
发布时间 : 星期三 文章上海牛津英语6B知识点梳理更新完毕开始阅读


13. a woman driver— five women drivers a man teacher— two men teachers

*a girl student — some girl students

Unit 8 Windy weather

I 词组

1. windy weather 有风的天气 2. different kinds of 不同种类的 3. make a display board 制作一个展板 4. a gentle wind 一阵柔和的风 5. a strong wind 一阵大风 6. a typhoon 一阵台风

7. see sb. doing sth 看见某人正做某事 8. fly kites in the park 在公园里放风筝 9. hold raincoats tightly 紧紧地抓住雨衣 10. leaves blow slightly 树叶微微地吹动 11. fly in the sky 在空中飞扬 12. take flower pots into flats 把花盆拿进房间 13. clouds move quickly 云快速地移动 14. windsurf on the sea 在海上进行帆板运动 15. on a windy day 在一个有风的日子 16. fly kites happily 快乐地放风筝 17. at first 起先 18. blow gently 柔和地吹 19. move slowly 缓慢地移动 20. become stronger (风)变得更大了 21. blow sth. away 吹走某物 22. go home immediately 立刻回家 23. blow fiercely 猛烈地吹 24. fall down 倒下 25. sink in the sea 在海里下沉 26. pass quickly 快速地经过 27. walk carefully in the street 街上小心地行走 28. clean the street 清扫街道 29. a slide show about typhoons 一个关于台风的幻灯片 30. heavy objects 重物

31. fall on cars 落在小汽车上 32. break windows 打破玻璃窗 33. flower pots outside people’s flats 人们屋外的花盆

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34. big waves in the sea 海里的大浪 35. think about 思考;考虑 36. may happen 可能发生

37. when there is a typhoon 当有台风的时候 38. sink ships and boats 沉没船只 39. safety rules 安全规则 40. stay at home 待在家中 41. close all the windows 关闭所有的窗 42. park cars in car parks 把汽车停在停车场里43. fishing boats 渔船

44. stay in typhoon shelters 待在台风庇护所里

II. 词性转换

1. windy a. 有风的 wind n. 风 windy weather/ days a gentle/ strong wind 2. gentle a. 温和的 gently ad. 温和地 He is a gentle person.

She gave me a gentle push.

3. tightly ad. 紧紧地 tight a. 紧紧的 She kept her eyes tightly closed. You must hold the bottle tightly.

4. slightly ad. 轻微地 slight a. 轻微的 The leaves blow slightly in the parks I know about him slightly.

5. cleaner n. 清洁工人 clean a. 干净的 v. 清洁 They saw some street cleaners cleaning the street.

6. happily ad. 愉快地 happy a. 快乐的 happiness Kitty and Ben flew their kite happily.

John lives happily because he always uses his time well for study. 7. slowly ad. 缓慢地 slow a. 缓慢的 The clouds moved slowly

The sky changed slowly from blue to red. 反义 quickly/ fast ad. 迅速地

8. quickly ad. 迅速地 quick a. 迅速的 The clouds moved quickly.

9. immediately ad. 立即 immediate a. 立即的 Kitty and Ben went home immediately. Stop smoking immediately.

10. fiercely ad. 猛烈地 fierce a. 猛烈的

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n. 快乐 23

The wind became a typhoon and blew fiercely.

11. carefully ad. 小心地 careful a. 小心的,仔细的 *care n./ v. 关心 Please listen carefully and write down the sentences. 反义 carelessly ad. 不注意地,粗心地

12. heavy a. 沉重的 heavily ad. 沉重地

13. safety n. 安全 safe a. 安全的 *safely ad. 安全地 safety rules

make our city a safe place arrive at home safely 14. inside(反义 )—outside

15. fish n. 鱼 v. 捕鱼 fisherman ( fishermen) n.(复数) 渔民

III. 语言点/句型

1. What can you see when there is a gentle wind?有微风的日子里你能看到些什么? when,连词,意为―当……时‖ ,引导时间状语从句。 e.g. Don’t get excited when you talk. He enjoyed drawing when he was a child. 2. a strong wind 大风


strong fierce(近义), strong gentle(反义)

3. I can see people flying kites in the park. 我可以看到人们在公园里放风筝。 see sb. doing sth. 意为―看到某人正在做某事‖。 e.g. I see flags flying in the sky. *注意与 see sb. do sth.的区别

e.g. I saw some students play football on the playground yesterday afternoon. see sb. do sth.强调看到动作的全过程 4. 副词构成

1)大部分形容词后直接加-ly: e.g. slight slightly

2)以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词去y变i,再加-ly: e.g. happy happily

3)以辅音字母加le结尾的形容词去e直接加y: e.g. gentle gently

* 4)部分单词既是形容词又是副词: e.g. enough, fast, late *副词用法 1)修饰动词

People hold raincoats tightly. 2)修饰形容词

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My suitcase is big enough 3)修饰副词

The students did morning exercises really carefully. 4)修饰整个句子

Luckily, Class one won the race.

5. They flew their kite happily.他们开心地放着风筝。

At first, the wind blew gently. 起初,风微微地颤动着。

happily, gently称为―方式副词‖,修饰动词,表示动词的方式。

文中出现的这类副词:tightly, slightly, quickly, happily, gently, slowly, fiercely, carefully。 6. Suddenly, the wind became stronger. 突然,风变得更猛烈了。 Kitty and Ben went home immediately. 凯蒂和本立即回家了。 suddenly, immediately是―时间副词‖,表示动作发生的时间。 7. Suddenly, the wind became stronger. 突然,风变得更猛烈了。

become stronger表示―变得更猛烈了‖。Become 是个系动词,后常常跟形容词做表语,构成―主(语) 系(动词) 表(语)‖结构。 e.g. The water in the river became dirty. The rain became heavier.

become后还可以跟名词,表示―变成了……‖ e.g. The wind became a typhoon. This area has become a desert.

8. The wind blew their kite away. 大风把他们的风筝刮走了。 blow away意为―吹走;刮走‖

e.g. The wind blew that man’s hat away. 9. 熟记文中出现的动词过去式

are were fly flew blow blew move moved go went watch watched become became fall fell sink sank pass passed walk walked see saw 10. think about 思考

e.g. They are thinking about moving.

Have you thought about what job you are going to do? think of 思考,考虑,可与think about互换 11. happen 发生

e.g. The accident happened outside my house. happen to do碰巧做某事

happen to sb. 某人发生了什么

12. Heavy objects may fall on cars in the streets. 重物可能会掉落到停在街上的汽车顶上 may情态动词,意为―可能‖ ,表示猜测或可能性,后接动词原形 e.g. She may be a nurse.

A strong wind may below away flower pots outside people’s flats.

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