Book 4 - U3 - 重点词汇讲解

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U3 重点词汇讲解

1. come true (希望, 理想等)实现,达到,成真

come vi. 变成,达到(某种状态) 1) You dream will come true some day. 你的理想总有一天会实现。 2) The door came open quietly. 门静悄悄地开了。

3) The shoelace came undone. 鞋带松开了。 比较: come true/realize

两个词均可表示“实现”的意思,但是come true是不及物动词短语,而realize是及物动词。 ①He realized his hope. 他实现了他的愿望。 ②The fears were realized. 恐惧成为事实。 ③His dream has come true. 他的梦想变成了现实。 come的相关短语 come about 发生,造成 come across 偶然遇见 come into being/existence 开始存在,建立 come into power 开始执政 come near 不亚于,差一点就 come off 脱落 come to 总汁;达到;苏醒 come to light 被发现,被大家知道 come to oneself 恢复知觉 come up 走近,提出 4) Can you tell me how the accident came about? 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?

5) Mr. Smith came across a child sleeping under the bridge. 史密斯先生偶然发现一个小孩睡在桥下。

2. set vt. 为 (故事等)构设背景,使(故事,剧情)以??为背景;布置(舞台等)

set a stage为舞台布景 /be set in 以??为背景

1) The story is set in the early days of World War II. 这故事是以第二次世界大战初期为背景。 2) The novel is set in the 18th century Pairs. 这本小说以18世纪的巴黎为背景。 Set词组归纳

set down 记下,写下 set out 出发,启程 set out to do 开始着手做??

set off 出发,使爆炸 set aside 留出,不顾,取消,驳回

set foot in/in 踏进/踏上 set fire to sth 把??点燃 set a good example to sb. 为??树立好榜样 set the table 摆桌子

3. upon prep. 在??后立即,一??就??,on以代替upon

1) Upon reaching the hotel, she e—mailed her father. 她一到旅馆就给她父亲发了电子邮件。 句型转换

2) 他一到达机场就被警察逮捕了

Upon his arrival at the airport,he was arrested by the police. As soon as he arrived at the airport,he was arrested by the police. He was arrested by the police immediately he arrived at the airport.

4. pass on … 把??传给??

1) God traditional habits should be passed on to younger generations. 好的传统应传给年轻一代。 pass on

(1)=pass away (委婉)死去,逝世 She passed on/away in her sleep. 她睡着的时候与世长辞了。

(2)=hand on把??传(递)下去

Read this notice and pass it on.


2) Stories about family are usually passed on by mouth from one generation to another. 家庭的故事通常都是通过口头一代一代往下传的. Pass 的词组归纳

pass by=go past

with every day that passes/ with every passing day pass the time 打发时间

5. be connected to与??相连接

connect A with (to) B=join A to B指两物有形的连接 connect with相连;衔接

A be connected with B A与B有联系


1) Connect me with the post-office, please. 请接邮政局。(电话用语) 2) I was connected to the wrong number. 我的电话接错了。

3) The police thought he was connected with the murder. 警方认为他与那起谋杀案有关。

6. give out 分发;发出(气味、热等);发表;用尽

1) My legs gave out and l couldn't walk any further. 我的腿撑不住了,不能再往前走了。 2) The results of the examination won't be given out. 考试结果不会公布。

3) The flowers give out a sweet smell. 这些鲜花散发出甜甜的味道。

give up/give in/give off/give away (1)give up 放弃 Never give up the study English. 永远不要放弃英语学习。 (2)give in屈服;让步;投降 Finally he gave in to my views. 最终他对我的观点妥协了。 (3)give off送出;发出 The sun gives off light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。 (4)giveaway赠送;放弃;泄露;出卖 It was the mayor who gave away the prizes to the winners. 是市长给获胜者颁发奖品的。

7. deliver vt. 释放,交付,移交,投递,传送,发表,表达,给予

delivery n. 交付

deliver sb. From sth 把某人从??解救出来 deliver sth. to/over sb. 把某物交付某人 deliver a message 带信,传话 deliver a speech 发表讲话 deliver oneself of an opinion 发表意见 deliver over(up)(to) 移交,交给 be delivered of sb. 生(小孩) 1) I delivered the massage and parcel to her. 我把信和包裹交给了她。

2) What were left were to be delivered later in the day. 剩下的晚些时候再送来。 3) We asked for immediate delivery. 我们要求立即交货。

4) We deliver your order to your door. 我们送货上门。

5) She betrayed him and delivered him to the enemy. 她背叛了他,把他押送给敌军。 6) She was delivered of a healthy boy. 她生下了一个健康的男孩子。 7) The jury delivered its verdict. 陪审团宣布其判决。

8) We delivered her from death. 我们把她从死亡中解救出来。

8. impress vt. 铭刻;给??极深的印象;使感动

(1)“给??深刻印象;铭刻”,印象可以是好的,也可以是不好的。例如: 1) He impressed me favorably.


2) His acting impressed me as being somewhat artificial. 他的演技给我的印象是有点做作。 (2)“印上;压印”。例如: 3) The design was impressed on the cloth. 这个图案印在布上了。

4) They impress the words“Made in China'’on a metal plate. =They impress a metal plate with the words ??Made in China\. 他们在——块金属板上压印出“中国制造”的字样。 (3)“使??记住(某事的)重要性”,常与介词on连用。例如: 5) She impressed (it) on me that l must come home early . 她让我记住一定早点回家。 (4) impress n.“严印象;痕迹;特征”。例如:

6) His work has made a decided impress upon our time . 他的作品给我们的时代一种决定性的印象。

7) Time has left impress upon him.时代给他留下了痕迹。 (5) impression n.印象;印刷次数。例如:

8) I shall never forget the impressions l have gathered during my trip. 我永远难忘旅游中的印象。

9) This is the third impression of that book in one year. 这是那本书一年内的第三次印刷。

Impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的,难忘的。

例如: I found the exhibition most impressive.


9. accuse sb. of (doing ) sth. 控告某人犯有??罪, 谴责某人做某事

accuse vt. 控告,指责,谴责 谴责者 accusing adj. 指责的 accusation n. 责备

the accused 被告

be under an accusation 被控告

1) The man was accused of being greedy. 此人被指责太贪婪。 2) Ma Jiajue was accused of murder. 马加爵被指控犯了谋杀罪。 3) The police accused him of careless driving. 警察指责他开车粗心。

4) We should take their accusation seriously. 我们应认真对待他们的指责。

accuse / charge 两者都有“指控”的意思。

(1) accuse往往指当面指控,未必诉诸于有关当局。指控对方的事可能是重大事件,也可能是小事,常构成accuse sb. of (doing)sth. 结构。例如: 5) The police accused him of theft. 警察控告他偷窃。
