北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课

发布时间 : 星期二 文章北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课更新完毕开始阅读


六、评价监控(针对知识与技能目标的练习题) 1. 圈出正确的答案

1. In summer we often get a lot of _____.(snow, rain) 2. Water can become ____(rain, ice) in cold winter. 3. Snow becomes water in the ____. (sun, star) 4. Rain fall down from the ___ (sky, table) in summer. 5. Which season can we make a snowman? (Summer, Winter) 把单词进行归类,其中有一个不是任何一类的。

Winter, cold, rain, summer, hot, spring, snow, wind, cloud, down, fall, warm, cool 季节: 天气: 名词:



Lesson 23 How’s the weather in …? It’s … .

Unit Seven What is nature?

Lesson 24 第一课时


一、教学内容: 1. 主题课文:

What do you do on weekends? I often go to parks or take long walks. Sounds interesting. You are close to nature. Yes, I love nature.

I’m going to visit my uncle this winter vacation. Where does he live?

He lives on a farm. He’s a farmer. 2. 功能句型:

Where does he live? He lives on a farm. 3. 语音与词汇:

语音:o / ?? /, al / ?: /, ar / a: / 词汇:

walk, interesting, close, farmer 4. 语法

一般现在时:动词和助动词的三单形式,一般将来时。 四、 教学目标: (一)知识与技能目标:

1. 学生能够在谈论周末活动及寒假计划的文本语境中理walk, interesting, farmer, close,等词的含义, 及能够听、说、读这些单词, 并能在谈论周末及假期活动的语境中运用。 2. 学生能够在谈论周末或假期活动的情境中用Where does/do … live ? He/She/ We/They live(s) on/in/by…. 谈论居住地点。

3. 学生能正确的理解、朗读课文,程度好的可以表演和创编对话。 (二)过程与方法目标:

1. 利用拼读法,看单词卡等来认读单词,通过图片,语言的讲解,体态语的使用等方法,帮助学生更好的对单词进行理解。

2. 通过头脑风暴、师生问答来复习动词短语,再通过听录音回答问题,听录音跟读,



3. 通过看图、师生问答、听录音跟读等方法帮助学生理解课文的含义,并通过整体、小组、个人练习的方式来操练句型,进行语言输出。 (三)情感态度价值观目标:

学生在谈论亲近大自然活动过程中,能建立户外休闲方式的意识。 三、教学重难点: (一)重点:

1. 用“Where does he live? He lives on a farm.”询问某人居住地并做出应答。 2. 认读词汇walk, interesting, farmer, close并能在实际情景中运用。 (二)难点:

正确运用“Where does he live? He lives on a farm.”询问某人居住地并做出应答。四、教具准备:

1. 写有walk, interesting, farmer, close单词的卡片 2. 本课音频文件 3. 有关动词短语的课件 五、教学过程:(说明讲解) (一)Warming-up 活动1:Brainstorm

活动目标: 复习已学动词短语。 师生预设语言:

T: I often go to parks on weekends. (Show pictures) What do they do on weekends? S: ...

T: Well, what do you do on weekends? S: I often… …

设计意图:通过复习所学动词短语,激活旧知,为本课学习做铺垫。 (二)Presentation and Practice 活动1:Learn the text

活动目标: 通过看图、听音问答,学习、理解单词和课文对话。 实施方法及师生语言: Part 1


1. Look and say

T: Now look at part 1. Who are they? Where are they? S:...

2. Listen and answer

T: Can you guess what they are talking about? Let’s listen. S: …(weekends)

T: What does Mike ask? Let’s listen again.

S: What do you do on weekends? (板书, 提示学生weekends: every Saturday and Sunday) T: What does Sara answer? Let’s listen again. S: I often go to parks or take long walks.

(板书,关注walk, 利用肢体语言帮助学生理解后练习) T: That sounds interesting. Right? (利用单词卡学习interesting) S: …

T: Why is it interesting?

S: …(Because it’s close to nature.)

T: 关注close 发音及其词意,利用词卡让学生练习。 Part 2

1. Look and say

T: Now look at part 2. What can you see in the picture? S: I can see.. 2. Listen and answer

T: What is Mike going to do this winter vacation? Let’s listen. S: …(He’s going to visit his uncle)

T: Where does his uncle live? What does his uncle do? S: …(He lives on a farm. He’s a farmer.)


设计意图:通过观察主题图片,听课文录音、师生问答等帮助学生获取课文信息, 理解课文大意,并通过整体、小组、个人的方式学习和理解单词。 活动2:Listen and repeat

活动目标:学生听录音跟读,操练课文中的句型。 实施方法及师生语言:

