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T: Now look at the two pictures. What can you see in the picture? S: I can see¡­

T: What are they talking about? S:¡­(nature) 2. Listen and answer

T: Baobao and Sara want to know what nature is. How do they find out the answer? Let¡¯s listen.

S:¡­(They find out on the internet.) (ÀûÓõçÄÔÉÏÍøÂç°ïѧÉúÀí½â£¬È»ºó½øÐÐÁ·Ï°¡£) T: Can you tell me what nature is? What does the internet say? Let¡¯s listen again. S: It says: everything is nature¡ª¡ª water, air and trees¡­ T: (show pictures) What¡¯s this?

S: It¡¯s water/trees/rain/ snow¡­ (°åÊé, Á·Ï°µ¥´Ê)

T: They are all parts of nature. So everything is nature.(¾ä×Ó°åÊ飬Á·Ï°everything) S: ¡­

T: If there is no water, call we live? S: No.

T: So we can say: we can¡¯t live without water. (°åÊ飬Á·Ï°live, without) S: ¡­

T: If there is no air, call we live? S: No.

T: So we can say: we can¡¯t live without air. (ÀûÓõ¥´Ê¿¨Á·Ï°air) S: ¡­

T: We can¡¯t live without water. We can¡¯t live without air. So we can¡¯t live without these things. (°åÊé) S: ¡­

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»î¶¯Ä¿±ê£ºÑ§ÉúÌý¼Òô¸ú¶Á£¬²ÙÁ·¿ÎÎÄÖеľäÐÍ¡£ ʵʩ·½·¨¼°Ê¦ÉúÓïÑÔ£º 1. Listen and repeat the sentence.


2. Read together and between boys and girls. 3. Open the books and read the text by yourself.

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Make in pairs and practice the text.

Éè¼ÆÒâͼ£ºÍ¨¹ý¶Ô»°²ÙÁ·£¬Ê¹Ñ§Éú½øÒ»²½ÊìÁ·ÕÆÎÕ¿ÎÎÄ¡£ £¨Èý£©Production

»î¶¯1£º½ÇÉ«±íÑÝ/ ´´±à¶Ô»°

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1. Make in groups and practice the text.

2. Role play the text before class./ Make a new dialogue.


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1. We live on ____(the Earth, the Sun, the moon) 2. We ____(can, cannot) live without meat. 3. Everything ____(am, is, are) nature. 4. We can not live ____(with, without) air. 5. The trees cannot live without ___ (water, meat) (¶þ) ¸øµ¥´Ê»®·Ö´ÊÀà¡£

Water, air, star, tree, the moon, tiger, live, become, go, cat, sun, dog, ÓîÖ棺 ¶¯Î ¶¯´Ê£º ×ÔÈ»£º



Lesson 25 We can¡¯t live without air. We can¡¯t live without water. these things.

Unit Seven What Is Nature?

Lesson 26


1. Now I can understand 2. Now I know the sound 3. Now I can read 4. Now I can write ¶þ¡¢ ½ÌѧĿ±ê£º £¨Ò»£©ÖªÊ¶Óë¼¼ÄÜÄ¿±ê£º

1. ѧÉúÄܹ»Ìý¶®¡¢»á˵¡¢ÕýÈ·Êéд¼°ÔËÓñ¾µ¥ÔªËùѧµ¥´Ê£¬²¢ÔÚʵ¼ÊÇé¾°ÖкÏÊÊÔËÓᣠ2. ѧÉúÄܹ»Óá­ becomes ¡­. How is the weather? Where does ¡­ live? ¡­ lives on/in/by¡­. We can¡¯t live without ¡­. ̸ÂÛÌìÆø¡¢ÌìÆø±ä»¯¡¢¾ÓסµÄ×ÔÈ»»·¾³¼°´ó×ÔÈ»µÄÖØÒªÐÔ¡£

3. ѧÉúÄܹ»Ä£·ÂÀʶÁËù¸øÓïÑÔ²ÄÁÏ£¬Ê¶±ð×Öĸo,al µÄ¶ÁÒô²¢ÄÜÆ´¶Á·ûºÏ¹æÂɵ¥´Ê¡£ 4. ѧÉúÄܹ»¸ù¾ÝÓ¢ÎĽâÊÍÅжϲ¢Õýȷд³öÏàÓ¦µ¥´Ê¡£ £¨¶þ£©¹ý³ÌÓë·½·¨Ä¿±ê£º

1. ͨ¹ý¸´Ï°µ¥´Ê£¬Ð¡×éÌÖÂÛ£¬Ê¦ÉúÎÊ´ðµÈÍê³É¡°Now I can write£»Now I can read¡±¡£ 2. ͨ¹ý¸´Ï°±¾µ¥Ôªµ¥´ÊºÍ¾äÐÍ£¬¿´Í¼ÎÊ´ð£¬ÌýÒô»Ø´ðµÈÍê³ÉNow I can understand£¬Í¨¹ýС×éÌÖÂÛÃèÊöËù¿´µ½µÄͼƬNow I can say¡£

3. Äܹ»ÕÆÎÕ×Öĸ¡°o£¬al¡±ÔÚµ¥´ÊÖеķ¢Òô£¬Äܹ»¶Á³öһЩ¼òµ¥µÄµ¥´Ê¡£


4. ͨ¹ý¿´Í¼ÀʶÁ£¬Ð¡×éÌÖÂÛ¼°¼ì²éµÈÍê³Éµ¥´ÊÊéд¡£ £¨Èý£©Çé¸Ð̬¶È¼ÛÖµ¹ÛÄ¿±ê:

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1. ѧÉúÄܹ»Ìý¶®¡¢»á˵¡¢ÕýÈ·Êéд¼°ÔËÓñ¾µ¥ÔªËùѧµ¥´Ê£¬²¢ÔÚʵ¼ÊÇé¾°ÖкÏÊÊÔËÓᣠ2. ѧÉúÄܹ»ÔËÓñ¾µ¥Ôª½»¼ÊÓÃÓï¡£

3. ѧÉúÄܹ»Ä£·ÂÀʶÁËù¸øÓïÑÔ²ÄÁÏ£¬Ê¶±ð×Öĸo,al µÄ¶ÁÒô²¢ÄÜÆ´¶Á·ûºÏ¹æÂɵ¥´Ê¡£ £¨¶þ£©Äѵ㣺

Äܸù¾ÝÓ¢ÎĽâÊÍÅжϲ¢Õýȷд³öÏàÓ¦µÄµ¥´Ê¡£ ËÄ¡¢½Ì¾ß×¼±¸£º 1. ±¾¿ÎÒôƵÎļþ 2. Óйشó×ÔÈ»µÄ¿Î¼þ Îå¡¢½Ìѧ¹ý³Ì£º £¨Ò»£©Warming-up »î¶¯1£ºRevision

»î¶¯Ä¿±ê: ¸´Ï°±¾µ¥Ôªµ¥´ÊºÍ¿ÎÎÄ¡£ ʵʩ·½·¨¼°Ê¦ÉúÓïÑÔ£º 1. Flash cards.

2. Review the texts and act it out in pairs.

Éè¼ÆÒâͼ£ºÍ¨¹ý¸´Ï°µ¥´ÊºÍ¿ÎÎÄ£¬¼¤»î¾ÉÖª£¬ÎªÍê³É±¾µ¥ÔªÁ·Ï°×öÆ̵档 £¨¶þ£©Presentation and Practice »î¶¯1£ºListen and choose

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T: Now look at the pictures. How¡¯s the weather? S: It¡¯s raining.

T: Look at other pictures. Make in pairs and make a dialogue. S: ¡­

T: Now let¡¯s listen and choose. S: ¡­.

