北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课

发布时间 : 星期二 文章北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课更新完毕开始阅读

pen, kind, which, blue, green, me, pair, please, comfortable , how much, buy, shop, sell, sure, dish, eat, salty, sweet, sour, order, bean ice cream, spoon, fried, chicken, wing, change, fall, down, become, right, ice, out, with, parent, close, nature, climb, tell, everything, live, without 本课时着重对6-7单元重点句型的听力能力、句子结构及词汇和字母组合发音等内容进行检测复习。 二、教学目标:


1. 复习5-7单元所学交际用语和句型,要求能听懂、会说并熟练运用。 2. 复习5-7单元所学词语,要求能听懂、会说并正确书写、表达及分类。 3. 复习字母组合ir、or及a在开音节的读音,能根据读音正确拼写单词。 (二)过程与方法目标:

1. 将本课练习作为检测练习,学生独立或集体完成后做出评价。

2. 老师根据学生完成情况发现学生掌握的薄弱环节,并进行有针对性的讲评。 3. 根据学生的薄弱环节,创设场景让学生进行反复巩固练习。并及时发现问题进行有针对性讲解。


1. 学生独立完成检测练习并对同伴完成情况做出评价,培养学生实事求是的精神。 2. 学生通过小组合作方式完成检测,加强了学生的合作意识及认真负责的做事态度。 三、教具准备: 1. 录音机或电脑。

2. 有关文具、鞋帽、食品、自然等方面图片及词汇的教学课件或单词卡片。 四、教学重难点:

教学重点:从听、说、读、写四个方面对5-7单元内容进行有检测性的练习 教学难点:查漏补缺,帮助学生进一步掌握各个知识点并有所提高。 五、教具 课件,单词卡片 六、教学过程: 活动1:

完成听力检测1. Tick or cross.

达成目标:教师将通过让学生观察、描述图片做听力前准备及听力练习、订正答案、鼓励学生复述所听内容等方式训练学生听力理解及判断正误的能力。 1)学生观察、描述图片做听力前准备

T: Look at the pictures, Can you describe them. First, let’s look at the first picture. What are they doing?

S: they are climbing hills.

T: (Ask the students describe other pictures one by one)


S: …


T: Listen to the tape twice and write down the answers.

S: (学生边听边写答案,独立完成。听后回答,老师订正答案,学生两人一组,相互打分)。

3)鼓励学生重复录音上听到的句子,完成好的给予奖励贴画。 4)请优秀学生代表带领学生朗读正确的句子。 录音内容:

1) Mike is climbing hills with his parents. 2) We cannot live without air.

3) We often go to parks on weekends with our parents. 4) Mike is eating a hamburger. 活动2:

完成听力检测2. Listen and number.

达成目标:教师将通过让学生观察图片做听力前准备及听力练习、订正答案、鼓励学生复述所听内容等方式训练学生听力理解能力并复习所学内容及现在进行时态。 1)学生观察、描述图片做听力前准备

T: Look at the pictures, Can you describe them. First, let’s look at the first picture. What is she doing?

S: Some animals,drinking water.

T: (Ask the students describe other pictures one by one) ,描述好的给予奖励。 S: …

2)请学生听录音两遍,边听边看图,按顺序标号。 T: Listen to the tape twice and write down the answers.

S: (学生边听边写答案,独立完成。听后回答,老师订正答案,学生两人一组,相互打分)。

3)鼓励学生重复录音上听到的句子,完成好的给予奖励贴画。 4)请优秀学生代表带领学生朗读正确的句子。

5) 听音指图: 请一名优秀学生任意说句子。将全班分成两大组。每大组选出一名学生代表到讲台前指出相应的画面,比赛快慢。(如果时间充裕可多选出几名学生进行比赛,调动学生们的积极性) 录音内容:

Lingling is reading a book.

They are having lunch in a restaurant. Kate is having lunch.

Maomao and his parents are having supper.



完成书写检测1. Put the word into a sentence.

达成目标:教师通过练习组织学生复习5-7单元要求掌握单词及借助连词组句的方式培养学生书写能力,巩固所学单词、短语和句型。 1)老师带学生共同完成第一题,交给学生做题方法。 a.先带学生认读词语。

b.找出可以搭配的短语:Everything around us

c.找出基本句型:…is ….提示学生, 根据句首单词首字母大写的规则,确定Everything 为句首单词.

d. 连词成句Everything around us is nature.

e. 检查: 注意所给词有无重复使用、抄错或落下的。读两遍,看看是否通顺。

2)请学生两人一组, 按照老师讲的方法、步骤进行组句练习,并用铅笔在书上写出句子。 3)老师随机抽查各组完成情况,完成又快又好的组奖励贴画。 4)让学生说出答案及订正答案。带领全班朗读正确的句子。 活动4:

完成书写检测1. Write words that have the same sound:ir,a,or.


1)用PPT课件出示带ir结构的单词,请同学观察划线部分并朗读单词。 T: Look at the words, pay attention to the structures and try to read them. S: ….


3)学生两人一组商量完成练习并在组内互相朗读所填单词,老师随机检查并给予指导。 4)将全班分成两大组,每大组派代表到台前展示,看看那个组表现好。老师订正答案并奖励优秀学生。


如:1. A. face B. make C. have D. gave 2. A. short B. sport C. forgot D. work (三)Production

(一)挑出其中划线部分与其他3个划线部分读音不一致的单词。 1. A. face B. make C. have D. gave 2. A. short B. sport C. forgot D. work (二)找出不同类的词并圈出来。 1. tree flower grass fish


2. summer winter fall season 3. nature ice snow water 4. go become hot fall 5. rain cool cold warm


Lesson 28 进行时: be+doing ir or

a+辅音字母+e be: is, are, am

Unit Eight Revision Lesson 28 第二课时


1.主题课文:Revision 5-7units 2.功能句型:复习5-7单元功能句

5单元:Which kind would you like? This kind looks nice.

Excuse me. May I look at that pair of shoes, please? Here you are. The red color will look nice on you. I think so, too.

6单元: What would you like to eat? I’d like some vegetables.

May I take your order now? Yes. I’d like a salad, fish, and green beans. It’s twenty-one yuan. Here is thirty yuan. Here is your change.

7单元: What falls down from the sky in winter? It’s snow.

What do you do on weekends? I often go out with my parents. We cannot live without water. We cannot live without air.


pen, kind, which, blue, green, me, pair, please, comfortable , how much, buy, shop, sell, sure, dish, eat, salty, sweet, sour, order, bean ice cream, spoon, fried, chicken, wing, change, fall, down, become, right, ice, out, with, parent, close, nature, climb, tell, everything, live, without 本课时着重对6单元及部分7单元重点句型的表达能力及阅读进行检测复习。 二、 教学目标:

