
发布时间 : 星期日 文章8A英语知识点汇总更新完毕开始阅读

▲在动词后+er, or, ist,构成的表示某种职业的名词

Unit 7 Seasons

1.feel/look cool turn brown 系表结构 系动词讲解 2.What a perfect time to fly a kite!

感叹句:What + 名词/名词性短语([冠词)+形容词+名词 ] How + 形容词/副词 2.forget to do sth.忘记去做

forget doing忘记做过 leave sth.+地点把某物落在某地 leave?doing 使处于?的状态

3.fly far away 飞得很远 far way from离?很远 ▲语法:句子结构


Unit 8 Natural disasters

1.It’s raining. 天正在下雨。

rain ①v.下雨It rains heavily outside.外面雨下得很大 ②n. 雨 There is much rain today.今天有大雨 rainy adj.下雨的、多雨的

2.wake up 苏醒 everywhere=here and there到处 3.hear about=hear of听说 hear from 收到?的来信=receive a letter from


4.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人去做某事

5.in the early morning 在清晨 early早起的 late晚期的 6.try one’s best to do尽力做 try doing尝试做 have a try试一试

7.run out of 从?跑出 rush out冲出

8.fall down 跌落 fall off 从?跌落 fall into落入;坠入 9.go through 经历、通过、渗透 go over仔细检查 10.I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. since 由于、因为 alive表语形容词 calm down 使平静

11.run in all directions四处跑 find out 找出 12.move away 移开

move sth. 移某物 move sth. to sp.把某物移到某地 moving adj.感人的 moved adj.感动的 ▲语法:过去进行时;when/while/as区别 ▲复合词 .

