实用高中英语短语与句型 P-R

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实用高中英语短语与句型 P-R



1. a pair of 一双,一对,一条,一副。如: She bought a pair of shoes. 她买了一双鞋。 I need another pair of glasses. 我还要一副眼镜。 2. in pairs 一对一对地, 两个两个地。如: The children came in in pairs. 孩子们两个两个地进来。

The students practise English conversation in pairs. 学生们两个两个地练习英语会话。 pains

1. be at pains to do sth 费心(努力)做某事。如: He is at pains to find facts. 他努力了解事实真相。

She was at pains to make sure that we all understood. 她尽了最大努力使我们每个人都弄懂。

2. take pains to do sth 费心(努力)做某事。如

He has taken pains to study the problem. 他费尽了心血研究这个问题。(d21) Great pains have been taken to do it. 干这事费了不少心。 注:有时用 take pains in doing sth。如:

I took great pains to keep [in keeping] her house clean. 我费了不少心来保持房子整洁。

3. take pains over [with] sth 费心(努力)做某事。如 He takes great pains over his work. 他工作兢兢业业。

He is a good teacher and takes great pains with his pupils. 他是位好教师,尽心尽力教育学生。


1. I beg your pardon.

(1) 对不起(表示道歉或提出异议等)。如:

I beg your pardon, I meant the green one. 对不起,我指的是那个绿色的。 I beg your pardon, I never said that at all. 对不起,我从未那样说过。

注:由于不小心碰了某人、推了某人、踩了某人的脚等,也可用此表示道歉。 (2) 对不起我没听清,请再说一遍。如:

A:Where’s the post office, please? 请问邮局在什么地方? B:I beg your pardon? 请问,你说什么?

A:I asked where the post office is. 我问邮局在什么地方。 注:有时只说 Beg your pardon, Beg pardon, Pardon 等。 (3) 打扰一下,请问。如:

I beg your pardon, can you tell me the way to the station? 对不起,你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?

I beg your pardon, may I disturb you a minute? 对不起, 可以打扰你一会儿吗? 2. pardon sb (sth) 原谅某人(某事)。如:

He asked her to pardon him (his rudeness). 他请求她原谅他(他的无礼)。 We must pardon him his little faults. 我们必须原谅他的小过失。

3. pardon sb (for) doing sth / pardon sb’s doing sth 原谅某人做某事。如: Pardon my interrupting you. / Pardon me (for) interrupting you. 请原谅我打断你的话。 Pardon me (for) asking / Pardon my asking, but isn’t that my hat you’re wearing? 对不起冒昧问一下,你戴的是不是我的帽子?


1. (a) part of 一部分,一小部分。如:

Only (a) part of the story is true. 这个故事只有部分情节是真实的。 Part of the pupils are interested in it. 部分学生对此感兴趣。 注:复数形式用 parts of(有些部分)。如:

Parts of the book are interesting. 这本书有些部分有趣。 2. for one’s part 就个人来说,至于本人。如: I for my part still distrust you. 就我来说,仍不信任你。

For my part, I don’t mind where we eat. 对我来说,到哪里吃我无所谓。 3. for the most part 多半,通常,总的说来。如:

The students are, for the most part, from villages. 这些学生多半来自农村。 For the most part, he is a good student. 总的说来,他是个好学生。 4. in part 部分地,在某种程度上。如:

He failed in part because of his carelessness. 他之所以失败,部分是由于他粗心大意。 His success was due in part to luck. 他的成功部分是因为运气好。 5. in parts 有些部分。如:

The story is quite well written in parts. 这个故事有些部分写得很好。 6. take part (in sth) 参加(某事)。如:

He took part in many school activities. 他参加学校的许多活动。

How many countries will take part (in the World Cup)? 有多少国家参加(世界杯)? particular

1. be particular about [over]非常讲究,难以满足,吹毛求痴。如: She’s very particular about her clothes [what she wears]. 她对穿着很讲究。 He’s too particular over what he eats and drinks. 他对吃喝太挑剔。 2. in particular 特别,尤其。如:

Why did you choose that one in particular? 你为什么特别挑选了那一个?

