北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课

发布时间 : 星期二 文章北京版小学英语 四年级 上册 第七八单元分析+备课更新完毕开始阅读

六、评价监控(针对知识与技能目标的练习题) (一)填空

1. I’d like ________ and_________ fish, some green ________, and a bowl of ______ for lunch.

2. Nuts fall _______ from the trees. Some animals _______nuts. (二)选择合适的组合填空

ir er al ea

1.sk _ _ t 2. wint _ _ 3. sm _ _ l 4. f _ _ st 5. Decemb _ _ 6. l _ _f 7. f _ _ l 8. m _ _ l


Lesson 27

Revision 5-7units

Stationery:pen,pencil… al: ball call fall small Wear: shoes, cap, hat…

Nature: water, ice, rain, snow… ea: speak please bean eat Food: fish, rice, beans…

Unit Eight Revision Lesson 27 第二课时


1.主题课文:Revision 5-7units 2.功能句型:复习5-7单元功能句

5单元:Which kind would you like? This kind looks nice.

Excuse me. May I look at that pair of shoes, please? Here you are. The red color will look nice on you. I think so, too.

6单元: What would you like to eat? I’d like some vegetables.


May I take your order now? Yes. I’d like a salad, fish, and green beans. It’s twenty-one yuan. Here is thirty yuan. Here is your change.

7单元: What falls down from the sky in winter? It’s snow.

What do you do on weekends? I often go out with my parents. We cannot live without water. We cannot live without air.


pen, kind, which, blue, green, me, pair, please, comfortable , how much, buy, shop, sell, sure, dish, eat, salty, sweet, sour, order, bean icecream, spoon, fried, chicken, wing, change, fall, down, become, right, ice, out, with, parent, close, nature, climb, tell, everything, live, without 本课时着重对5单元及部分7单元重点句型的表达能力及阅读进行检测复习。 二、教学目标:


1. 复习5-7单元所学交际用语和句型,要求能听懂、会说并熟练运用。 2. 能用所学语言描述画面,给自然现象及动、植物等词汇分类,并说明理由。 3. 能读懂叙述语段。 三、教具准备: 1. 录音机或电脑。

2. 自然现象及动植物等方面单词卡片。 四、教学重难点:

教学重点:从听、说、读、写四个方面对5-7单元内容进行有检测性的练习 教学难点:查漏补缺,帮助学生进一步掌握各个知识点并有所提高。 五、教具 课件,单词卡 六、教学过程: (一)Warming up


活动目标:通过给自然现象及动植物等单词分类,让学生进一步巩固所学单词并引导学生理解生命与自然地关系,培养学生保护、热爱大自然的环保意识。 实施方法:

1)老师先板书Nature,让学生开展free talk,说出自己想到的内容,如:rain、 tree等。 2)指导学生阅读题目,明确题目要求,并朗读所给单词。

3)开展pair work,请学生讨论并把单词分成两组,填入nature 表格中。



5)请学生说出分组理由并做总结。 A组:things without life B组:things with life 活动2:

完成Can you tell?


1)开展free talk,师生一起看图,共同叙述每幅画的内容,从实物说起: T: What can you see in the picture? What are they doing? S: ….

2)开展 group work。3-4人一组描述每一幅画, 说出尽量多的信息。 参考问题如下:

Are there all kinds of pens in this stationary shop? What does the child doing?

Want does she say to the shop assistant? 活动3

完成Can you read?

达成目标:本部分内容是以叙述的形式再现第五单元内容。旨在通过学生的阅读、朗读,丰富学生的语言,帮助学生掌握词语在不同情境下的使用。复习巩固所学内容。 1)请学生逐段阅读文字,圈出理解有困难的词语。

2)开展 group work。讨论各自所圈的词语,理解语段内容,老师巡视指导并抽查提问,奖励优秀同学。

3)播放录音,请学生模仿录音中的语音、语调跟读、朗读语段。 4)学生自主朗读语段,请学生表演,奖励优秀学生。

5)教师板书: Maomao needs a pen. He goes to a shop to get one. 请同学注意划线部分。并请学生逐段仔细阅读,画出三单后动词加s或es。 6)鼓励学生背诵或复述语段。

六、评价监控(针对知识与技能目标的练习题) (一)会正确翻译下列句子:

1. There are all kinds of pens and pencils. They are of different colors. 2. Guoguo gets a pair of blue shoes. They are very comfortable.

3.Lingling’s mother takes her to a shop to buy a jacket. Lingling wants to try on the red one. It



looks really nice on her. (二)选择正确的答语: 1.Which kind would you like?

2. May I look at that pair of shoes, please? 3. What would you like to eat? 4. May I take your order now? 5. What do you often do on Saturdays? A. Here you are. B. I often go swimming. C. This kind looks nice.

D. Yes. I’d like a salad and some chicken. E. I’d like some fish. Lesson 27 Nature: things without life things with life 板书设计 教学反思

Unit Eight Revision

Lesson 28 第一课时


1.主题课文:Revision 5-7units 2.功能句型:复习5-7单元功能句

5单元:Which kind would you like? This kind looks nice.

Excuse me. May I look at that pair of shoes, please? Here you are. The red color will look nice on you. I think so, too.

6单元: What would you like to eat? I’d like some vegetables.

May I take your order now? Yes. I’d like a salad, fish, and green beans. It’s twenty-one yuan. Here is thirty yuan. Here is your change.

7单元: What falls down from the sky in winter? It’s snow.

What do you do on weekends? I often go out with my parents. We cannot live without water. We cannot live without air.


