SAT og 5阅读真题解析 - 图文

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halt when she realized she'd forgotten to leave her books behind. She decided against turning back and continued to the basement, where the five-till-four pandemonium was breaking loose. Clayton was Stuffing his books into his 35 locker. \ As if it were routine, he took her books and wedged them in next to his. They started toward the orchestra hall. Virginia cast a surreptitious glance upward: five minutes 40 to four or not, Clayton was not rushing. His long, gangling frame seemed to be held together by molasses: he moved deliberately, negotiating the crush while humming a tricky passage from Schumann(3),sailing above the mob. After rehearsal she reminded him that her books were in 45 his locker. \\ listen?\ \was about to curse herself for her honesty when he said, \ 文章大意:

In that raunchy kitchen, elbows propped on either side of the cooling soup, he was fidgety. even a little awkward. But when he sat up behind his instrument, he had the irresistible 85 beauty of someone who had found his place. (1)American jazz musician and band1eadcr (1907-1994) (2) Persons who have entered a religious order but have not yet taken final vows (3) German composer (1810-1856) (4) A reference to Edward Fitzgerald's \bread. and thou:” a line from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 长难词:quirky 古怪的toffee 太妃糖fluorescent 日光灯shaft箭杆利用 swirl 涡旋stiff 坚硬novitiate见习修道士 obedient顺从 voluptuous 撩人的plump 鼓起cello大提琴 pandemonium 一片混乱stuffing 填塞物

surreptitious 秘密的molasses糖浆 agonize 折磨sate心满意足的 fraternities 兄弟会bumblebee大黄蜂 aerodynamically空气动力学 elbow用胳膊推开

7. The passage is best described as

(A) a social commentary on classical musicians in the early 1970's

(B) a nostalgic depiction of students in college orchestras

(C) a story of how one individual inspired many others (D) an introduction to a character through the perspective of another character

(E) an illustration of a strained but enduring relationship


8. The references to \\

(A) way that Clayton's demeanor brightened when Virginia was nearby

(B) contrast between Clayton's restraint and Virginia's passion

(C) attentiveness with which Virginia regarded Clayton (D) monotony of Clayton's everyday routine (E) superficiality of Clayton's beauty


9. The imagery in lines 12-13 (\which of the following about Clayton? (A) His complicated nature (B) His erratic reactions

(C) His unseemly complacency (D) His passionate loyalty (E) His tendency to argue

解析:A,文章说他—— 一脸奇怪的面色,好像阴影在表面下形成漩涡。这一形象表明Clayton的面色不只一种,我们进一步可以推断Clayton比起自己本身看起来更复杂,他的心情也更为复杂。

10. As contrasted with the language in the opening paragraph, the advice offered by Virginia's friends

(lines 14-15) functions primarily to

(A) break the mood of abstracted musing (B) introduce an element of foreboding

(C) poke fun at the pretensions of romantic music (D) contradict Virginia's opinion of Clayton (E) counter Clayton's offbeat sense of humor

解析:D,他的朋友说你可以和他一起演火辣的二重奏,朋友们的语言过于随意,与virginia对于clayton的观点是相违背的。 11. As described in lines 22-25, the atmosphere in the cello room is most nearly one of (A) creativity (B) emptiness (C) urgency (D) sanctity

(E) accomplishment

解析:D,这里我们提到所有的乐器像信徒一样排成一线。每次她穿过门槛走进那肃穆的氛围都会感到一种奇怪的威严。 12. In line 42. \(A) pressure (B) crowd (C) power (D) infatuation

(E) critical condition

解析:B这里说穿过rush所以这里很明显说的是人群 13. In lines 42-43. the reference to Clayton's humming creates an impression that he is

(A) uncomfortable with making conversation

(B) amused by the plight of other musicians (C) unaware of his effect on other people (D) compelled to show off his talent (E) immersed in his private world

解析:E,Clayton 被描绘成无动于衷的穿过人群去演奏厅练习,并且尽管有人群很混乱,他都没有收到影响说明Clayton 很专注,沉浸在自己的世界里。

14. In the context of the passage, Clayton's statement in line 46 (\(A) need to make a dramatic first impression (B) willingness to disrupt a fixed routine (C) consuming interest in music (D) distaste for competition

(E) insecurity around other musicians

解析:C,文章中Clayton 说“我想我要去练习”他说“你想去听吗?用这种练习音乐的方式去约会可以看出他对音乐的痴迷。 15. In line 52, the phrase \Virginia's pleasure is tempered by (A) Clayton's cold manner

(B) Clayton's visible uneasiness (C) her physical discomfort

(D) her overriding self-consciousness

(E) her sense that the happiness would be short-lived

解析:C\agonizing bliss\是由于天气太冷Virginia都几乎冻僵了,所以是身体上的不适。

16, In lines 59-61. Virginia's reaction to the meal most directly suggests that she

(A) was contented enough without the food

(B) was amused by Clayton's attempts at hospitality

(C) was suddenly aware of the chaos in the fraternity kitchen (D) felt guilty about making Clayton uneasy

(E) did not find the atmosphere conducive to romance

解析:A,Clayton 给Virginia 汤和奶酪并对食物不是太充分道歉。但是Virginia 如此的高兴以至于刚吃一勺就饱了 17, The description in lines 70-72 emphasizes how (A) strikingly Clayton resembles famous musicians (B) awkwardly Clayton behaves in social situations (C) profoundly Clayton is affected by music

(D) closely Virginia associates Clayton with his cello (E) strongly Virginia identifies with Clayton's situation

解析:D,文章在70-72行写到在他说话时Virginia看着他。他的皮肤和乐器一样金黄的褐色,而他的胡子像大提琴卷曲的轴。这段描写可以很清楚地表明Virginia把Clayton和联系的是如此紧密。 18. In referring to the bumblebee (tines 77-80), Clayton conveys his

(A) superstitious nature (B) cunning instincts (C) frail pride

(D) resolute determination (E) volatile temperament

解析:D正如大黄蜂一样,Clayton 的体型也并不适合演奏乐器,但是Clayton 最终也能演奏得很好,说明只要有坚定的决心就能够克服困难成功。

19. In lines 82-85, the descriptions of Clayton in the kitchen and Clayton behind his instrument present a contrast between his (A) chaos and organization (B) mediocrity and excellence (C) pretension and genuineness (D) laziness and dedication (E) clumsiness and gracefulness

