
发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语三级试题更新完毕开始阅读


e.g. (1)He proposed that we (should) go there on foot.

(2)I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting tonight.

5. 虚拟语气在主语从句中,在It is natural (necessary, strange, important…)that…这类句型中,that所引导的主语从句中的谓语动词得用should + 动


e.g. It is necessary that the question (should) be settled at once. 实例:

(1)Model Test 1

P31:15. I was busy that day, otherwise I ( ) the meeting.

A)have attended B)would have attended C)attended D)would attended

I was busy that day = If I had been free that day, …

(2)Model Test 2

P41: 13.It was necessary that the application forms ( ) back before the deadline.

A)must be sent B)would be sent C)be sent D)were sent (3)Model Test 3

P51: 14.He ( ) the fight, with a little more training and a better manager.

A)would win B)had win C)could have won D)won With a little more training

and a better manager = If he had had a little more training and a better manager.

二. 倒装

