
发布时间 : 星期四 文章unit1-8完整版更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 3 Long Conversation 1 11. A. Her grandfather has been married twice. B. Her grandfather divorced her grandmother. C. Her grandparents met in Germany. D. Her grandfather fought in the war.

12. A. They knew her grandma’s parents would give them trouble.

B. They fell in love at first sight.

C. They were afraid that the war would keep them apart. D. They knew they would not be a good match. 13. A. Because they were not compatible.

B. Because they were from different countries.

C. Because her grandpa got a job at a New York port.

D. Because her grandma’s parents didn’t approve of their marriage. 14. A. Her grandma came to meet her grandpa at his place of work.

B. Her grandpa took a boat to see her grandma. C. They planned to meet on a boat. D. They met each other by chance.

15. A. To ignore the opinions of her grandma’s parents

B. Not to spend time apart ever again C. To have a happy life together forever

D. To obtain the approval of her grandma’s parents

Long Conversation 2 16. A. Selina

B. Laura C. Anna D. Richard

17. A. He is going to ask questions

B. He is going to propose to his girlfriend C. He thinks that the earth is shaking D. He wants her to have coffee with him 18. A. He doesn’t know how to send email

B. He doesn’t know who Don Juan is C. He will blurt it out over coffee

D. He doesn’t know how to be romantic 19. A. It is worse than sending an email

B. It is not what he should do C. It is OK to begin with D. It is not romantic 20. A. Sending an email

B. Sending some flowers C. Painting a ceiling D. Baking a cake


Unit 3 Passage 1 11. A. Learning about another culture’s marriage customs

B. Marrying a person from another culture C. Going to another country to get married D. Observing marriages in a different culture 12. A. She wanted to look more Chinese

B. She wanted her husband to speak better English

C. She wasn’t sure if her husband and she could compromise D. She wasn’t sure if the marriage would work 13. A. She was speaking like a Chinese

B. She was compromising too much

C. She was holding on to too many reservations D. She was beginning to look Chinese

14. A. He has adopted some Canadian attitudes

B. He has learnt to speak with her accent C. He has begun to look like a Canadian D. He has dropped his reservations

15. A. Because she thinks a person shouldn’t have so many reservations

B. Because she thinks a person shouldn’t stay the same for his/her whole life C. Because she thinks a woman should become more like her husband D. Because she thinks a person should try to compromise with others

Passage 2 16. A. They thought it quite acceptable

B. They believed it to be a luxury C. They took it to be a trend D. They considered it avoidable 17. A. Critical

B. Serious C. Skeptical D. Casual

18. A. Popular newspapers run many ads about divorce

B. Many people don’t take marriage seriously C. Movie stars often change their spouses D. Many people fall in love very easily

19. A. Because people have to go there to get divorced

B. Because divorce is cheap there

C. Because the divorce rate there is high

D. Because there are no happy marriages there

20. A. When people consider marriage an important part of their lives

B. When the costs of getting a divorce become affordable C. When the current marriage law is modified

D. When movie stars stop getting divorced so often


Unit 3 Now listen to a VOA Special English report and fill in the blanks while listening.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a special time for love. Millions of people will receive flowers, chocolate or some other gift. Others might get just a phone call or an electronic message from someone 1._______________. Still others would be happy just to have someone special in their life on Valentine’s Day. Tradition tells us that Saint Valentine was a third-century Roman who 2.______________________ and died for his Christian beliefs on February 14. That was a day celebrated in ancient Rome in connection with love.

Traditionally, young people in America lived with their parents until marriage. Some still do. But, in general,








3.________________________________. Even then, they still have to find the right person. There are many ways for people to meet. Some meet at work. Others meet by chance. Still others look for help from services that 4._____________________________.

Friends and family members might offer to help. They might 5._____________________________. This is a meeting between two people who have never seen each other before, and, unless things go well, may never see each other again. Some families 6._______________________________and plan the marriage of their child to a member of another family. The young people might not see each other much before they are married. Or they might see each other but never alone.

In movies, two people often fall in love after what Hollywood calls a “cute meet”. They might be lawyers on opposite sides in a court case. Or one person gets a letter 7._________________________. Or their dogs get into a fight on the street. Who knows how many people













8.__________________________________is usually hard work.

A lot of people try to 9._____________________________________ by looking in places where people with similar interests go. This might be a place of religion or a bookstore. Many bookstores in America offer special programs and social activities for single people. Singles may join health clubs or sports teams where men and women play together. If nothing else, at least they get some exercise. But sometimes none of these efforts succeed. So people might try to 10._______________________________. Here too there are no guarantees.


Unit 4 Short Conversations 1. A. His girlfriend cannot be believed.

B. His girlfriend is always late. C. His girlfriend is afraid of him. D. His girlfriend isn’t on time.

2. A. Because she doesn’t care about music.

B. Because she thinks it doesn’t express the reality of love. C. Because it’s sung by Elvis. D. Because it’s too sad.

3. A. He began to learn that Indians were romantic. B. He found it more and more romantic. C. He became bored after a period of time. D. He grew more excited about it. 4. A. Feelings of great sadness.

B. Feelings of wanting to kill oneself. C. Feelings of being bettered.

D. Feelings of wanting to be in love.

5. A. Because he has found love for the first time in years. B. Because he discovered that his sister is in love. C. Because he met a guy that loved his sister.

D. Because he met a guy who helped him find love. 6. A. Because he has forgotten her. B. Because he has forgotten her name and address. C. Because he doesn’t think the matter is important. D. Because he can’t provide any more information. 7. A. He makes her feel good. B. He has changed everything. C. He looks great. D. He is very bright.

8. A. He thinks she is being friendly. B. He thinks friends can be in love. C. He thinks she loves him. D. He thinks he loves her. 9. A. 50 percent. B. 30 percent. C. 0 percent. D. 40 percent.

10. A. Father and daughter. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and parent. D. Son and mother.

