
发布时间 : 星期四 文章2016年甘肃交通职业技术学院单招模拟题(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读




(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分):

第1题:This passage is a(n)___________.

A. advertisement B. note C. story D. slogan 【正确答案】A


第2题:He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found ______ of them again.

A.either B. neither C. each D. All 【正确答案】A

讲解:考查代词。由“his tepmer and health”可以排除C项和D项,由后面的never表否定,选either,never either是全部否定,相当于neither 。

第3题:A.doing B.done C.do D.did


讲解:【解析】if引导条件句省略的主语是booking online 和do 之间是被动关系。

第4题:下列句子运用的修辞手法与例句相同的一项是( )

A.我想此时此刻,两位老人一定还坐在海边,像两座恒久的雕塑。 B.例外的只有破晓或入暮,那时山上只有一片微光,一片柔静,一片宁谧。 C.在园中最为落寞的时间,一群雨燕便出来高歌,把天地都叫喊得苍凉。D.《阿义可怜——疯话,简直是发了疯了。》花白胡子恍然大悟似的说。 【正确答案】C

讲解:A项比喻 B项排比 C项拟人 D项对比

第5题:下列各句中,从文言文特殊句式看,与例句句式相同的一项是 ( )例:戍卒叫,函谷举

A.管弦呕哑,多于市人之言语 B.灭六国者,六国也,非秦也C.不拘于时,学于余 D.蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强 【正确答案】C


第6题:The number of the bones in a bird’s neck is .

A. as big as in a human’s neckB. not so big as in a giraffe’s neckC. much larger than in a human’s neckD. much smaller than in a giraffe’s neck 【正确答案】C

讲解:【解析】数量的多少用big、large、small来表示。第二行the giraffe has only seven bones in its neck, the same number as in the human. Even a small bird has many more bones in its neck than in a tall giraffe.长颈鹿脖子骨头书和人的相同,说明人脖子骨头也是七块,小鸟脖子骨头比长颈鹿的多,也就是比人的多。



第7题:A. lie B. reason C. news D. truth


讲解:根据上句和下句的陈述可知他说的是事实。Tell the truth.选D

第8题:There are 34 __________doctors in the hospital. A.woman B.women C.womans 【正确答案】B


第9题:《日本宇宙科学研究所最近宣布了一项发现》,取得这项发现最关键的一个原因是( )

A.选择了对室女座北侧后发座周围天体观测的正确方位。B.在320天的时间内对有关天体做了周到细密反复的观测。C.所用的X射线望远镜安置在卫星上并具有高度灵敏性。D.对观测结果特别是短波长的X射线进行了认真的分析。 【正确答案】C


第10题:In some modern zoos, visitors can see _______.

A. All the animals closelyB. their grandchildrenC. animals that live in special conditionsD. desert or underwater animals which have lived fifty years 【正确答案】C


第11题:对下列各句运用的表达方式,判断错误的一项是( )

A.邓稼先是中华民族核武器事业的奠基人和开拓者。张爱萍将军称他为“两弹元勋”,他是当之无愧的。(记叙)B.性格是从态度和行动方式上表现出来的人的整体性的稳定的特征;气质则是性格的动态特征,诸如行动的缓急和动作变化的快慢等等。(说明)C.要硬下这样的心肠,忍受这样痛苦的折磨,需要多少坚忍!——这是平静水面下深处的激流啊!(抒情)D.这些朱砂的,丹红的,紫霭色的群峰,前拥后簇,高矮参差。三个主峰,高风峻骨,鼎足而立,撑起青天。(描写) 【正确答案】A 讲解:议论

第12题:The underlined word 《industry》 in the second paragraph can be replaced by 《______》.

A. success B. failure C. hard work D. confidence 【正确答案】C

讲解:【解析】定位industry在第二段第五行。Industry 勤奋

第13题:According to SituationⅡ, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. If you are in an emergency and use the bathroom at a store, you needn’t buy anything. B. If you use the bathroom at a store occasionally, you have to buy something. C. If you use the bathroom at a store once, it doesn’t matter whether you buy anything or not. D. If you use the bathroom at a store regularly, you should buy something. 【正确答案】B




第14题:Which of the following is Not True according to the passage(段落)?

A. In America the students have to pass certain test to continue their education.B. Young children needn't work hard at their lessons because education is free.C.

Those who fail in the S—A—T cannot go to college.D. The students must spend much time preparing for the S—A—T. 【正确答案】B

讲解:【解析】选择不正确的一项。通读全文可知A正确。SAT的重要性在第三四两段阐述的很详细,C正确,D正确。 B:小孩不用努力学习是因为教育免费。错误。第一段最后一句here is no reason at such an early age for them to hit the books.可知。选B

第15题:On the top of the hill ______.

A. a temple stands B. does a temple stand C. a temple stands there D. stands a temple 【正确答案】D

讲解:【解析】倒装句型。全倒装。正常语序A temple stands on the top of the hill.

第16题:Usually a yearbook is made in___________.

A.January B.February C.December D.May 【正确答案】C

讲解:细节理解题,根据文中语句“It’s usually made at the end of the year.”理解可知。

第17题:Surely her daughter would make an even bigger effort _________ her.

A. please B. pleased C. to please D. having pleased


讲解:【解析】make an effort to do努力做某事

第18题:A. to B. with C. by D. for


讲解:provide for固定搭配 选D

第19题:We are going to have a party tonight.

A.in the future B.this evening C.in the open D.tomorrow 【正确答案】B

讲解:in the future在未来this evening今晚in the open在户外,在野外tomorrow明天

第20题:下列对加点字词解释全都正确的是( )

A.孜孜矻矻(勤勉) 放浪形骸(身体) 苦心孤诣(学业等所达到的程度)B.不学无术(学习) 錾不见人(遥远) 逸兴横飞(超逸豪放的意兴)C.刚愎自用(执拗) 诬天藐小(轻视) 南辕北辙(车轮压出的痕迹)D.缘木求鱼(探究) 轩峻壮丽(高大) 泱泱大国(形容气魄宏大) 【正确答案】A

