
发布时间 : 星期日 文章M3U1短语更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 1

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1. 被一片灰色的薄雾覆盖/笼罩在灰色的薄雾中 2. 在午餐时间 3. 变成了一片浓雾 4. 离开工作并踏入雾中 5. 一出来到大街上

6.快速走向她往常去的车站 7. 巴士售票员 8. 收取她的车费

9. 乘坐地铁到绿色公园

10. 也许能够拦到一辆出租车 11. 打量/观察列车上的乘客


13扫视了她周围人的面孔 14. 到了车站的入口


16.在视力范围内没有一个人。 17. 朝着公园街出发 18. 沿着狭窄的街走 19. 听见靠近的脚步声 20. 到达街道拐角处

21. 感到一只粗糙的手拂过她的脸庞


23. 离开

24. 感到她的心脏因为害怕/恐惧的怦怦跳 25.希望有人跟着来 26.从黑暗中传来



29. 住在国王街86号 30. 小心台阶

31. 一个拄着拐杖的男人 32.听到它敲击台阶的声音 33.听起来年轻 34.在十字路口 35.再次感到害怕 36感到焦虑不安 37.将她的手握得更紧 38.一个感恩的助人者


39. 帮助某人

40.如释重负地说say in relief 41.我要走了。I must be off. 42.今天可能有更多的人迷路。


44. 不靠帮助过马路

45.预报说薄雾下午将变成大雾 46. 无处可见

47. Polly 犹豫着。

48. 公交车是否正常运行


50.拉着我的手 51.感觉到…

52.听觉: the sense of hearing 53.触觉the sense of touch

54.相互影响affect one another 55.捏住鼻子hold your nose

56.像往常一样工作良好work as well as usual 57.通过触摸由突起的点所构成的字母来阅读 read by touching letters in raised dots

58.听力有问题的人people with hearing problems

59.用手语互相理解understand each other using sign language 60.取得巨大成就make great achievements

61.失去使用某种感官的能力lose the ability to use one of their theses

62.使我们困惑confuse us/ make us confused


1.one of the famous composers in history 2.change the way people listen to music 3.listen to music for pleasure

4.play music in public for the first time 5.begin his studies under sb

6.take part in piano competitions 7.begin going deaf 8.grow worse

9.surprise his parents

10.the father of agriculture in Chinese legend 11.experiment with different ways to make tea 12.write down the results of the experiments 13.be good at recognizing different kinds of tea 14.get his dream job

15.be surrounded by strangely rich and meaningful smells 16.be suddenly filled with all kinds of strong smells


17.sniff like a dog

18.feel it strange to have this strange sense of smell 19.rely on smells to find food

20.care little about the sense of smell 21.recognize their babies by smell

22.travel(go)through the air into your nose 23.think twice before action

——Word power & Grammar&Task

1. walk me the rest of the way home陪我走在回家的路上 2.more than one part of speech一个以上的词性

3.invite him to come in and have a rest=invite him in and rest 4.smell very bad

5.have an answer to the problem of global warming 6.go hungry

7.can’t afford the increase

8.the weather forecast for tomorrow

9.with a fair chance of cloudy weather developing before noon 10.with a storm likely after midnight

11.A thin mist will develop over the city centre in the early evening later turning to fog.


12.That I can pay back the help people give me makes me happy.我能回报人们给过我的帮助让我快乐。

13.Whether he will be able to come is not yet known.他是否会来还不知道。 14.Why they have not left yet is not clear so far.为什么他们还不离开到现在为止还不清楚。

15.She believed that he had not told her the truth.她坚信他没有告诉她真相。 16.I wondered if/whether that’s a good idea.我不知道这是否是一个好主意。 17.don't know which way she should go不知道她应该走哪条路

18.I’m interested in who that tall man is. 我对那个高的男人是谁感兴趣。 19.The conductor has made it clear that no buses will be running.售票员明确表示没



20.The possibility that pleasant smells might reduce pain has recently been suggested by new research.最近新的研究表明愉快的气味很有可能会减少疼痛。

21.Keep their hands in very hot water for as long as possible while breathing in different smells.把他们的手放在滚烫的水中尽可能长时间并呼吸不同的气味。 22.It is believed that strong smells can affect the senses.人们相信强烈的气味会影响感官。

23.During the experiment ,volunteers were asked to sniff various pleasant smells.在实验过程中,志愿者被要求嗅各种愉快的气味。

24.Scientists are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain.科学家感兴趣的是嗅觉是否与疼痛有关。

25.For men ,there is almost no change.对于男士来说几乎没有区别。

26.He adds that this year scientists will test another 60 volunteers and will be in a better position to analyse the result.他补充说今年科学家将测试60个志愿者,并能够更好地分析结果。

27.be linked to recognizing the smell of babies与识别孩子的气味有关

28.Scientists used to believe that mothers recognize their children by sight only.科学家过去认为母亲只通过视觉来辨认孩子。

29.Now they have become convinced that the sense of smell also helps.他们现在已经确信,嗅觉也起作用。

30.However why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men remains a puzzle for scientists.然而为什么令人愉快的味道不减少男子疼痛对科学家来说仍然是一个谜。

31.The radio announced something .The mist would become a thick fog.电台宣布了

