
发布时间 : 星期三 文章教育硕士英语课文翻译整理更新完毕开始阅读



最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:http://www.pacificenglish.cn

A kind of sermon

(1) It is probably(多半,非常) easier for teachers than for students to appreciate(理解,明白) the reasons why learning English seems to become increasingly(越来越) difficult once the basic structures (结构)and patterns(模式) of the language have been understood .Students are naturally(自然) surprised (吃惊)and disappointed (失望)to discover(发现) that a process(过程) which ought to become simpler(简单) does not appeal to(似乎seem) do so.


(2) It may not seem much consolation (安慰)to point out(指出) that .the teacher,too,becomes frustrated (沮丧,失望)when his efforts (努力)appear to(seem似乎) product(产生) less obvious(明显的) results(结果).(即使向学生指出,老师的努力似乎不能产生很多的效果而变得失望灰心,也不可能对学生产生很多的安慰) He finds that students who were easy to teach, because they succeeded in putting


everything they had been taught into practice(实践), hesitate (犹豫不决,止步不前)when confronted(面对) with the vast(广大的) untouched(没接触过的) area(领域) of English vocabulary(词汇) and usage(语法) which falls outside the scope of (---范围之外)basic(基本) textbooks(课本).(他们发现,学生们容易教,是因为他们成功地把教给的所有东西应用于实践;当学生面对大量的、未接触过的、在基本课本之外的英语词汇和语法时,他们会犹豫不决。)He sees them struggling(挣扎) because the language they thought they knew now appears to consist of(由---构成) bewildering(令人困惑的) variety (品种,各种)of idioms(成语,习语), cliches(陈旧用语) and accepted phrases (固定词组)with different meanings in different context(上下文).(致力,努力).(他看到他们在挣扎,因为他们被教的、他们知道的语言看起来在由令人困惑的、在不同的上下文有不同的意思的各种习语、陈旧用语和固定词组组成。)It is hard to convince(使--相信) them that they are still making progress towards (往,朝向)fluency(流畅) and that their English is certain(确定) to improve(改善,提高), given time and dedication(很难让他们相信,他们在朝着流畅的目标前进,及时只要花上时间和精力,他们的英语确定能提高和改善。)

(3)In such circumstances(情形下) it is hardly surprising that


some give up in disgust(厌恶) ,(在这样的情形下,一些学生厌恶地放弃了学习,一点也不令人吃惊。)while (表转折,意为“而”)others still wait hopefully for the teacher to give them the same confident(确信,自信) guidance(教导) he was able to offer(给予) them at first.(而另外一些学生满怀希望等待老师给他们一些一开始能够给予他们的充满自信的教导) 。The teacher, for his part(部分), frequently (常常地)reduced (减少)to trying to explain(解释) the inexplicable(莫名其妙的,无法解释), may take refuge in (避难,逃避)quoting(引述) proverbs(谚语) to his colleagues(同事) such as\make him drink, \(恭敬地) if less grammatically(语法上): \that you say it.\(就老师来说,由于常常尝试解释哪些无法解释的东西,他们可能对同事们引用一些谚语来逃避,如:“引马到河边容易,逼马饮水难”,或者引用一句不太符合语法却尊重学生的话:”“重要的不在于你说什么,而在于你怎么说”。)His students might feel inclined to (倾向于做某事)counter(回应,反应) these with:\know.\(他的学生们则倾向于回应他们说:“我学的越多,懂的越少。”)

(4)Of course this is not true.(当然,这话并不正确。) What


both students and teachers are experiencing(体验,经历) is the recognition(认识,识别) that the more complex (复杂)structures (结构)one encounters (遇到)in a language are not as vital to (同样重要的)making oneself understood and so have a less immediate(直接) field(领域,范围) of application(应用).(因为不论老师还是学生正经历着这样的认识过程,即我们在语言方面遇到更复杂的结构,这些结构对于表达自己的意思不是那么不可或缺,因此他们的应用范围不是那么直接。) For the same reason, from the teachers point the view(观点,看法), selecting (选择)what should be taught becomes a more difficult task(任务). (由于同样的原因,来自老师们的观点是,选择适当的教材变成了一项更加困难的任务。)It is much easier to get food of any kind than to choose the dish (菜)you would most like to eat on a given day(特定的日子) from a vast (丰富)menu(菜单).(就像随便吃点东西比在某个特定的日子从一份丰富的菜单中选择你最喜欢吃的一道菜更容易。)

(5)Defining(界定) the problem is easier than providing(提供) the solution(办法).(界定问题比提供解决办法容易。) One can suggest(建议) that students should spend two or three years in an English speaking country, which amounts to (等于)washing one's hands of(与?无关)them. (有人建议学生
