
发布时间 : 星期五 文章高二英语会考模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读

Autonomous Region,according to a Modern Man Newspaper's report. Several loads of fresh vegetables are placed neatly along a street in Xinkai Village of Mengshan County close to Mengshan-Wuzhou High-way.But the vendors(小贩)cannot be found tending(照看)their stalls(摊位).They just come twice a day.

In the early morning,farmers carry their fresh vegetables and set them up with a

sign listing weights and prices.Then,they go back to work in their fields. During the daytime,people select what they want byreferring to the market prices

and tagged(标有)weights on each bundle of vegetables.They leave money in the

merchants' bamboo tubes(管).

The vegetables fair was set up in early 1980.Vendors are mostly farmers from nearby villages who take care of their contracted land(责任田)and other farm chores

during the day.

56.Which of the following about the passage is NOT true? A.The customers bargain with the sellers.

B.The prices are included in a listing sign by the vegetables. C.The vegetables are placed in good order. D.No thieves have been to the market so far.

57.The farmers do not look after their vegetables at the market mainly?because ___.

A.they have to look after their crops B.in this way they can get more money C.the buyers are very honest D.selling vegetables is tiring

58.From the last two paragraphs we can see that ___ A.the market is newly-built.

B.the bamboo tubes are very good money containers.

C.people there are very honest.

D.there are not a single thief in Guangxi.

59.It can be inferred from the passage that ___. A.the farmers live near the market B.everyone there has to work in the fields

C.the vendors sometimes hide themselves near the market D.the farmers there are very lazy B

If you like reading romantic stories,you may haveheard of Chiung Yao,Taiwan's well-known romantic novelist.

Chiung Yao regards her marriage to her second husband as particularly special.“I

count my husband's love as my great pride,” says the woman novelist,who is now

62 years old.“I've seen so much of life and have come to conclude that happiness

is the most important thing.And I have this need to create happiness for everyone.”

Since her career started in 1963 with the publication of her first romance novel,Beyond the Windows,Chiung's work has been very popular,especially among

young female readers.But her work has also been criticized for its sentimentality(伤感)and twisted(扭曲)reality.

But Chiung has never apologized.“It's a compliment(赞扬)to me when people say my

work is dream-like,” she says.“I believe everyone has dreams,and if I have helped bring to life their dreams,then I have achieved my purpose.” 60.Which is the best title for the passage? A.A Romantic Story Writer B.Chiung Yao's Story

C.What a Famous Story Writer! D.A Life Filled with Dreams

61.Which kind of people enjoy ChiungYao's novels most? A.Students. B.Politicians.

C.Young ladies. D.Those who often dream. 62.What can we infer from the passage? A.Chiung loves her second husband very much. B.Chiung didn't love her first husband at all. C.Chiung's first husband has already died.

D.Chiung doesn't understand the criticism on her novels. 63.From the passage we can learn that _____. A.Chiung Yao is a person full of experiences B.Chiung Yao likes sentimentality

C.Chiung Yao has lived a romantic life in all her life D.Chiung Yao is angry at the criticism on her stories C

BERLIN—Germany will admit up to 20,000 foreign high-tech workers,under a plan

announced on May 31.Chancellor(总理)Gerhard Schroeder sees this as a way to keep

the country from falling behind in information technology.

The plan for these so-called “green cards,” not unlike the US work permit system,came in answer to industry complaints that there were not enough qualified workers to fill positions.

Workers who come to Germany under the new rules,effective from August,will be

given a five-year work permit after they have completed studies ina related field,or can promise to make at least 100,000 marks(US $48,000)in yearly salary.

Family members are also allowed to receive work permits.“There is strong competition in the rest of the world for these people,” Schroeder

said,mentioning not only the United States but also Britain and France.“Germany

would be making a mistake if it didn't take part in this competition.” He said employers have already offered 11,000 jobs through a “green card hotline” and some 4,700 applicants(people who ask for a position)have e-mailed

information requests.

The Chancellor also said that the number of workers and the time limit of their stay may be extended,which is impossible under current German law. Allowing the workers to stay longer means they could finally become German citizens.Since the beginning of the year,foreigners who have lived in the country for eight years can ask to be naturalized(使加入……国籍). 64.From the first paragraph we know that ____. A.Germany is a less-developed country B.Germany used to be a developed country

C.Germany is short of high-tech workers in the field of information D.Germany once lost interest in information technology

65.If a high-tech worker wants to work in Germany,he or she can enter Germany

___. 本文文档版下载:http://www.k12zy.com/05/61/056194.htm A.in June B.during July C.before August D.at any time

66.It is mentioned in the passage that competition in high-tech businesses ___.

A.only exists in America,Britain and France B.has nothing to do with small countries C.is weak in Asian countries D.will affect the future of a country

67.According to this passage workers from foreign countries usually ask for jobs by __.

A.telephone B.letter C.internet D.telegram D
