
发布时间 : 星期六 文章2014年中考英语专题练习-句子翻译更新完毕开始阅读

You can_______ _______ the new word in the dictionary. 2.让我们去远足而不是呆在家里,好吗?

Let's go hiking_______ _______ staying at home, shall we? 3.如果你熬夜看你喜欢的电视节目,你会感觉困的。

If you_______ _______ for your favourite TV programmes, you will feel sleepy. 4.汤姆下午将在机场为他的朋友送行。

Tom will_______ his friend_______ this afternoon in the airport. 5.他太害羞,以至不敢在公共场合说话。 He was too shy to speak_______ _______. (十六)(2013.遂宁)


We should learn how to_______ _______ well with others. 2.对我们而言保持健康很重要。

It's very important for us to_______ _______ . 3.高中和初中的教学方式是不同的。

The ways of teaching in senior school are_______ _______those in junior school.


He_______ realize he had left his keys in his office_______ he got home. 5.我们被分成四组做实验。

We are_______ _______ four groups to do the experiment. (十七)(2013.淮安)


This old man doesn't______________. His children go to see him_____________________.


After we______________ the story, Mr Black asked us to share ideas with_______.


The twin sisters always______________ the teacher carefully and take notes______________.


Mum______________ from home for nearly a month. I______________ seeing her. 5.郎平挚爱排球,她认为值得为此奉献一生。

Lang Ping loves volleyball so much that she thinks it______________.

(十八)(2013.北京) 1.你最好买一本英语词典。

______________ buy an English dictionary. 2.我爸爸过去常常开车上班,现在坐公交车了。

My father______________ go to work by car, but now he takes the bus. 3.大家正盼望着暑假呢。

We ______________ the summer holiday. 4.我一读完这本书就还给你。

I will return the book to you______________ it. 5.北京园博园每天下午六点才关门。

Beijing Garden Expo Parks______________ six o'clock hl the afternoon every day.



My dear friends, let's_______ _______ to our dreams, and they may just come true some day.


That child broke his leg_______ _______ when he was climbing the mountain. 3.上个月,南方部分地区的天气真是糟糕啊!

_______ terrible weather it was in some parts of southern China last month! 4.如今很流行的“大学游”对青少年来说是很有教育意义的。

University Tours, which are quite popular these days, are very_______ to teenagers.

5.不论发生任何事,我都不会改变心意。 _______ happens, I won't change my mind. (二十)(2013.常州)

1.我们正在猜想这首歌曲会让他想到什么。 We are guessing_____________________. 2.这个男孩年龄大到能独立上网查信息了吗? ______________ on the Internet? 3.这个作家直到获了奖才出名。 The writer______________.

4.多亏你的帮助,我的房间看起来整洁多了。 ______________,my room______________. 5.他别无选择只能严格要求他的学生。 He______________ his students. 6.酒后驾车是多么危险啊! How______________! (二十一)(2013.十堰)


Would you mind______________ my garden when I am on business? 2.南希非常喜欢这首歌。她经常随着它跳舞。

Nancy loves the song very much. She often_______ it. 3.昨天直到雨停了学生们才离开公园。

The students______________ the rain stopped yesterday.
