
发布时间 : 星期日 文章仁爱英语七年级下册导学案合集更新完毕开始阅读

1.What’s Jane doing ? 2.What’s Michael doing ?

Step 3 : Look at the pictures in 2b and talk about them :

e.g. Picture1 : Where is Mary ? What’s she doing ?

Step 4 Read 2b .


3) 正确理解:at the moment = now = right now (现在)

Step 5. Work alone 2b Step 6. Practice 2b

Step 7. Work alone Part3 课堂上展开竞赛

Step 8. Pair work .要求学生认真观察例句并同桌进行合作,课堂展示。 五、学法指导:

1、独立自主,学会使用工具书和其他辅助资料。 2、立足于课本,坚信书读百遍其义自现的道理。

3、小组合作. 4、学会虚心倾听,学会上课专注。5、学会质疑和解疑。 6、随手笔记 六、学习小结:

1、动词现在分词的构成规律:2、动词的现在进行时态的用法: 七、达标检测:


1. My father is sleeping at the m_________.2. Look, Jane is m________ cards . 3. The boys are playing basketball on the p__________________. 4. The students are having lunch in the d________ hall . 5. S_______ is Paul’s favorite sport . (二) 用适当的单词填空(每空一分,共30分)

1.He is playing soccer _____ the playground . 2.Maria is _____ the library . 3.They are dancing _____ the gym . 4.I am _____ the teachers’ office . 5..They are cleaning _____ the dormitory . They are not sleeping _____ the moment . (三)单项选择题(1×25=25分)

( )1. Look ! The girl _________. A. runs B. running C. is runing D. is running

( )2. What’s Rala doing ? She is _____ shopping . A. going B. to go C. goes D. go ( )3. I like the swimming pool _____. A. well B. good C. best D. fine ( )4. Sam is ___ art teacher . He likes playing __ football . A. a; the B. an; the C. an ; / ( )5. Would you like to play games with me ? _______.

A. That’s right. B. All right . C. Good idea! D. I don’t thinkk so.

( )6. What are you doing ? I’m ____ A. walk B. swim C. rideing D. singing ( )7. Are you watching TV? ____.A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I am .D. No, I am . (四)对划线部分提问

1. They are doing their homework (变成否定句)

2. The students are cleaning the dormitory .(变成一般疑问句) 3. The girl is reading in the library . (对划线部分提问)


Unit5 Topic2 SectionB

一、学习目标: 1、知识与技能:

A:学习并掌握本节课生词:borrow --- put on


B: 继续学习现在进行时:时态结构是:_____________________________ C:学习借物:尝试翻译一下:

Excuse me ,can/could/may I borrow …? Excuse me , do you have any …?

D: 学习写寻物启事和招领启事: 2、过程与方法

注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。 3、情感态度价值观:拾金不昧 二、重点难点

1、borrow/return的用法及借物用语。 2、现在进行时 三、知识链接:


look watch clean sing have use come write shop forget sit run 2、对划线部分提问

She is singing in her room . 对进行时态中的现在分词提问要使用:What’s /What’re …doing ? 牢记哦! 四、学习内容:

Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译下列词组或句子,然后在文中标出。

1.a few 2. many students ___ 3. of course_____________ 4. look for…__________5. on the shelves___________ 6. How long …? _________

7. two weeks_____________ 8. on time _________ 9. return=give…back___________

10. return sth to …= give sth back to …__________ 11. Excuse me, can I borrow ….? 12. do better in …= be better at … 12. Here you are ! 13. How long can I keep them ? 14. You must return them on time . 15. It’s a pleasure ! = That’s OK!= That’s all right!= Not at all != You are welcome! 16. Thank you all the same != Thank you anyway . Step2 .Read 1a again ,answer the four questions below (根据1a回答问题)

1.What does Li Ming want to borrow ? 2. How long can he keep them ? Step 3 . Read 1a after the record , and then act it . Step 4 . Complete 1b

Step 5 . Listen to the record about 2b answer the question :


What’s Maria doing ? Read 2b again and practice it . What else ? 别的还有什么? ★★★“else (别的/其他的)”,只能用在不定代词和特殊疑问词之后。 Step 6: Read 1a again , complete 2b

Notes: LOST (寻物启事); FOUND (认领启事) Step 7: Part 3 . Listening exercise . 五、学法指导:

1、识记单词,熟读课文 2、学用工具 3、小组合作 4、学会虚心倾听,学会上课专注。 5、学会质疑和解疑。 6、随手笔记 六、学习小结:

1、借用:_______ 归还________ 准时________ 多长时间________ 2、翻译“打扰了,请问我可以借用、、、吗?” _________________________?



1. You must ________(归还) it on time . 2. He is looking for her __________(钱包)

3. How long can I ________(保持) the book ? 4. What _________(别的) is in your purse ? (二)单项选择

( )1. You must look after your things . Sure , _____ . A. I do . B. I will C. I would D. I am ( )2. What are you doing ? I’m ____ my English book .

A. looking after B. looking at C. looking for D. looking like .

( )3. Could you give me ___ orange juice ? Sorry, there isn’t ____ .

A. any ; any B. some; some C. some ; any D. any ; some

( )4. My father is ____ my mother .

A. talking with B. speaking with C. saying D. telling

( )5. ___can I keep the library book ?

A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much

( )6. What’s in your bag ? ______________

A.Something other B. Nothing other C. Anything else D. Nothing else .

( )7. Excuese me , do you have a ruler ? Sorry ! I don’t have one . ________.

A. I’m sorry , too. B. That’s bad . C. No problem. D. Thank you anyway . ( )8. The apples are very nice . Would you like ____?

A. it B. one C. another D. they


1. Please return the book to me now .(同义句转换) Please _____ ___ ____ _____ _____ now

2. Thank you all the same . (同义句转换) ______ you __________.

3. You can keep the story book for two weeks . (对划线部分提问)

4. My father always watches TV in the evening .(用now改写句子)


Unit5 Topic2 SectionC

一、学习目标: 1、知识与技能:

A:学习并掌握本节课生词:around --- draw

1.around: 在…周围: 在我们学校周围_________________

大约=about :大约在六点钟___________________

show sb around (…) : 带领某人参观(、、、)

show me around youw school _______________

2. sit—sitting : I am _________(sit) between Lucy and Lily at the moment. seat 座位 have a seat = take a seat

3. write—writing . He is ___________(write) a letter .

4. at the back of … 在…后面(在某一范围内部)

Sheis cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom . 翻译:__________________________________________ 5. draw : draw pictures 画画


B:继续学习现在进行时:时态结构是:_____________________________ C:学习表示方位的介词和介词短语:

in : 在…里; in the room ; in the lab ;在教室 用… in English ___________; 用日语______________________

穿/戴… in red_____________; in a balck cap_________________ on:在、、、上: on the desk on the playground at 在某处;at the bus stop ______________at the desk________________ 在某时:at ten o’clock _______________________________________ between …and… 在…和…之间 2、过程与方法

注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。 3、情感态度价值观:积极参加体育锻炼


1、介词和介词短语 2、现在进行时 三、知识链接:


look watch clean sing have use come write shop forget sit run 2、翻译:他们正在操场跑步

___________________________________________________________. 四、学习内容:

Step1 : Read 1a .在现在进行时态的句子下面划线并正确理解(提问展示) Step2. 找出文中的的所有介词短语划线。

