北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课

发布时间 : 星期一 文章北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课更新完毕开始阅读

3. 学生能正确的理解、朗读课文,程度好的可以表演和创编对话。 (二)过程与方法目标:

1. 利用拼读法、图片、单词卡等帮助学生学习和理解单词。

2. 通过头脑风暴、师生问答来复习季节,天气类单词,再利用看图、听音问答的环节来帮助学生来理解和描述各个季节的天气特点和现象;同时帮助学生更好的理解句型的含义和表述方式。

3. 通过看图、师生问答、听录音跟读等方法帮助学生理解课文的含义,并通过整体、小组、个人练习的方式来操练句型,进行语言输出。 (三)情感态度价值观目标:

学生能够对水的两种形态及天气特点感兴趣,有进一步探究的想法。 三、教学重难点: (一)重点:

1. 用“How’s the weather in Sydney? Bad. It’s raining”询问某地的天气状况并做出 回答 ;用“Ice /…can become water /….”说出冰、雪、雨、水的变化。 2. 认读词汇hot, become, clever, ice, 并能在实际情景中运用。 (二)难点:

用“Ice /…can become water /….”说出冰、雪、雨、水的变化,理解自然现象的产生。 四、教具准备:

1. 冰、雪、雨、水的图片及单词卡片 2. 写有hot, become, clever, ice单词的卡片 3. 本课音频文件

4. 有关天气和季节的课件 五、教学过程:(说明讲解) (一)Warming-up 活动1:Free talk

活动目标: 为学生创设英语氛围,激活旧知。 师生预设语言: T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss...

T: What’s the weather like today? S: It’s …


T: Do you know how many seasons are there in a year? S: There are four. T: What are they?

S: Spring, summer, fall, winter. (show the pictures)

T: Well, what’s the weather like in spring/summer/fall/winter? S: It’s …

T: Well, what season is it now? S: It’s winter.

T: What do we have in winter, snow or rain? S: Snow.

T: It snows in winter in Beijing. In what season does it often rain in Beijing? S: In summer. T: That’s right.

设计意图:通过出示图片和师生问答复习季节和天气类单词,为本课学习做铺垫。(二)Presentation and Practice 活动1:Learn the text

活动目标: 通过看图、听音问答,学习、理解单词和课文对话。 实施方法及师生语言: Part 1

1. Look and say

T: Now look at part 1. Who are they? What’s the weather like? S: ....

T: Can you guess what Lala says? S: ….

2. Listen and answer

T: Let’s listen. What does Lala say first? S: … (It doesn’t snow in summer.)

T: Do you know why it doesn’t snow in summer? Let’s listen again. S: Because it’s hot and snow becomes rain.

(肢体语言表示hot,图示 in summer: snow becomes rain,学习单词hot, become。T: It snows in winter, do you know why?

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S: Because it’s cold and rain becomes snow in winter. (可给出句型结构再让学生回答) (图示 in winter: rain becomes snow

T: Clever! Ice can become water and water can become snow. (用手势和单词卡学习clever, 用图片学习ice,进行图示。) Part 2

1. Look and say

T: Now look at part 2. What can you see in the picture? S: I can see..

T: Can you guess what they are talking about.? S: …(weather) 2. Listen and answer

T: Clever! How’s the weather in Beijing and Sydney? Let’s listen. (板书How’s the weather in …? = What’s the weather like in …?) S: It’s raining in Sydney. It’s snowing in Beijing.

T: What degrees is in Beijing/Sydney? ( 给提示 Beijing ____℃, Sydney ____℃) S: …(练习温度的英文读法)

设计意图:通过观察主题图片,听课文录音、师生问答等帮助学生获取课文信息, 理解课文大意,并通过整体、小组、个人的方式学习和理解单词。 活动2:Listen and repeat

活动目标:学生听录音跟读,操练课文中的句型。 实施方法及师生语言: 1. Listen and repeat the sentence.

2. Read together and between boys and girls. 3. Open the books and read the text by yourself.

设计意图:锻炼学生的听力和朗读能力,使学生通过听录音跟读和自己朗读进一步掌握课文的语音语调。 活动3:Pair work and act

活动目标:进一步操练课文中的句型,利用小组对课文进行角色表演. 实施方法及师生语言:

Make in pairs and practice the text.




活动1:角色表演/ 创编对话

活动目标:进一步操练课文中的句型,程度弱的学生朗读对话,程度较好的表演对话,程度好的学生仿照课文创编对话。 实施方法及师生语言:

1. Make in groups and practice the text.

2. Role play the text before class./ Make a new dialogue.


六、评价监控(针对知识与技能目标的练习题) 1. 圈出正确的答案

1. It ____(don’t, doesn’t ) snow in summer. 2. It ____(rains, snows) in winter.

3. ____(What, How) is the weather in Beijing? It’s snowing. 4. Water can _____(becomes, become) ice in winter. 5. Ice becomes water in ____(winter, summer) 2. 看图完成句子。

It’s _________in winter, so water can become _____. It’s _________in summer, so _______ becomes rain.


