
发布时间 : 星期三 文章unit3练习更新完毕开始阅读



支持身体健康者 支持外表者

1. 一切活动或饮食要以健康为基础

1. 如果没有外表的美丽,健康也没有用

2. 有了健康的身体,就有了学习工作的根源

2. 外表的美丽可以为学习和工作带来成功的捷径

3. 有了健康的身体,才会找到真正的自我 3. 有了美丽的外表,更容易找到自我

4. 如果光有美丽的外表而没有健康的身体只会成为社会的负担 4. 举例



Period 7 Project

满分:60分 时间:30分钟

Period 8 Self-assessment

满分:100分 时间:50分钟


1. 过着繁忙的生活_______________________________

2. 变的健康的唯一办法___________________________

3. 从长远看_____________________________________

4. 不吃饭_______________________________________

5. 控制他们的体重_______________________________

6. 吸收________________________________________

7. 对运动不抱希望_______________________________

8. 感到放松_____________________________________


10. 充足的睡眠__________________________________

11. 使你为第二天做好准备_________________________

12. 实际上_______________________________________

13. 睡眠的缺乏____________________________________

14. 导致你增肥____________________________________

15. 遵循上述的意见________________________________

16. 立刻,马上___________________________________

17. 对??负责_____________________________________

18. 辱骂__________________________________________

19. 使某人振奋_____________________________________

20. 充分利用_______________________________________


1. The winter vacation was drawing near, but nobody knew where they ________ for the holiday.

A. went B. had gone C. were going D. would have gone

2. -----Why didn’t you go to the cinema yesterday?

------I _______, but my wife returned from France the moment I was leaving.

A. was going to B. would C. did D. had

3. It is not what is done to us _________ matters, _________how we take what is done to us.

A. which; and B. this; but C. that; but D. which; but

4. I first met Lisa three year ago. She ________ at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked

5. You had better expect some suggestions from_________ you think can really help you.

A. whom B. anyone C. no matter who D. whoever

6. He _________ full marks in the physics exam, but he was too careless.

A. could have got B. would get C. got D. had got

7. They have made greater progress than________ .

A. they expected B. expected C. to be expected D. expecting

8. This time tomorrow I ___________to Beijing.

A. will fly B. am flying C. fly D. shall be flying

9. I shall never forget the years_______ I lived in the countryside with the farmers, ________ has a great effect on my life.

A. that ? which B. when ? which C. which ? that D. when ? who

10. Kunming is said to be a city of spring all the year round. But the weather there ________ unpleasant.

A. should be B. may be C. must be D. can be

11. The city of Nantong is no longer _________it was ten years ago.

A. that B. why C. where D. what

12. I have ___________your new tie the moment you came in. It’s really eye-catching.

A. watched B. looked C. observed D. noticed

13. Christmas is coming and the children ______ to see what Santa Claus will bring to them.

A. can’t help B can’t wait C. can’t hope D. can’t expect

14. -----Hi, Lucy, you look tired.

-----I’m really tired. I ______the living room all day.

A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have been painted

15. The ________ look on her face suggested that she _________ the exam.

A. worrying ; didn’t do well in B. worried ; didn’t do well in

C. worried ; did well in D. worrying ; does well in

16. There used to _______ a stone figure(塑像) over there, _________?

A. have, didn’t there B. be, didn’t it

C. be, usedn’t there D. have, usedn’t it

17. You don’t have to change yourself ------ you are fine just ________.

A. as you are B. with yourself C. for you are D. what you are

18. Your idea ______ nice indeed, but I ______ to attend a meeting this evening.

A. is sounded, am supposed B. sounds, suppose

C. sounds, am supposed D. is sounded, suppose

19. _______ everybody knows about it, I don’t want to talk any more.

A. For B. Even C. Now that D. However

20. There was _________in history when black slaves could be bought and sold in America.

A. the time B. a time C. time D. any time


work out, exercise, contain, damage, consider, risk, affect, recognize, control, suggest

1. Although I met too many difficulties, they ___________ all right at last.

2. As I hadn’t seen him for years, I couldn’t ___________ him at once when I saw him at the beginning.

3. The firefighters came and __________ the big fire so that everybody was saved without being burnt.

4. I cannot take any _______ to lose you.

5. The food _________ a lot of nutrients.

6. Every day our students do morning __________.

7. Smoking ________ health, so you’d better try to get rid of it.

8. Please give the problem your careful ___________; it’s a bit difficult.

9. An earthquake sometimes causes great __________.

10. He made the ___________ that we go by train.
