仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语考试试卷(II )卷

发布时间 : 星期一 文章仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语考试试卷(II )卷更新完毕开始阅读

D . playing (7)

A . seeing B . looking C . watching D . reading (8)

A . about B . at C . off D . with (9)

A . doing B . do C . does D . to do (10)

A . eating B . walking C . climbing D . running

三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)

17. (10分)阅读理解

Mr.Benson lives in Seattle.He is an art teacher in a middle school.His wife(妻子)Jennifer works in a hospital.They have three children—two boys,Peter and Don,and a daughter Alice.

Mr.Benson is 42 years old.He is tall.He has short black hair and he has a beard(胡须).He likes wearing a hat when he goes out.Jennifer is of medium height.She likes sports very much.She goes to the sports center every Friday evening.Jennifer wears glasses and she has long blonde hair. Peter is 15.He has short black hair,like his father.He is tall.His brother,Don,is 13 years old.He has brown hair and is not very tall.

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Their sister,Alice.is 17.She has beautiful long black hair.She has a new computer.That's from her parents for her 17th birthday!She is very happy.

The Benson family has a Labrador dog,Benji.Benji is friendly.Many people in the neighborhood like it.


(1)Where does Jennifer work? A . In a middle school. B . In apost office. C . In ahospital. D . In abank.

(2)What does Mr.Benson look like? A . He is short. B . He has a beard. C . He wears glasses. D . He has brown hair.

(3)Who goes to the sports center every week? A . Jennifer. B . Peter. C . Don. D . Alice.

(4)How old is Alice? A . 13. B . 15. C . 17. D . 20.

(5)Benii is a . A . student B . teacher C . cat

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D . dog

18. (10分) More than 6000 children were expelled(开除)from US schools last year for bringng guns and bombs to school,the US Department of Education said on May 8.

The department gave a report on the expulsions(开除)as saying handguns accounted for 58 per cent of the 6093 expulsions in 1996—97,against 7 per cent for rifles or shotguns and 35 per cent for other types of firearms.

“The report is a clear sign that our nation’s public schools are cracking down(严惩)”on students who bring guns to school,“Education Secretary Richard Riey said in a statement.“We need to be tough-minded(坚强的)about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe.” In March 1997,an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old using hand-guns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro,Arkansas.In October,two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school.Two months later,a 14-year-old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in Daducab,Kentucky.

“Most of the expulsions,56 per cent,were from high schools,which have students from about age 13,34 per cent were from junior high schools and 9 per cent were from elementary schools.”The report said.

(1)From the first paragraph we can see that in the US schools ____________. A . students enjoy shooting

B . students are eager to be soldiers C . safety is a problem

D . students can make guns

(2)The report from the US Department of Education shows that _____________. A . the number of the expulsions is now large B . the number of the expulsions is wrong C . there are soldiers hiding among the students D . guns are out of control in US schools

(3)The main idea of paragraph four shows us _____________. A . some examples of shootings in US schools B . the Americans' feeling C . some famous schools

D . that some teachers were killed by students

(4)How many students were shot dead in 1997 in US schools? A . 10

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B . 9 C . 12 D . 22

(5)From this passage we know that ____________. A . every American cannot have guns B . only soldiers and police can have guns C . American citizens can own guns D . teachers have no money to buy guns

19. (8分) Some students, parents and teachers in Shanghai were surveyed last month. According to the result of the survey, the generation gap(代沟) between students and parents as well as teachers is becoming wider. Here is what they said.

Voice of the students:

“Our parents hold too high expectations which put us under lots of pressure. They care too much about our lives and studies,” one student said.

“It's impolite that some students’ parents read their children's diaries without permission!” one student said angrily.

“Some of our teachers are so serious that we can't make friends with them at all,” another student said sadly.

Voice of the parents:

One mother said, “After school, my daughter usually locks herself into her room and spends lots of time talking with others on the phone. And I can't stand her clothes and hairstyle!”

“I thought my son was doing very well in his studies. I didn't realize I was being cheated by him until I got a call from his teacher,” said a father.

Voice of the teachers:

An English teacher said, “Today, the role of the teacher is to put knowledge into students' brains. The power of teachers has kept students away from them.”

“Some parents pay too much attention to their children's grades instead of creating a lively and colorful environment at home,” another teacher said.

“In the past, teachers and students often played games together or talked with each other. Today, only studies and grades are talked about,” said a teacher. “A school should be a place where students can learn not only knowledge, but also how to face failure and frustration bravely enough.

(1)What can we know from the students'voice?

A . They hope to be free don’t want their parents to be very strict.

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