(完整word版)人教版高中英语必修1核心词汇讲解及训练 - 图文

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实用文档 人教必修1Unit1--Unit5核心词汇梳理 Unit 1 Friendship upset, ignore, concern, settle, suffer, recover, add up, go through, set down, get along with, join in 1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt. 使不安;使心烦;弄翻;打乱(计划等) sth upset sb 某事使某人心烦意乱 sb upset sth 某人打 / 弄翻某物 upset a plan 打乱计划 be upset about / over / at sth 为某事烦心 upset one’s stomach 使(肠胃)不适 eg: His strange behaviour upset his father. Don’t upset yourself about the exam. It’s upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it. It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house. 注:upset为表语形容词,非定语形容词;其过去式和过去分词形式仍为upset;现在分词形式为upsetting。 2. ignore vt. 不理睬;不顾;忽视 ignore sb / sth 不理睬某人 / 某事 ignorance n. 无知;愚昧;不知道 be in ignorance of / about sth 不知道某事 文案大全

ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的;不知道的be ignorant that… 不知道某事 be ignorant of / about sth 不知道某事 eg: He ignored all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette. We can’t afford to ignore their advice. He’s completely ignorant about modern technology. 3. concern n.[U]关心,担忧 [C]关心的人或事 vt. 涉及;参与;使担心,使操心 It is no concern of mine / yours. concerned adj. 关心的,关切的,担忧的;焦虑的(位于名词之前);相关的(位于名词之后) as / so far as…be concerned 就…而言;依…之见 be concerned about / for sth 担心…;关心… be concerned in / with 与…有关 be concerned over / at sth 为某事忧虑 concern oneself about / for 担忧;关心 concerning prep. 关于;有关 eg: There is growing concern about violence on television. The President is deeply concerned about this issue. He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. This chapter concerns itself with the historical background. 实用文档 注:concerned用作形容词时意为“担忧的;关心的”;用作后置定语时意为“相关的;有关的”。另外concerning用作介词时意为“关于;对于”。 4. settle vi. 安家;定居;停留 vt. 使定居;安排;解决 settle down 舒适地坐下(或躺下);定居;安静 / 平静下来 settle in / into 习惯于;适应 settle on 选定,决定 settle up 付清账单 settled adj. 稳定的;舒适自在的 settlement n. 协议,定居点 eg: The company has agreed to settle out of court. It’s all settled — we’re leaving on the nine o’clock plane. I settled her on the sofa and put a blanket over her. 5. suffer vt. 遭受,蒙受;后跟pain / defeat / loss / poverty / hunger / punishment / hardship以及表示疾病的词。 vi. 后常跟介词from,表示“受……折磨;受……之苦,患某种疾病”。 sufferer n. 患病者,受苦者,受难者 suffering n. (肉体或精神上遭受的)痛苦,疼痛 eg: Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff. 文案大全

He suffered a massive heart attack. The Republican Party has just suffered a huge defeat in the polls recently. 6. recover vi.&vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 recover form 康复,恢复 recover oneself 恢复常态 recovery n. 恢复,改善 eg: Liu Xiang is still recovering from his operation. It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness. She has made a full recovery from her illness. 7. add up 合计 add…in… 把……加进去;包括 add…on (to)… 附加,加上 add…to… 在……中加上…… add to 增加;加强(多用于抽象意义) add up to 总计;总共(不用于被动语态) in addition 另外 in addition to… 除……之外 eg: The numbers add up to exactly 100. Remember to add in the cost of drinks. A service charge of 15% was added on to the bill. 8. go through 经历,经受;仔细检查;完成;用完 go after 追赶 实用文档 go against 违反,与…不符 go ahead 先走;开始做;着手干 go by 逝去,过去 go off 离开;爆炸 go on 继续;上场;流逝 go over 检查 pass through 走过;路过 live through 经历 look through 浏览;往…里面看 pull through (大病、手术后)康复 eg: I always start the day by going through my e-mail. He’s amazingly cheerful considering all he’s gone through. Things will get easier as time goes by. 9. set down 放下;记下;登记 set about (doing sth) 着手(做某事) set out (to do sth) 开始,着手(做某事) set aside 留出;不顾 set back (把钟等)往回拨;推迟 set free 释放;解放 set off 动身,出发;使爆炸 set out 动身,出发;着手;安排,组织 set up 开办;建立;设立 set an example 树立榜样 set fire to… = on fire 纵火烧 eg: Passengers may be set down and picked up 文案大全 only at the official stops. The bad weather set back the building programme by several weeks. We need to set about finding a solution. 注:set about和set out都可作“开始着手做某事”讲,但set about后加doing sth,而set out后加to do sth。 10. get along with 与…相处;进展 get along with sb 同某人相处 get along with sth 某事进展 / 进行 get about / around (消息)传开 get…across 讲清楚;(使)被领会 get away from… 离开;脱身 get…back 收回,找回 get…down 记下来;使悲伤 get down to 认真做,开始着手做 get in 到达;收割 get on… 上车 / 船 / 飞机;继续进行;相处 get over… 克服;摆脱 get rid of… 消灭,摆脱,除掉 get through… (电话)接通;用完;通过 get together 聚会,联欢 eg: She’s never really got on well with her sister. I’m not getting on very fast with this job. It’s time I got down to thinking about that essay. Your meaning didn’t really get across. 实用文档 11. join in 参加;加入 join up 入伍,参军 join up with (sb) (与某人)联合,会合 join hands (with sb)(与某人)拉起手;合伙,联合 辨析join / join in / take part in / attend / participate: 1 join表示“加入党派、组织、社团、俱乐部”○等,如join the Party / Youth League / army / club /organization。 2 join in○表示“参加正在进行的活动”,如Olympic Games in Beijing? Our children attend the same school. Unit 2 English around the world native, base, command, request, recognize, block, because of, come up, such as, play a role / part in, 1. native adj. 本国的;本地的;天赋的 n. 本地人;本国人 be native to 原产于某地的,土生土长的 be a native of 土生土长的本地人 go native 入乡随俗,同化 native art / dance / peoples土著艺术、舞蹈 / 民族 native wit / intelligence 与生俱来的机智 / 才智 eg: The tiger is native to India. He is a native of Beijing. You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives. 2. base vt. 以…为根据 n. 基部;基地;基础 base sth on / upon sth 以…为基础(或根据) base sb / sth / oneself in 以…为据点(或总部等),把(总部等)设在 the base of a column / glass / pyramid 柱基 / 玻璃杯底 / 金字塔底座 thjoin in a game / discussion / conversation / walk。亦可说:join sb in (doing) sth。 3 take part in表示“参加会议、活动”,侧○重说明主语参加并发挥一定作用,part前若有修饰语,要用不定冠词,如take (an active) part in a party / school activities / physical labour。 4 attend表示“出席或参加会议、仪式、婚礼、○葬礼、典礼,上课,上学,听报告”,如attend a meeting / a sports meeting / a concert / a show / school / a lecture。 5 participate为正式用语,和介词in连用,○表示积极地参与。 eg: She listens but she never joins in. Our teacher often joins us in singing and dancing. How many countries took part in the 29 文案大全
