
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2020-2021学年天津市和平区高考第一次质量(一模)英语试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读

Mr.Van Landeghem,29,said:“A happiness curve does not necessarily imply that a 65-year-old prefers his own life to the life of a 25-year-old.

“Both the 25-year-old and 65-year-old might agree that it is nicer to be 25 than to be 65.But the 65-year-old might neverthcless be more satisfied,as he has learnd to satisfied with what he has.”

It was suggested the mid-life happiness dip is because this is when people have she most responsibilities — taking care of a family, paying a mortgage C抵押贷款)and having a demanding career The middle-aged dip in happiness was also compared to that of lessing a close relative or suddenly becoming unemployed.

The study is just one of many put forward as an indicator of what makes for a happy life. Psychologists concluded that having money makes you happier, but only if you have a lot more than your friends and neighbors. Al the same time, you’d better have enough time to enjoy yourself instead of spending all your time on naking money.

Separate research found that owning the house of your dreams, the car you always longed for and having millions in the bank doesn't stop that desire to keep up with the Joneses.(攀比) And if the Joneses have more than you do, you'll be miserable. It seems envy at being lower in the social pecking order (权势等级)reduces the satisfaction of being well off.

If you just do what you love and you are good at, which society also values much, you may have a higher probability to be happy. But if your job pays less, how can you stick to it in disregard of responsibilities? Happiness means different things from different points of views and point of view grows from one's experience and knowledge. Perhaps it comes with you when you don'l need to think about adult problems or when you are wise enough to understand what satisfaction is.

51. He underlined word“pragmatic”in paragraph 2 may mean . A.realistic B.concerned C. nervous D. careful

52.According to the passage, people in their 30s and 40s . A. may feel it more difficult to experience happiness

B. may sense happiness declines owing to other complicated factors C. start to realize responsibility and risk mean risk mean happiness D. may associate happiness

with money and status and risk pursuing happiness

53.It is implied in the passage that . A. happiness comes when you complain less B. life is full of ups and downs in fact

C. a sense of responsibility brings you happiness D.competing with others often makes you blue 54. What makes for a happy fife? A. One's famiLy. B. One's money. C. One's wisdom. D. One's status.

55. The best title for the passage may be A. happiness is U-shaped B. happiness is an experience C. happiness makes you satisfied


D. happiness can be won by yourself

第二卷 非选择题(共35分)


1.请用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卷上。 2.本卷共6小题,满分35分。 第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

On my first job as sports editor for the Montpelier Leader Enterprise (MLE),I didn't get a lot of fan mail, so my attention was caught by a letter on my desk one morning.

When I opened it, I read: “Sweet piece of writing on the Tigers. Keep up the good work.” It was signed by Don Wolfe, the sports editor Because I was a teenager (being paid the grand total of 15 cents a column inch), his words could not have been more inspiring, I kept the letter in my desk drawer until it got old. Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to a writer,I would reread Don's note and walk on air again.

Later, when I got to know him, I learned that Don made a habit of writing a quick, encouraging note to people in all walks of life,“When I make others feel good about themselves, ” he told me, “I feel good, too.”

Over the years, I've Tried to copy Don and write uplifting words. In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such notes bring warmth.

Why are positive note writer in such short supply? My guess is that many who shy away from the practice are too self-conscious. They are afraid they will he misunderstood. Thus it may cause troubles

and problems. And it sounds insincere on the phont, Also, writing takes time;it is far easier to pick up the phone.

The drawback of phone calls, of course, is that they do not last. A note attaches more importance to our well-wishing. It is a matter of record, and our words can be read more than savored (回味) and treasured, and they bring strength and love to us.

Today I sent a warm fetter to my old boss.I don't know if it will make his day, but it made mine.As my friend Don Wolfe said. “Making others feel good about thenselves me feel good too. ” 56. What does the underlined park “walk on air”in Paragraph 2 probably mean? (No more than 5 words)

57. According to the author, why aren't people willing to write letters? (No more than 15 words) 58. Why did the author write to his old boss?(No more than 15 words)

59. What's the text mainly about? (No more than 10 words)

第二节 书面表达(共1小题,满分25分)

61.假设你是李津,随着世界读书日的临近(4月 23 日),你所在的学校举办了一次“校园书展(Canpus Book Fair)”活动。你很喜欢这次活动,想将活动情况向你的英国笔友安迪进行介绍,请写一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1.活动目的;举办的时间、地点