I noticed her eyes in particular, because they were very large. 我特别注意到了她的眼睛,因为她的眼睛很大。


1. pass sb sth / pass sth to sb 把某物递给某人。如:

Please pass me the salt. / Please pass the salt to me. 请把盐递给我。 2. pass by

(1) (时间)过去。如:

Thirty years has passed by since he left there. 自从他离开那儿,已过去30年了。 注:在美国英语中通常用 pass away, 在口语中可用 go by。 (2) 从旁边经过或路过。如:

I saw her pass by just now. 我刚刚看到她走过去。

Every day I pass by your office building. 我每天经过你的办公大楼。 注:口语中可用 go by。

(3) 不注意,不理会,忽略,遗漏,躲开。如: He tried to pass the problem by. 他想要避开这个问题。 I can’t pass by the remark in silence. 我对此话不能置之不理。 3. pass for 被(错误地)当作。如:

She could pass for a much younger woman. 她看上去比实际年龄轻得多。 Many a coward passes for a hero. 许多胆小鬼被人们当作是英雄。 4. pass on (1) 向前移动。如:

Let’s now pass on to the next subject. 我们进行下一个问题的讨论吧。 (2) 传递。如:

Pass the book on to me when you’ve finished with it. 那本书你看完给我。 I passed her message on to his mother. 我把她的口信带给了他母亲。 past

1. in the past 过去,以前。如:

In the past I have lived here. 过去我一直住在这里。

In the past people thought that the sun turned round theearth. 过去人们认为太阳是绕着地球转。

2. go past (时间)过去。如:

Weeks went past without any news of them. 几个星期过去了但没有他一点消息。 注:也可说成 go by。如:

A whole year went past [by] before we saw them again. 我们再次见到他时,整整一年过去了。


1. have no patience with 对不能忍耐,受不了。如:

He has no patience with his nosy neighbors. 他不能容忍他那些爱管事的邻居。 2. lose (one’s) patience (with sth) 失去(对某物的)耐心。如: I’ve lost (my) patience with him. 我已无法容忍他。

If you don’t stop making that noise I’m going to lose my patience. 你如果再吵闹,我可要发脾气了。

3. have the patience to do sth 有做某事的耐心。如:

I wouldn’t have the patience to sit sewing all day. 我没有耐心整天缝衣服。 He didn’t have the patience to stay here so long. 他没有耐心在这里呆那么久。 patient

1. be patient with sb 对某人有耐心。如:

We must be patient with children. 我们对孩子要有耐心。

You’ll have to be patient with my mother--she’s going rather deaf. 你对我母亲得有耐心---她的耳朵越来越背了。

2. be patient of sth 对某事有忍耐力。如: They are patient of hardships. 他们能吃苦耐劳。 You should be patient of criticism. 你应该能容忍批评。 3. be patient (enough) to do sth 有耐心做某事。如:

He was patient (enough) to wait for her for five hours. 他很有耐心,等了她5个小时。 pay 1. pay back (1) 偿还(借款)。如:

Have I paid (you) back the $10 you lend me? 我借你的那10美元还你没有? (2) 报复。如:

I’ll pay you back for what you did to me. 你对我做的那些事我要进行报复。 2. pay for

(1) 为……而付钱。如:

I paid three yuan for the book. 我花了3元钱买这本书。 (2) 为……而付出代价。如:

John paid dearly for his mistake. 约翰为自己的错误付出了很大的代价。 3. pay off

(1) 还清(债务等)。如:

She expects to pay all her debts off shortly. 她预计不久就能还清全部欠债。 (2) 获得成功。如:

Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea. 我们的计划肯定已获得成功,那是个了不起的主意。

peace 1. at peace

(1) 处于和平状态。如:

Thus Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years. 于是欧洲出现了10年来的首次和平局面。

(2) 处于平静状诚。如:
