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William Hanna and Joseph Barbera both worked for 为...工作MGM in the late 1930s. Their boss老版 told them to make funny cartoons. Together they thought of the idea of 想起..的主意a cat and a mouse. They thought 认为it would将 be funny if the mouse was clever聪明的 and always got the cat into trouble使猫陷入麻烦. 第一集猫和老鼠在1940年在电影院上映,取得了很大的成功。在接下来的17年中,他们制作了很多猫和老鼠卡通片。大多数大约7分钟长。

The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown上映 in cinemas 电影院in 1940. It was a great success. Over the next 17 years, they made many Tom and Jerry cartoons. Most of 大多数them are around[?'ra?nd]大约;周围 seven minutes long.


In total['t??t(?)l]总共, Hanna and Barbera made 114 Tom and Jerry cartoons. The cartoons were so good that they won a number of awards[?'w??d]赢了很多奖. The famous cat and mouse remain[r?'me?n]依然 popular流行,受欢迎 today, as因为 the cartoons are still shown on television['tel?v??(?)n电视 around the world全世界.

Havoc['h?v?k] in Heaven['hev(?)n] 天堂 《大闹天宫》 在中国最著名的卡通片之一是大闹天宫。

One of the most famous cartoons in China is called Havoc in Heaven.

大闹天宫是在20世纪60年代被王氏兄弟创作出来的。它讲述的是美猴王的故事。这个卡通片展示了很多中国元素特征。例如,它是由手绘的中国画制作而成的,并且一些音效是来自京剧。这个卡通片在国内外赢得了很多奖项,并且,自从被创作出来以来,影响了整个亚洲的卡通片。 你曾经看过大闹天宫这部卡通片吗? 你喜欢吗?


Havoc['h?v?k] in Heaven was created 创作in the l960s by the Wang brothers. It tells the story of the Monkey King. The cartoon shows many Chinese characteristics[,k?r?kt?'r?st?ks]特征. For example, it was made from hand-drawn手绘的 Chinese pictures, and some of the sound effects音效 are from Beijing Opera歌剧. This cartoon has won 赢,获得many awards 奖品at home and abroad[?'br??d]在国内外, and has influenced ['?nfl??ns] 影响cartoons卡通片 throughout[θru?'a?t] 贯穿Asia[?e???]亚洲 since自从 it was produced[pr?'dju?s]生产;创作.

Have you ever 曾经watched the cartoon Havoc in Heaven? How do you like it?


初二 (下)



Unit 5 课文(翻译)


Panda ['p?nd?]熊猫 facts事实

Adult ['?d?lt]成年的 weight [we?t]重量: about 100-150 kilograms

Life: Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild 在野外but in zoos动物园 they can live for up to 高达35 years.

Food: A panda eats about 30 kilograms of bamboo [b?m'bu?] 竹子a day.

Home: Pandas live high up in the mountains 住在高山上of Central ['sentr(?)l]中部


的 and Western ['west(?)n]西部的 China.

Population人口: There are about 1,600 pandas in the wild在野外. Behavior行为: Pandas spend 花费more than超过 12 hours a day eating.

THE GIANT巨大的 PANDA ['d?a??nt]熊猫 Giant Panda Fact File档案;文件

Population [p?pj?'le??(?)n]人口;数量 In the wild: about 1,600

Appearance [?'p??r(?)ns]外貌;出现 Weight重量 at birth出生时: about 100—200 grams克

Adult成年的 weight体重: about 100—150 kilograms Color: black and white

A giant panda is a kind of bear [be?]熊. It has a white face with black patches [p?t?] 斑点;碎片around its eyes. It also has black ears, shoulders ['???ld?]肩膀 and legs 腿. The rest of 剩下的its body is white.

家:熊猫生活在中国中部和西部的高山中。它们生活在那儿的竹林里。 Home

Pandas live high up in the mountains 住在高山上of Central中部的 and Western 西 部的China. They live in the bamboo forests [b?m'bu?]竹林 there.

食物:野生熊猫通常吃竹子。在动物园里,它们的菜单包括竹子、苹果和胡萝卜。一只大熊猫一天能吃30千克竹子。 Food

Pandas in the wild usually eat bamboo竹子. In zoos, their menu['menju?] 菜单 includes包括 bamboo, apples and carrots ['k?r?t]胡萝卜. A giant panda can eat as 24
