
发布时间 : 星期一 文章新概念NEC3英语第三册作文与书信标准答案(lesson1-lesson60)更新完毕开始阅读

NEC3新概念英语第3册composition(作文)与letter writing(书信)标准答案(lesson1-lesson60)

UNIT 1 Lesson 1 A puma at large逃遁的美洲狮 Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one十三等于一 Lesson 3 An unknown goddess无名女神 Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs阿尔弗雷德·布洛格斯的双重生活 Lesson 5 The facts确切数字 Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab砸橱窗抢劫 Lesson 7 Multilated ladies残钞鉴别组 Lesson 8 A famous monastery著名的修道院 Lesson 9 Flying cats飞猫 Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic“泰坦尼克”号的沉没 Lesson 11 Not guilty无罪 Lesson 12 Life on a desert island荒岛生活 Lesson 13 It'S only me“是我,别害怕” Lesson 14 A noble gangster贵族歹徒 Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble五十便士的麻烦

Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb玛丽有一头小羔羊 Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world世界上最长的吊桥 Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art现代艺术中的电流 Lesson 19 A very dear cat一只贵重的宝贝猫 Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots飞行员的先驱 UNIT 2 Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza丹尼尔·门多萨 Lesson 22 By heart熟记台词 Lesson 23 One man's meat is another man's poison各有所爱 Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboard“家丑” Lesson 25 The Curry Sark“卡迪萨克”号帆船 Lesson 26 Wanted:a large biscuit tin征购大饼干筒 Lesson 27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy不卖也不买 Lesson 28 Five pounds too dear五镑也太贵 Lesson 29 Funny or not?是否可笑? Lesson 30 The death of a ghost幽灵之死 Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric可爱的怪人 Lesson 32 A lost ship一艘沉船 Lesson 33 A day to remember难忘的一天 Lesson 34 A happy discovery幸运的发现 Lesson 35 Justice was done伸张正义 Lesson 36 A chance in a million百万分之一的机遇 Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express开往威斯特海温的快车 Lesson 38 The first calender最早的日历 Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about不必担心 Lesson 40 Who's who真假难辨 UNIT 3 Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace宁静田园生活的遐想 Lesson 42 Modem cavemen现代洞穴人 Lesson 43 Fully insured全保险 Lesson 44 Speed and comfort又快捷又舒适 Lesson 45 The power of the press新闻报道的威力 Lesson 46 Do it yourself自己动手 Lesson 47 Too high a price?代价太高? Lesson 48 The silent village沉默的村庄 Lesson 49 The ideal servant理想的仆人 Lesson 50 New Year resolutions新年的决心 Lesson 51 Predicting the future预测未来 Lesson 52 Mud is mud实事求是 Lesson 53 In the public interest为了公众的利益 Lesson 54 Instinct or cleverness?是本能还是机智? Lesson 55 From the earth:Greetings来自地球的问候 Lesson 56 Our neighbour,the fiver河流,我们的邻居 Lesson 57 Back in the old coun时重返故里 Lesson 58 A spot of bother一点儿小麻烦 Lesson 59 Collecting收藏 Lesson 60 Too early and

too late太早和太晚

Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮

Mrs. Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in the countryside near her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided to


return for lunch. She was just picking up her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. Then she saw an animal which looked like a cat. She knew it was not a cat because it was so large. The animal suddenly turned round to look at her and she thought it was going to come towards her and perhaps attack her. She dropped her basket and screamed loudly. Hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.She told her neighbours that she had seen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe her. She also telephoned the police but they didn't believe her either. (148 words)

Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一 A sticky business

We were used to hearing our church bell striking the hours in our small village. For as long as anyone could remember, the bell had struck the hours day and night. However, one night the church bell remained silent and the next morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly one a.m. Our clock was clearly damaged, but no one could explain how this had happened.

Armed with a torch, our vicar climbed into the church tower to see what was going on. He heard a loud buzz as he went towards the clock and in the torchlight he found it had been invaded by bees. He was lucky they didn't


sting him! He shone his torch into the great bell and saw that it was full of wax and honey. No wonder it wasn't working!

A bee keeper was called in to deal with the situation. He immediately removed the queen bee to one of his bee hives and the other bees followed. The clock was cleaned and was soon working again. We not only enjoyed hearing it strike the hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well.(195 words)

Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神

After walking round the ancient city, the archaeologists discovered an ancient temple. This temple had obviously been a place of worship because it contained a sacred room. On entering the sacred room, the archaeologists found the clay fragments of fifteen statues, each of which was a goddess which had once been painted. After this, workmen began digging and soon discovered the head of a statue among remains dating from the fifth century B.C. They also found the body of this statue among remains from the fifteenth century B.C. The archaeologists carefully put the fragments together. They were astonished to find that the figure was a goddess. The goddess was a modern-looking woman. She had her hands on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Although the archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were unable to find out her name. (143 words)


Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活

Nearly caught

One morning Alf and three other dustmen were collecting rubbish in Merton Street and they stopped outside Mrs. Frost's house.

Though Alf didn't know it, his wife was visiting Mrs. Frost at the time. She and Mrs. Frost were old friends, though Mrs. Frost had never met Alf. Alf was just getting out of the dustcart to go into Mrs. Frost's backyard when he saw his wife leaving Mrs. Frost's house. He quickly returned to the dustcart and hid in the driving cabin. While he was hiding, his fellow dustmen helped him by collecting Mrs. Frost's rubbish. Meanwhile, Alf's wife and Mrs. Frost talked on the doorstep. It looked as though their conversation would never end!

At last Mrs. Bloggs said goodbye to Mrs. Frost. She waved to one of the dustmen whom she recognized and she went towards the dustcart to greet him. The dustman waved back and gave her a big smile as the dustcart drove off. Mrs. Bloggs stood on the pavement and watched the dustcart disappear down the street. Then she began to walk home. ?It's all right, Alf,? his friend said. ?She can't see you now.?

?Thanks, Jim,? Alf said. ?That was a lucky escape!? (200 words )

Key to Letter writing

