6B. 教案

发布时间 : 星期二 文章6B. 教案更新完毕开始阅读

T: How old is he?Ss: He’s 11 years old ,too. Step3 Revision


I’m taller than xxx I’m younger than xxx I’m stronger than xxx My father is taller than My pencil is longer than xxx’s Step4 Practice

一、英汉互译(修改: 在做练习前,可适当做一些指导,让学生能够正确掌握练习的方法.)

1 去散步_________ 2 聊天________ 3 和?? 一样年轻___________

4 惟一的孩子________ 5 比你年龄大_______ 6 比??. 年轻________

7 比??.. 强壮_______8 比??..高/短________ 9 比??..瘦________

10比??.胖________11 twin sisters_______ 12 look the same __________

13 on Sunday morning____________ 14 sit under a big tree ____________

15 light or heavy _________ 16 heavy rain_____________ Get students look and write. Check the answer

1 go for a walk 2 have a chat 3 as young as 4 the only child 5 older than you

6 younger than … 7 stronger than…. 8 taller/shorter than…. 9 thinner than ?. 10 fatter than?. 11 双胞胎姐妹 12 看起来一样 13 在星期天早上 14 坐在一棵大树下 15 轻的还是重的 16 大雨 二、完成句子(修改:在对答案时应给学生讲明白题目为什么这么做,让学生能够完全理解题意,掌握正确的解题方法。) 1 The woman is strong. The man is ________ . 2 Julia’s hair is long. Linda’s hair is ________ . 3 The girl is happy. The boy is _______ . 4 The bear is big. The elephant is _______ . 5 The mouse is small. The ant is ________ . 6 The paper is light. The feather is ________ . 7 The woman is tall. The man is _________

8 Jim’s pumpkin is heavy. Davic’s pumpkin is _______ . Get students look and write. Check the answer

1 stronger 2 longer 3 happier 4 bigger 5 smaller 6lighter 7 taller 8 heavier Step5 Homework Do some exercise 板书设计

Unit 1 Who is younger

The answer

课题:Unit 2 More exercise 总课时:6课时 本课时:第1课时 [教学目标]

知识:学生能掌握四会单词和词组be good at, strong, faster ,higher, jog, do well in , That’s true

技能:学生能能听懂会说句型 That’s true. He is not as strong as the other boys. Ben runs faster than Jim .

能力:初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用副词比较级句型 情意:培养学生乐于开口说英语的好习惯 [教学重难点]


对策:通过游戏和练习的形式加以巩固和记忆 [教学准备]

1. 准备录音机和本课A部分的磁带。 2. 准备A部分的图片。 [教学过程] Step1 Sing a song.

设计意图:歌曲的导入,有利于调动课堂的气氛和学生的热情,可根据实际情况多唱几遍,直至学生进入一种积极的学习状态。 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Hello

Hello 之歌对于六年级的学生来说太简单了,可以先播放录音让学生

一起学唱本单元的歌曲《I wish I was taller》,这样有利于学生对本节课积极性的调动,同时又可以让学生认识新的英文歌曲。 Step2 Free talk.

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T: How old are you ? Ss: I’m 12years old. T: How old is he? Ss: He’s 11 years old ,too.

T: Do you run fast? Do you jump high? Do you swim fast? T: Who is taller ,you or you r brother? Which bag is heavier, yours or mine?


教师的这些口语交流有些简单了,为了培养学生对所学知识的运用能力和对所学知识的回顾,教师可以紧接着问一些Who’s older , you or she ?


(修改:在教学中特别要加强学生对于人称的用法,是用主格还是用宾格,还是用名词性物主代词,特别要讲解。) Step3 Presentation and drill

1 教师通过刚才的师生问答引出句型I run faster than xxx。 2 教师板书fast和faster进行教学同时让学生理解。 3 教师出示音标让学生试读,然后集体升降调朗读。
