
发布时间 : 星期四 文章我国食品安全现状及其检测新技术的应用更新完毕开始阅读



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附 件

Food Safety in the Twenty-First Century

The past decade has taught us that pathogenic microorganisms are adapting themselves to processing treatments and environmental conditions once thought to be effective in controlling their proliferation. Genetic exchange is sprouting new varieties of bacterial strains with increased abilities to cause disease. The scientific community must adopt a proactive approach, including an aggressive research agenda that seeks to determine the ecology of the food production and processing environments, as well as the basic biology of pathogenic organisms. In addition, it is crucial that we develop a well-integrated educational strategy that seeks to educate industry and consumers.

Issues Facing Food Safety

When we examine the historical overview presented above, we conclude that there are three basic issues, which must be addressed in the coming century if we are to make an impact in the improvement of food satiety: our limited knowledge about food safety risks; the limited applicaion and availability of effective intervention strategies; and limited educational efforts. Limited Knowledge of Food Safety Risks

In considering the risks to food safety, we must think in terms of the food continuum from farm to table. Although much is known regarding how some organisms cause disease and how they are introduced into our food supply, we do not have a complete picture of how the practices that we employ from production to distribution impact the contamination of foods. For example, how do animal husbandry practices affect colonization with food-borne pathogens, as well as contamination of the farm environment? How do agents of disease interact with the animal host, and how do



these interactions affect the ability of the animal to carry and/or spread these organisms?

In addition our knowledge of some of the basic science behind microbial behavior is limited. For instance, how do microorganisms develop resistance to treatments designed to eliminate them? What environmental factors affect the emergence of new pathogens in nature? These and other unanswered questions are what stand in the way of our ability to proactively prevent future outbreaks since they are at the core of our ability to assess the risk that food production, processing, and preparation pose to food safety.

Limited Application Of Effective Intervention Strategies

In the past few years, several strategies have been developed and tested for the decontamination of animal carcasses at the slaughterhouse as well as strategies for the sanitation of fresh tits and vegetables. These strategies include organic acid rinses, hot water treatments, and steam pasteurization (Corry et al., 1995). However, the use of several of these strategies in combination has not been sufficiently elucidated. Moreover, the opportunity for recontamination of foods after treatment can occur, yet our strategies for minimizing such events are limited. If we are to impact the safety of our food supply, we need to use several strategies throughout the food continuum. For example, at the farm level, feeding regimens, type of feed used competitive exclusion, vaccine development, and genetic manipulation could be employed to prevent colonization and shedding of pathogens from the intestinal tract of animals.

In the case of tits and vegetables, practices used on the farm can impact the level and type of contaminant present on the crop (BeuchaL 1996). The type and method of application of fertilizer,the source and frequency of irrigation and genetic manipulation of surface properties could have an impact on the reduction of contaminants attaching to plant tissue. In addition the handling and storage of produce often leads to the spread and growth of microbial contaminants. Washing regimens as well as the application of novel

