
发布时间 : 星期日 文章高级英语下册重难点单词解释更新完毕开始阅读

eczematous (adj.) : of itching skin disease湿疹的

patina (n.) : a fine crust or film on bronze or copper.usually green or greenish-blue,formed by natural oxidation and often valued as being ornamental(青铜器上的)绿锈

uremia (n.) : a toxic condition caused by the presence in the blood of waste produts normally eliminated in the urine and resulting from a failure of the kidneys to secrete urine尿毒症

loathsome (adj.) : causing loathing;disgusting;abhorrent;detestable讨厌的;厌恶的;令人作呕的

laborious (adj.) : involving much hard work;difficult. industrious;hard-working费力的;困难的;勤劳的;辛苦的

incessant (adj.) : never ceasing;continuing or being repeated without stopping or in a way that seems endless:constant不停的,连续的;不间断的

decompose (v.) : break up or separate into basic components or parts;rot分解;(使)腐烂,(使)腐败

forsake (v.) : give up;renounce(a habit,idea,etc.);leave;abandon抛弃,放弃(思想、习惯等);遗弃;背弃

malarious (adj.) : of fever conveyed by mosquitoes疟疾的;空气污浊的 hamlet (n.) : a very small village小村庄

incomparable (adj.) : no beyond comparison;unequalled;matchless无与伦比的,举世无双的;无敌的,无比的

titanic (adj.) : of great size,strength,or power巨大的;力大无比的;有极大权力的

aberrant (adj.) : turning away from what is right,true,etc.:deviating from what is normal or typical与正确或真实情况相背的;偏离常规的;反常的

uncompromising (adj.) : not compromising or

yielding;firm;inflexiable;determined不妥协的;坚定的;不让步的;坚决的 inimical (adj.) : 1ike an enemy;hostile;unfriendly;adverse;unfavorable敌人似的;敌对的;不友好的;相反的;不利的

ingenuity (n.) : cleverness,originality,skill,etc.机智;创造力,独创性;熟练

grotesquery (n.) : the quality or state of being grotesque奇形怪状;怪诞 retrospect (n.) : a looking back on or thinking about things past;contemplation or survey of the past回顾,回想;追溯

diabolical (adj.) : of the devil or devils;fiendish恶魔的;残忍的,凶暴的 concoct (v.) : devise,invent,or plan计划,策划;虚构,编造 insensate (adj.) : not feeling,or not capable of feeling,sensation无感觉的,无知觉的

brute (n.) : an animal;a person who is brutal or very stupid,gross,sensual,etc.畜生;笨蛋,粗野的人 词汇(Vocabulary)

cathedral (n.) : any large,imposing church主教座堂,主教大堂;大教堂

peak (n.) : the highest or utmost point of anything;height; maximum最高点,顶点;最高值

lucid (adj.) : clear to the mind;readily understood易懂的;明白的 ulterior (adj.) : beyond what is exprssed,implied,or evident;undisclosed隐蔽的;秘而不宣的

prosecution (n.) : act of prosecuting彻底进行;执行;实行

infuse (v.) : put(quality,idea,etc.)into,as if by pouring;instill;impart逐渐灌输(思想品德等);把…传授给

protestant (adj.) : of any of the Christian churches as a result of the Reformation新教(徒)的;基督教(徒)的

obsess (v.) : haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal

degree;preoccupy deeply使分心;使心神困扰(尤指精神反常,着迷) subdue (v.) : bring into subjection;conquer;vanquish使屈服,征服 asceticism (n.) : the practice or way of life of an ascetic苦行(主义);禁欲(主义)

succinct (adj.) : clearly and briefly stated;terse简明的;简短的

stultify (v.). : make seem foolish,stupid,inconsistent,etc.;make absurd or ridiculous使显得愚蠢(可笑)

devoid (adj.) : completely not having;empty or destitute完全没有的;无(或缺乏的)

premium (n.) : a reward or prize,esp. one offered free or at a special。low price as an additional amount paid or charged奖品,奖赏,尤指奖金

slovenly (adj.) : of characteristic of a sloven马虎(或懒散)成性的 slowdown (n.) : slowing down,as of production(生产等的)减退;怠工 manipulation (n.) : skillful handling or operation:artful management or control,etc.操作;操纵;处理;熟练的;操作;巧妙的管理(或控制) psyche (n.) : the human soul;the mind灵魂;心灵;精神 psychiatrist (n.) : expert in psychiatry精神病专家

routinize (v.) : make routine;reduce to a routine使成常规;使习惯于常规 spontaneity (n.) : the state or quality of being spontaneous自发性;自发的情况

deep-seated (adj.) : deep-rooted;firmly established根深蒂固的 gadget (n.) : any small,esp. mechanical contrivance or device(尤指机械装置的)小发明

cereal (n.) : any grain used for food,as wheat,oats,rice,etc.谷类 toaster (n.) : any of various utensils or appliances for toasting bread烤箱;烤炉

drudgery (n.) : work that is hard,menial,or tiresome单调乏味的工作;苦干

bliss (n.) : great joy or happiness极大的欢乐(或幸福)

knob (n.) : a handle,usually round,of a door,drawer,etc.(门、抽屉等的)球形把手

craving (n.) : an intense and prolonged desire;yearning or appetite,as for food,drink,etc.渴望,热望;(对饮食的)急欲
