(完整)深圳牛津版英语最新八年级(�课文(带翻� - 百度文库

·¢²¼Ê±¼ä : ÐÇÆÚÒ» ÎÄÕÂ(完整)深圳牛津版英语最新八年级(ä¸?课文(带翻è¯? - 百度文库¸üÐÂÍê±Ï¿ªÊ¼ÔĶÁ

Feelings¸ÐÊÜ£»Çé¸Ð towards¶ÔÓÚ dogs began to change when life became more prosperous ['pr?sp(?)r?s] ·±ÈÙµÄfor people. People came to see dogs as ¿´×÷friends or companions [k?m'p?nj?n]Åã°é. Today we call a dog ¡°man¡¯s best friend¡± and tell people ¡°Love me love my dog¡±.

Do you know any sayings about dogs? What are they?

Unit 7 ¿ÎÎÄ£¨·­Ò룩


Aliens ['el??n]ÍâÐÇÈË Arrive!


Tina woke up ÐÑÀ´at midnight ['m?dna?t]ÎçÒ¹. She looked out of her window and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly dived [da?v]DZˮ£»¸©³å towards³¯Ïò the groundµØÃæ. She heard a noise and saw a red light.


The next morning, Tina mentioned ['men?(?)n]Ìá¼° it to her brother Tom.


¡°I¡¯m sure something landed in the forest near the hills as I heard a loud noise last night,¡± she said.

¡°Let¡¯s explore [?k'spl??]̽Ë÷ after school.¡±


At 6 p.m., Tina and Tom reached the forest. They heard some voices speaking a strange language, so they hid behind some bushes [b??] ¹àľand kept quiet±£³Ö°²¾². Then they saw an alien! It was tall, with a round head and a silver ['s?lv?]ÒøÉ«µÄ body. It was standing next to a long spaceship. The spaceshipÓîÖæ·É´¬ was ill damaged ['d?m?d?]Ëð»Ù because of a crash [kr??]×¹»Ù.


The children were frightened ['fra?tnd]º¦ÅµÄ. Suddenly, another alien appeared from the bushes in front of them. It discovered [d?'sk?v?]·¢ÏÖ them and made a terrible ¿Éŵģ»Ôã¸âµÄnoise! The children ran away in fear [f??]º¦ÅµØ.


The next morning, Tina and Tom told their parents about the strange creatures['kri?t??]ÉúÎï. ¡°They were very ugly ['?gl?]³óªµÄ. They had some hair, but they didn¡¯t have any feathers ['fee?]Óðë,¡± said Tina.




¡°There was something written on the spaceship,¡± said Tom. ¡°It looked like this. I wonder ['w?nd?]ÏëÖªµÀ£»»³ÒÉ what it means.¡± He drew some lines on a piece of paper.

But Dad said, ¡°Since no one else saw these aliens, I refuse [r?'fju?z] ¾Ü¾øto believeÏàÐÅ you. Now go to school!¡±


The children spread [spred] Õ¹¿ªtheir wings³á°ò and flew to school together. Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange marks [m¨»?k]·ûºÅ on it. ¡°It looks strange,¡± he said, as he looked at the word ¡°EARTH¡±.

¡°UFO¡± Seen in West Jersey

At around´óÔ¼ 7 p.m. last night, the Johnson family heard a loud noise and saw a bright light in the sky. Something then fell into the bushes¹àľ. There were more noises, and then all became quiet. In fearº¦ÅµØ, the family called the police.

The police discovered·¢ÏÖ some feathersÓðë in the bushes. Since the feathers were spread outÕ¹¿ª, the police believed that a bird was killed. Next to ¿¿½üthe feathers, there was a broken ¶ÏµÄpower lineµçÏß. The police wondered how the bird was killed. The Johnson family, however, refused to believe it was a bird. ¡°It was a UFO, I tell you!¡± said Mr. Johnson.

Tina and Tom are telling a police officer ¹ÙÔ±what they have seen.

Police: Why did you go to the forest?

Tina: We went there because I heard a loud noise last night. Police: What happened?

Tina: We woke upÐÑÀ´ at midnight and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly dived DZˮ£»¸©³åtowards ³¯Ïòthe ground. Then I heard a noise and saw a red light. Police: I see. So when did you reach the forest?


Tom: We reached the forest at 6 p.m. Police: What happened there?

Tom: We saw an alien. It was tall, with a round head and a silver body. Police: What else did you see?

Tina: We saw a long spaceship. It was damaged ['d?m?d?] Ëð»Ùbecause of a crash [kr??]×¹»Ù.

Police: Interesting! What happened next?

Tom: Another alien discovered us, so we ran away in fear. Police: Thanks, Tina and Tom. We¡¯ll explore[?k'spl??]̽Ë÷ the forest to try and find out ÕÒ³ö£»²éÃ÷more about these aliens.


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Many people say they have seen UFOs. Here is one famous story. It is called the Roswell Incident['?ns?d(?)nt]ʼþ and it happened in the US in 1947.

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Person A (name not given): My wife and I were sitting outside because it was a warm night. Suddenly we saw something very bright flying through the sky.

¸ö°¸ B£¨William Brazel£¬Å©Ãñ£©£º

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