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it’s master Wugui, he wants to see you.

Master wugui, you summoned me? Is Sth wrong?

Why must sth be wrong for me to see my old friend? So…nothing is wrong? Well, I didn’t say that.

You’re saying…

I have an vision…Tailang will return. That is impossible! He is in prison!

Nothing is impossible…

Sing!Fly to prison! Double the guards, double the weapons, double everything,

Tailang does not leave that prison.

Yes! Master shifu.

When often meet destiny on the road, it takes what it really to… We have to do sth, before he march on the valley, and take

arrange…he’ll…he’ll… Mind this water, my friend When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. the dragon scroll. It is time… But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with this secret to limit this power? To become the dragon warrior? I don’t know~ Excuse me…sorry… Hey~~~watch your pose~ Sorry~ Sorry!doesn’t in purpose~ What! Master’s choosing the dragon warrior, today! Everyone! Everyone! Go! Get to the jade palace! One of the five is going tol get the dragon scroll! We’ve been waiting for this for thousands of years!just leave the bowl! This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!leave about it,kids go~ Po~ where are you going? To the jade palace… Don’t forget your noodle car! The whole valley will be there, you’ll sell noodles to all of them~ Selling noodles? But,dad…you know I was thinking…maybe i…I becomes thingking… Could also sell the bean bundles, they’re…they’re about to go bad… That’s my boy! I told you that dream was a sign!~ Yeh~glad I had it~ Almost there! What?no…no…no… Sorry~po~we’ll bring you back souvenir. No, I’ll bring me back souvenir. It is a historic day, isn’t it, Master Wugui? Yes…and I even felt I will not live to see~ Are your students ready?---yes master wugui. You know this, old friend, whoever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley, but also to you~ Let’s our

tournament begin~ No nono~wei…I’ve come… Hey~ open the door~ let me in~ Citizens of the valley please~ it is my quite honor to present you…tigeress, viper, crane,monkey,mantis! ----the furious five The furious 5? Warriors, prepare~ Nono, pick it a hole The thousands tons of fire~ Wow~kook at there! Hey~get away! And finally!master tigeress~ Believe me!citizens! you’ve not seen anything yet~ I know! Tigeress, play on! And her plays of gests~ I sense the dragon warrior is among us. Citizens of the valley of the peace! Master wugui will now choose the dragon warrior! Oh?nonono,wait Po!what are you doing! What’s it like we are doing? Stopstop! I’ll go to see the dragon warrior! Po,don’t you understand? You finally had the noodle dream! I lied…I don’t dream





kungfu!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, come on, son~let’s get back to work! Ok… Oh…what was going on… Where are… What are you pointing..oh…ok…sorry…I just want to see who the dragon warrior was How interesting it is… Master,are you pointing at me? Him… Who? You! Me? The universe has brought us the dragon warror~ What? What? …… Stop!wait!who called you to… Master wugui wait… That clumsy panda cannot possibly be the answer to our problem.. You’re about to point out tegeress…that thing thrown in front of her.. That was just an accident.. There are

no accidents. Forgive us…master, we have failed you…

No…if the panda has not quit by morning, then I will failed you… Wait wait…there have been a message from master shifu. What?double the guard and set precautions? Your prison may not be adequate? You doubt my prison security? Absolutely not Shifu does… I’m just the messager Oh..give a message for your master shifu…escape from the prison is impossible Impressive,isn’t it? It’s very impressive..very impressive One way in.one way out One thousand guards and one prisoner Yes..except that prisoner is tailing… Take us down.. My god… Be held .tailang I’ll…en…I’ll still wait here… It doesn’t to worry about… it’s perfectly safe… Have the array. Tough guy, did you hear…wugui did finally find someone to give the scroll And it’s not ,won’be you. What are you doning? You’ll get him mad! What’s he gonna to do about it? I’ve got him completetly immobilized Oh…did I stamp your witty tail? I’ve seen enough I’ll tell shifu it doesn’t worry about No he doesn’t… Ok I’ll tell him..can I please go now? Wait a second… I think this has been a slight mistake… Everyone thinks I’m … The sacred hall of warriors… Look at this place… Master fly’s armor… With sinks of battle damage… Wow..The sword of hero’s It’s said to be so sharp that you can cut yourself just by looking… The invisible dragon..of destiny I’ve only seen painting of that painting… No… The
