
发布时间 : 星期一 文章仁爱英语七年级下册导学案合集更新完毕开始阅读

Unit5 Topic1 SectionC




要求:熟读、识记会默写,在听写本上做好准备,上课默写,再接再厉! 2、过程与方法

注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。 3、情感态度价值观:




2、运用频度副词谈论日常生活 三、知识链接:


always →_________ → often →__________ → seldom →


2、He goes to the school library very often . (对划线提问) 3、同义句转换:

Very few students ride bikes to school . =


Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译下列词组或句子,然后在文中标出。

1. would like to do sth = would love to do sth = want to do sth 2. know about …. 3. after lunch

4.the school life of American students .= the American students’ school life . 5.go to school 6..take a yellow school bus or walk to school . 7. very few students . 8. ride bikes . 9.have lunch 10.at school

11.eat out 12.on school days 13.have a short rest =have a little rest 14.what time ? 15.be over

16.at about 3 o’clock 17. in one’s free time

18.play basketball or soccer 19.go swimming and so on . 20.how often 21. have ball games 22.four times a year .

Step 2:翻译并熟背(课本P6)

踢足球 打篮球

去游泳 去钓鱼 听音乐 看电视 做他的家庭作业 去公园


Step 3. 3 Pair work . 翻译并熟背(课本P6)

约见朋友 做饭 去动物园 一周一次 一周两次 一周三次 很是经常 每一天 很少 That’s good ! Work must come first ! 五、学习小结:

1、频度副词词组:每天 ;每年 ;一周一次 ;

一年四次 ;很是经常

2、对频度副词或频度副词词组提问用:How often …? 3、翻译“工作/学习第一” _________________________________ 六·句型转换

1. I usually go to school on foot . (同义句转换)

2. He always goes home by bike . (同义句转换)

3. Jane sometimes gets up at 6:00 (对划线部分提问)

4. My father always watches TV in the evening .(改为否定句)

5. Maria often does her homework at 7:00.(改为一般疑句


Section D




every day 每天; every week______________ ; every Sunday _____________; once a week 一周一次; twice a week _____________________;

three times a year_________________ ; very often ________________ ★★★对以上词组提问用how often …? 一定要记牢哦! C:能够运用频度副词谈论日常生活:(在课文中找出一下句子做好批注) How often do they have ball games ? 他们多久进行一次球赛? Four times a year . 一年四次 2、过程与方法

注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。 3、情感态度价值观:




2、运用频度副词谈论日常生活 三、达标检测:


1. Chinese students want to know a________ the second life of American students . 2. Work must come f_________.

3. We often have a short r________ after lunch .

4. The first class usually e________ at half past eight in our school . 5. Jane likes playing f________ very much . (二)单项选择

( )1. I don’t want ______ so early .

A. to get up B. gets up C. get up D. getting up ( )2. My father never _____.

A. cooks B. cook C. cooking D. is cooking

( )3. Will you get there by ____ train ? No, I’ll take ______ taxi (出租车) A. / a B. a / the C. / / D. the / a

( )4. Does your mother get up early every day ? _________.

A. Yes, she does B.No, she does C. Yes, she does D. No, she don’t .

( )5.Xiao Ming never _____ home on foot . She often takes the subway . A. go to B. goes to C. walks D. goes .


Unit5 Topic2 SectionA

一、学习目标: 1. 知识与技能:

A:学习并掌握本节课生词:make ---pool . 通过预习达到会读、识记要求,上课时默写,要求在听写本上做好准备,标清序号(20),条理清晰,每行4个,成绩计入个人周成绩表。只要你肯下决心并付诸行动,你一定会赢在起跑线上的! B:学习动词的现在分词的构成规律:

1)在词尾直接加ing: work—working ; play—playing

2)以不发音的e结尾的动词去掉e再加ing; come—coming ; have—having 3)以重度闭音节结尾,结尾只有一个辅音字母,双写该辅音字母再加ing kid—kidding;shop—shopping ; begin—beginning; run—running 4)以ie结尾的动词变ie为y再加ing. die—dying;lie---lying; tie---tying C:学习现在进行时的用法:

1)句型结构:be + V-ing + ... 2)句型含义:正在做、、、

3)特征词:look ! listen! Now , at the moment ?

尝试翻译:My mother is cooking breakfast ________________________ 她正在做家庭作业___________________________________. D:能够用现在进行时谈论日常生活场景,尝试翻译: What are you doing ?____________________________?

We are playing basketball on the playground.. ______________________ 2. 过程与方法

课前做好预习,预习中做好预测,标出不会的内容,寻求同桌、小组帮忙,聆听别人的见解,专注于老师的总结。 3. 情感态度价值观:

A. 热爱学校,保持校园干净整洁。 B. 参加体育锻炼,保持身体健康! 二、重点难点 1、现在分词 2、一般现在时态

三、知识链接:含有be动词的句子的否定句和一般疑问句的变化规律 I am watching TV.(变成否定句;一般疑问句;肯定回答;否定回答) ____________________;

____________________? ______________; _________________. 四、学习内容:

Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译下列词组或句子

1.do your homework 2.watch TV 3. make cards . 4.would like to … 5.play basketball _______________? 6.Good idea! __________________!

Step2 : Read 1a again ,找出使用现在进行时态的句子并翻译,然后回答下面的问题:

