
发布时间 : 星期三 文章翻译技巧-2更新完毕开始阅读

Diction(1) 恰当地选词(1)

单词是组成一个句子或一篇文章的最基本元素,要忠实通顺地翻译出一篇文章,首先就要恰当地翻译里面的每一个单词。英汉两种语言在词义上有着很大的差异,绝大多数英语(汉语)词在汉语(英语)中只能找到与它的词义部分对应的词,亦即一个单词可以对应另一种语言中的多个单词。这主要是由于一词多义,词的搭配能力不同,词义的范围不同等原因造成的。因此翻译词时要仔细辨别每个词在具体的上下文中的确切词义,然后按照译入语的习惯选择一个最恰当的词来表达。实际上选词也就是翻译词的过程,所以也要分理解和表达两个步骤来完成。 1.准确理解词义

英语单词的词义非常灵活,一词多义的现象常见,同样的一个单词用在不同的语境中可以具有不同的词性和词义。因此需要通过词性和上下文来帮助确定词义。 (1) 根据词性辨别词义

英语中一个单词多种词性的情况极为常见。部分词用作不同的词性会有不同的含义,如果不注意区分这个词在上下文中的具体用法和词性,判断词义时就会发生错误。例如: 例1:Only at sunset and sunrise can we look full at the sun. 误译:只有在日出日落的时候我们才能看到整个太阳。 改译:只有在日出日落的时候我们才能直视太阳。

这里的误译是由于想当然地认为“full”是形容词,词义为“完全的”,而没有注意“full”在这里后置修饰“look”,是副词。因此在理解词的过程中一定要考虑到其词性。又如下面几词: last

例2:He was the last to hand in exam paper. 译文:他是最后一个交卷子的人。(代词) 例3:I finished this work last month. 译文:我上个月完成了这项工作。(形容词) 例4:The drought in this area lasted for 3 months, 译文:这个地区的干旱持续了三个月。(动词) live

例5:He has lived alone for almost 20 years after his wife died. 译文:自从妻子死后,他已经独自生活快20年了。(动词)

例6:The live broadcast of the football match attracted large audience. 译文:这场足球赛的现场直播吸引了许多观众。(形容词)

2) 根据上下文辨别词义


例7:You should know full well I have no ill intention. 译文:你应该完全清楚我没有恶意。

而“full”用作形容词时也有多种词义,例如: 例8:This cup is very full. 译文:这杯子斟的很满。

例9:Her heart was so full that she couldn't speak. 译文:她太激动了,以至话都说不出了。

例10:Only full member of the club can enjoy this discount. 译文:只有俱乐部的正式会员才能享受这个优惠。

一位著名的语言学家曾经说过“Every word, when used in a new context, is a new word.”。汉语中双音节或多音节词居多,词义比较严谨、固定,而同汉语相比,英语单词的词义就相对比较灵活,一词多义的现象非常普遍,如果不结合上下文,孤立地看一个词就很难确定其词义。有些学生在记单词时,往往只相应地记住一个英语词汇对应的汉语释意,这样在翻译词的过程中容易望文生义,或者是死译硬译。 例如:

例11:There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this shouldn't make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company.

误译:吸烟与肺癌之间有必然的联系。但是这不会使你感到不舒服,因为你有一份好工作。 改译:吸烟与肺癌之间有必然的联系。但是这不会使你感到不舒服,因为吸烟的人数众多。 理解这句话中“company”一词的时如果不仔细地分析上下文,机械地选用熟悉的词义“公司”,就会产生上面的错误译文。实际上“company”有“companionship”的基本含义,在这里引申为“人数众多”。请比较以下单词或词组在不同例句中的词义差别: head

例12:He was badly wounded in the head. 译文:他头部受了重伤。

例13:The boy has a good head for mathematics. 译文:这个男孩有数学天赋。

例14:Present at the meeting were the heads of government. 译文:出席会议的是各国首脑。 prevail

例15: Exceptions may be made, but in general this rule prevails. 译文:可能会有例外,但是一般来说这条规则是管用的。

例16:Outside the stadium something of a carnival atmosphere prevails. 译文:体育馆外面弥漫着一种狂欢节似的欢乐气氛。 run away with

例17:He ran away with my treasure. 译文:他卷走了我的全部细软。 例18:He ran away with my daughter. 译文:他带着我的女儿私奔了。 例19:He ran away with anger. 译文:他大发雷霆。 2.恰当地选词表达

在理解并确定了一个英语单词在语境中的意思之后,还应当找一个合适的汉语单词来予以表达。所选择的词一定要符合汉语表达的习惯,否则就会非常生硬。例如下面的例句中的“good”一词都表示好的意思,但跟不同的词搭配就要选择不同的词来表达,以适应汉语的习惯。 例20:He treated me a good dinner. 译文:他招待我吃了一顿丰盛的饭菜。 例21:They can speak good English. 译文:他们讲一口流利的英语。

例22:Though he is young, he is a good chess player. 译文:尽管很年轻,他却是一个高明的棋手。

例23:She is a girl with good manner. 译文:她是一个举止得体的姑娘。

例24:Dogs are regarded as man's good friend. 译文:狗被看成是人类忠实的朋友。 例25:He gave a good tip to the waiter. 译文:他给了服务生一笔优厚的小费。 例26:I can't find good words for it. 译文:我找不到合适的语言来表达。

例27:Without good evidence, he can't be judged as guilty. 译文:没有可靠的证据不能判定他有罪。

例28:?yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life, who is really deserving of the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband; ?





1. 将下列句子译成汉语:

(1) Don't treat me like a guest.

(2) Like charges dispel, unlike charges attract.

(3) Land animals are thought to have developed from sea animals. (4) Our country is planning to develop the northwestern region.

(5) I would like to develop this idea a little more fully before I go on to my next point.

(6) The country also saw its share of violence and unrest in 1966. (7) I really don't see why you should keep her here. (8) I think your suggestion will work. (9) My watch doesn't work.

(10) In every Chinese city, we got into the streets, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants.


In all cities of the United States, workers spend several hours a day in cars crawling along in traffic to get to offices many miles from home. They experience stress, waste time, and pay a lot for gas, car maintenance, and parking. Once they get to work, they make their way through a maze of cubicles, each with its computer, phone, and file cabinet. Nancy Alley, human resources manager at TBWA Chiat/Day, doesn't. She stays at home in her pajamas with a pile of resume, talking with managers over the phone and faxing in paperwork. Instead of walking down the hall to chat with coworkers, she e-mails them.

Nancy is a telecommuter, someone who works some or all of the time at home, and she is part of a trend. Since 1990, the number of U.S. telecommuters has grown from 4.2 million to 9.2 million, and by the turn of the century, 55 million people worldwide have been telecommuting.

Highway congestion, the high cost of office space, federal clean air laws, reduced work forces, and lifestyle needs----all these factors contribute to the growth of telecommuting. What makes it possible is technology. Desktop and laptop personal computers, networking, videoconferencing, fax machines, e-mail, and multiple phone lines provide the fast and efficient communication required for telecommuting.




(2)相同的电荷相互排斥,不同的电荷相互吸引。 (3)一般认为陆地动物是从海洋动物进化来的。 (4)我国正在计划开发西部地区。

(5)在讲下一点之前,我想把这一点阐述得更充分一些。 (6)1966年,那个国家也发生了暴乱和社会动荡。 (7)我真不明白你为什么要留她。 (8)我想你的建议行得通。 (9)我的表不走了。


2. 在美国所有的城市,为了赶到离家几十英里远的办公室上班,上班族每天都要花好几小时在路上驾车,在拥挤的车流中缓缓行驶。他们承受着巨大压力,浪费了大量时间,并且还要为汽油、汽车保养和停车支付高额的费用。到达了办公室之后,他们在配备有电脑、电话和文件柜的隔间组成的迷宫里穿行。TBWA Chiat/Day 公司的人力资源部经理南茜·艾利则不是这样。她穿者睡衣呆在家里,手里拿着一摞个人简历,通过电话同经理们交谈,并且通过传真收发书面文件。南茜属于新潮一族。自1990年起,美国利用电讯设备在家办公的人从420万增加到920万,到实际之交,全球已有5500万人加入了这行列。

