
发布时间 : 星期四 文章仁爱版七年级英语下册Unit_5单元同步测试题更新完毕开始阅读

下册英语unit5(总分80) 姓名 分数


( ) 1. --- does she watch TV? ---Every day.

A. How often B. What time C. How many D. How long ( )2. There is ______ rice or bread in the bag.

A. no any B. not some C. not many D. not any ( )3 . Why not ______ upstairs and have a rest?.

A. going B. to go C. go D. goes

( )4.I have a blue purse. She _____ has one.

A .too B. also C. else D. two

( ) 5. --- _________ can you see in the picture? ---I can see a little cat under the tree.

A. What else B. Who else C. Where else D. How ( ) 6. Tuesday afternoon, we have a class meeting.

A. In B. At C. On D. With

( )7. — How do you go to school? — I go to school . A. by a bus B. in a bus C. take a bus D. on a bus ( )8. My purse is lost. I’m ________ it.

A. looking after B. looking like C. looking for D. looking

( )9. They usually watch TV 8:00 Sunday evening. A. on; on B. at; at C. on; at D. at; on ( )10. The traffic is_________ and the cost of living is ________in the city.

A. high; heavy B. heavy; high C. many; low D. heavy; low

( )11. The post office is _______ the bookshop and the hospital. A. from B. between C. at D. on ( )12. Listen! Kate _____ now. Oh., she always________

A. is singing ; is singing . B. sings; sings. C. sings; is singing . D. is singing ; sings

( )13. There ______ a lamp, a clock and some books on the desk. A. have B. be C. are D. is. ( )14. These are your books. Please _______

A, put it away B. put away it C. put them away D. put away them ( )15. He’s ___________his purse, but he can’t ________ it.

A. look, find B. looking for, find C. finding, look for

( ) 16. Could you help me ________?

A. with open the window B. open the window C. to opening the window D. opening the window

( ) 17 — story books every day? —No, but now I . A、Are you reading, read B、Do you read, am reading C、Do you read, read D、Do you read, am not reading ( )18 —It’s 9:15 now. What class ?

—Math. They have a math class every day.

A、do they have B、are they have C、are they having D、are having

( ) 19. On the floor ___________ a nice bag.

A. has B. have C. there is D. there are

( )20. —What is your father like?-- _______________.

A. He likes apples. B. He is kind.

C. He lives in a tall building. D. He likes living in the city. 二、将方框中的词分类:(10分)

1)把字母编号填在相应的类别中;2)根据读音写出相应的单词 A.sofa B.under C. chair D. near E. bank F. fan G.wondweful H. large I.hospital J.far K.behind L.supermarket

Public Places:_________________________ /mju(:)'zi?m/_______________ Furniture:___________________ /'mir? /________________ Prepositions______________________________ / ?'kr?s/_______________ Adjectives(形容词):______________________ /'b?:ri?/_____________

三.方格里的词你还记得吗?请你在下面找出它们的意思,并把单词的字母编号写在相应的括号里。(10分) A.quiet B. post C. before D. usually E. cross F. picture G. difficult H. move I. hurt J. bookstore ( )1. to send by mail ( )2. feel pain ( )3. hard ( )4. not noisy

( )5. a place for buying books ( )6. photo ( )7. in front of

( )8. to go or take from one place to another ( )9. go across ( )10. very often


1 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A lot of ______ are playing in the park.

Are there any ____________ beside the post office?

I can hear her ________ the piano in the garden. It is beautiful. Do you have any _____ for the film? This sign means” ___________”.

6. The old man is __________________ now. 7. There are a lot of _________ in Zhao Qing.



A: Hello! May I speak to David, please? B: This is David speaking. Who’s that? A: 1

B: 2 . I think you must be learning physics. A: 3

B: Because physics is your favorite subject. David. We want to play soccer this afternoon. 4 A. Yes. I’d love to. 5 A. We want to meet on the playground at 1:00p.m. See you, then. Bye. B. Bye-Bye.

A. When and where do you meet?

B. I’m Li Lei.

C. How are you.

D. What are you doing?

E. Would you like to come with us?

F. This is Li Lei.

G. Why do you think so?


In China, the traffic keeps on the right. But when you are in England, you must be very careful because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right and the left. In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous(危险)then.

When you are in some English cities, there are big buses with two floors, you can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city well. It’s very interesting. ( ) 1. In England the traffic moves _________ .

A. on the right B. on the left C. in the middle D. in the park ( ) 2. When you cross a street, you must look to _________ .

A. the front B. the right C. the left D. B and C ( ) 3 It is ______ to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening. A. dangerous B. interesting C. easy D. safe ( ) 4. You can see the cities very well on the ______ floor of the bus. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth ( ) 5.In most parts of China, the traffic are on the_______ . A. front B. left C. right D. back


It is evening. An old cock(公鸡) is sitting __1__ a tall tree. A fox (狐狸)comes to the tree and looks up at the old cock.

“Hello, Mr. Cock. I have some good news for you,” says the fox. “Oh?” says the cock. “What is it?”

“All the animals are good friends now. Let’s __2_ friends, too. Please come __3_ and play_4_. “Fine!” says the cock. “I’m very glad to hear that.” Then he looks up. “Look! There _5_ something over there.”

“What _6_ at ?” asks the fox.

“Oh, I see __7__ animals over there.. They are _8_ this way.” “Animals?”

“Yes. Oh, they’re dogs.”

“What? Dogs?” asks the fox. “Well,…well, I must __9__ now. Goodbye.”

“Wait, Mr. Fox!” says the cock. “Don’t go. They are only dogs. And dogs are our 54 now.”

“Yes, but they don’t know that yet.”

“I see, I see,” says the cock. He smiles(微笑) and goes to sleep high up in the tree. ( )1. A. in ( )2. A. be ( )3. A. up

B. on B. is

C. at C. am

D. up

D. are

B. down C. in D. out

( )4. A. and I B. with me C. with I D. and ( )5. A. are

B. be C. am

D. is
