗Union Jack Pearl S Buck赛珍珠 靳羽西Yui Sai Kan

卢沟桥the Marco Polo Bridge 编辑部editorial office 培训部training department 师部division headquarters 文化部Ministry of culture 黑马dark horse

随行人员entourage /party 不二价 one price

收音耳机a headset radio 太平门emergency exit

九五折a five percent discount 油漆未干wet paint 邮件截止日mail day 教练车student driver 听电话answer the phone 最新消息latest news 好票good seats 得失loss and gain

异同similarities and differences 不论晴雨rain or shine

中小型企业small and medium-size business 桃源问津inquiring the way to Shangri-la 美食城food court 新技术区technopolis 情场老手beauty hunter

以外贸企业为龙头with the foreign trade firms as the locomotive\\flagship 用品goods

体育用品sports goods 办公用品office supplies 文化用品stationery 钓鱼用品fishing gear 生活用品daily necessities 盥洗用品toilet articles
