
发布时间 : 星期三 文章四川省广安市思源中学高考英语完形填空一轮练习(13)更新完毕开始阅读



Behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail (小径). This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest. My 1 , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently. Normally, Beans sniffs alongside the trail to follow the smell of a deer track or 2 some cause known only to him.

Beans is a white dog, quite handsome and very 3 . He not only understands what we tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to 4 back. One morning, we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail. I was sure this trail would eventually lead us to our familiar 5 . But, no. We seemed to be far off course. After two hours, I suddenly realized that Beans probably 6 the way home. So I urged, \it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.

Soon it became 7 that we were getting nowhere. I began to picture the rest of the day in the 8 , without food or drink. We had walked about ten miles. But Beans seemed totally 9 . The sniffing and exploring was going well for him. Finally, we 10 a crossroad near a highway. Lady Luck suggested I should turn left. We did and 11 reached a cottage beside a field. I knocked on the door and explained my situation to an old man. He laughed and then drove us home.

Since our adventure, I 12 that Beans probably knew all along how to get home. He was just having too much fan exploring new trails. ( ) 1. A. deer B. dog C. lady D. man ( ) 2. A. imagine



B. consider C. explore D. present

( ) 3. A. smart B. sweet C. slow D. shy


( ) 4. A. turn


B. kick C. jump D. speak

( ) 5. A. driveway B. path C. crossroad D. highway (B)

( ) 6. A. knew B. saw C. showed D. made (A)

( ) 7. A, mysterious B. ridiculous C. fascinating D. apparent


D. cottage (B)

( ) 8. A. house B. forest C. field

( ) 9. A. unconcerned B. unconscious C. undecided D. uncomfortable


( ) 10. A. left for B. went off C. came to D. drove toward


( ) 11. A. punctually B. frequently C. formally D. shortly (D) ( ) 12. A. regretted

【语篇解读】我的狗Beans领着我沿着一条不熟悉的小路散步而迷路了,结果好不容易才回到家。但从冒险经历来看,我断定Beans可能一直知道回家的路,他只是喜欢探险新的路径罢了。 1. 答案:B

解析:根据第二段第一句 “Beans is a white dog”可判断选B 2. 答案:C

解析:根据全文最后一句 “He was just having too much fan exploring new trails.”可判断选C 3. 答案:A

解析:根据最后一句 “He not only understands what we tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to 39 back.”可推断Beans的聪明与机智。 4. 答案:D

解析:根据句中的 “makes sounds”可判断Beans试图用言语进行回答 5. 答案:B

解析:根据上文 “My 36 , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently.” 和 “we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail.”可综合判断选B,即“熟悉的小径” 6. 答案:A


B. remembered C. concluded D. confirmed

解析:根据下文 “So I urged, \Beans可能知道回家的路,故选A 7. 答案:D

解析:根据上文 “He ran down a new trail. But it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.”可推断其实Beans并不知道回家的路,即:很快,我们已经迷路是很明显的事了。 8. 答案B

解析:由前后语境可知我们迷失在一个偏僻之处,再结合第一段“This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest”的提示可判断选B项。 9. 答案A

解析:根据句中but所表示的转折关系,再结合“The sniffing and exploring was going well for him.”的提示推断,至于迷路一事我着急,但Beams并不关心,故选A项。 10. 答案C

解析:由前后语境可推断此处应意为“我们终于来到了离高速公路不远处的一个十字路口”,故选C项。 11. 答案D

解析:很快我们就来到一处村舍,故选D项。shortly意为“不久”,符合语境。 12. 答案C




My friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to pour 1 . When it became lighter, I decided to get my car, which was 2 at my office three streets away.

My friends argued that I shouldn’t go, mainly because I was seven months pregnant

then. I assured them that I’d be very 3 . I walked out of the 4 and started making my way to the car. At the traffic junction, a van stopped and the passenger got off with an umbrella. Before I knew what was happening, he walked right beside me and told me he’d escort(护送) me to my 5 . I was very embarrassed and declined(辞谢), but he was very 6 . During our 7 , he kept telling me to walk slower, as the ground was 8 . When we got to the car park, I 9 him and we parted ways. I did not get his 10 and may not even recognise him now. Did he 11 stop for me? I’ll never know. So how did I pay it forward? I was at home when I 12 two Indian construction workers walking in the heavy rain. They were probably on their way to the construction 13 near my estate, which was a long walk in. I went out and passed them an umbrella. I told them they should take the umbrella and 14 it. They were very grateful and like me, probably wondered why a 15 was offering such kindness. 文章大意:这篇文章讲述的是作者在下雨天得到陌生人的帮助,她深受感动,想把这样的好事继续传递下去。

1. A. hardly B. slightly C. heavily D. slowly 【答案】C

【解析】考查副词及上下文语境的理解。A. hardly几乎不; B. slightly轻微地;C. heavily沉重地; D. slowly慢慢地。根据it started to pour可知雨下的大用heavily;“我”和“我”的朋友刚在旅馆吃完午饭这时天突然下起了大雨,故选C。 2. A. parked 【答案】A

【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。A. parked停车; B. locked锁门; C. broken打断; D. repaired修理。根据I decided to get my car可知车停在某个地方。当雨小点的时候,“我”决定去取车,车就在离办公室三条街的地方,故选A。 3. A. successful 【答案】B

【解析】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。A. successful成功的; B. careful小心,仔细的; C. joyful令人高兴的; D. stressful紧张的,有压力的。根据I was seven months pregnant then可知“我”想他们保证我会很小心的,故选B。

B. careful C. joyful

D. stressful

B. locked

C. broken D. repaired
