
发布时间 : 星期四 文章2015广东成人高等教育学士学位英语考试真题A卷更新完毕开始阅读

C. meeting their interest in the subjects D. exchanging ideas with students worldwide

24. The sentence “students treat MOOCs as a buffet” (Para.3) ______. A. emphasizes the core value of MOCCs B. demonstrates the daily operation of MOOCd C. indicates students are free to choose MOOC resources D. explains what students learn from MOOC courses 25. What is the author’s attitude toward MOOCs? A. Critical. Passage Three

Whether you are hiking through徒步 the magnificent redwoods of Northern California, sleeping under the brilliant stars of the Texas sky or watching the sun rise across the rocky cliffs of Maine, expecting the outdoor world can be inspiring, thrilling, and deeply satisfying. And one of the best ways to enjoy the abundant gifts of the natural world is simple, inexpensive, and available to almost every one. Let’s go camping.

When you camp, you create a “home away from home” in the fresh air. You don’t need a lot of fency equipment to enjoy camping. What you need is simply a tent large enough for your family. Practice setting up the tent at home to make sure you are familiar with the process before you go camping.

Once you find a good site, it’s time to set up tent. Your first job is to set up your tent. Remove all sticks and rocks from the area. Spread a tarp (防水帆布) over the area where your tent will sit. Set up the tent and be sure to stake it down firmly, even if the weather is mild. Otherwise, strong wind can blow your tent away.

Next, you’ll need some firewood for a campfire. If gathering wood is illegal at your campground, you must buy it at the camp store. If gathering dead wood is permitted, go on a firewood-hunting journey and bring in a good supply of wood for your campsite, pile the wood safely away from the campfire ring and where no one will trip over the wood or hurt his or her legs on sharp branches.

Being a responsible camper requires that you follow the rules of the campground. Do not burn food or plastic in your campfire. Make sure that you leave your campsite in good condition for the next campers. Just before leaving the site, make a final check to be certain that your campfire is completely out. Pour water on the ashes just to be safe!

26. As is suggested by the aurhor, you should practice setting up your tent ______. A. before the weather turns bad B. before your first camping up C. after having selected your campsite D. once you have decided where to go

27. What is the first thing you should do after choosing a campsite? A. Gather firewood.

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B. Supportive. C. Indifferent. D. Neutral.

B. Spread a tarp on the ground. C. Set up the tent.

D. Remove sticks and rocks from the tent area. 28. You can gather firewood only ______. A. after you are sure that it is permitted B. after you are certain that no one will get hurt C. if there is no camp store nearby

D. if firewood is out of stock in a camp store

29. The last thing you should do before leaving your campsite is ______. A. burn all the trash B. clean the campsite C. pour water on the ashes D. collect all the rubbish

30. The passage is mainly about ______. A. safety measures a camper should take B. problems you may face as a camper C. what you need to know about camping D. what you need to bring along for camping Passage Four

Every country has secret services to help protect it against serious threats from terrorists, major criminals or even from other countries. People who threaten to harm a country always plot in secret, so the intelligence agencies have to work in secret to find out what is being planned before it happens, so that it can be prevented. They do that in many different ways – by secretly listening to their targets talking on the phone, by planting microphongs to overhear meetings, by watching the targets as they move from place to place and by recruiting some of the targets to act as double agents to report on what is going on.

For most of my career I worked in one of the UK’s three intelligence services, MIS, the domestic security service. I first joined in the 1970s, in the middle of the Gold War, when the war was divided into two armed camps, the Soviet Union(前苏联) and its allies on the one side and Western Europe, America and their allies on the other. The Gold War never became a fighting war. It was an intelligence war, with intelligence officers from both sides trying to find out what the other side was doing, what kind of weapons they had, when and if they might start a war and what their plans were. Both sides were secretly working in each other’s countries.

Nowadays one of the biggest threats to the world, comes from terrorists. Intelligence officers from many differenct countries are working together to find out who they are., where they are and what they are planning. Today’s MIS officers get their intelligence in much the same way as we did during the Gold War, but their task is even more difficult and urgent because most terrorists want to kill people. Many terrorist attacks that are planned and prepared never happen, and we never know anything about them because the intelligence services find them out and prevent them.

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31. What is the first paragraph mainly about? A. The tasks of intelligence agencies. B. The contributions of intelligence agencies. C. The equipment used by intelligence agents. D. The recruitment of intelligence agents.

32. The biggest security threats for Britain in the 1970s were from ______. A. international terrorists B. the Soviet Union and its allies C. major criminals within the country D. agents working for both camps 33. What is true about the Gold War? A. Both camps were planning to start a war. B. It was a war fought with advanced weapons. C. No fierce clash broke out during the period. D. It is not regarded as an intelligence war.

34. MIS officers’ task is more urgent today in that ______. A. terrorists are more difficult to find than spies B. most terrorist attacks are aimed at killing people C. terrorist attacks happen more frequently than before D. it takes only a little time to prepare a terrorist attack 35. The best title for the passage might be “ ______ ”. A. Ways of Gathering Intelligence B. National Defense Against All Threats

C. Which Is More Threatening: Terrorists Or Spies? D. What We Do As Intelligence Officers Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

36. I didn’t believe in this treatment before, but after I tried I found that it really ______. A. worked

B. mattered

C. passed

D. did

37. It is important for a child to share toys in order to ______ good social skills, A. release

B. invent

C. develop

D. start

38. She refers to me as her closest and dearest friend, ______ we met just two weeks ago. A. as

B. even if

C. as though

D. even though

39. When you get upset, you should take deep breaths to main a sense of ______. A. calm

B. humor C. duty D. security

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40. ______ they have the same name, American and English football are very different. A. Since

B. Although

C. For

D. Whereas

41. Emily Dickinson did not become popular ______ her death, when much of her writing was discovered. A. until

B. soon after

C. shortly before

D. up till

42. My ex-boyfriend’s presence at the party made me ______, so every time he came near, I headed in the other direction. A. puzzled

B. delighted

C. uncomfortable

D. interested

43. The horse race was so close that we had to watch a playback of the video to ______ the winner. A. realize

B. announce

C. award

D. determine判断

44. The animals, highly sensitive to pollution, can ______ monitor of water quality. A. serve as

B. work for

C. cope with

D. relate

45. The drama school, ______ places to students who can show talent. A. donates

B. offers

C. lists

D. supplies

46. When my girlfriend told me I had tomato sauce all over my lips, I ______ reached for a napkin. A. gradually

B. immediately

C. reluctantly

D. skillfully

47. Kay wanted to pull her hair out(发怒) ______ because her busy schedule did not allow time for relaxation. A. in amusement C. in frustration

B. with excitement D. with boredom

48. Transport is not included but can be arranged at your ______.应贵方要求 A. desire

B. request

C. wish

D. demand按你的要求

49. It is a challenging task, one that should not be taken ______. A. seriously

B. fully

C. lightly

D. quickly

50. The windows will allow a clear ______ of the beach. A. look

B. sight

C. vision

D. view

51. More and more people come from rural areas ______ better job opportunities. A. in charge of

B. in search of

C. in memory of

D. in honor of

52. ______ the damage is done, not even modern surgery can undo it entirely. A. Though

B. For

C. Once

D. Unless

53. He ______ that I am unqualified for the job, even though he didn’t come out and say it directly. A. claimed

B. implied C. declared D. inferred

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