
发布时间 : 星期三 文章最新原创2018-2019年外研版七年级英语下册精品全册教案及教学反思(114页)更新完毕开始阅读


Module 1 Lost and found

Module 1教案 Unit 1 Lost and found

一.教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1.掌握词汇:

基准目标 whose , lose ,find , mine, yours , hers, be careful with , on ,phone, leave, plane, why, hundred, hundreds of , look for , thousand, strange, boat, duck, pig

选择目标:crayon, eraser , glove , wallet, watch, first of all, lost and found box, tape, purple , from now on , here is /are..., camera, mobile phone, lost and found office, in a hurry, taxi , airport, saugage.

Key structure: whose...is this? It’s mine Is this ...yours? Are these ... yours? 2.掌握目标语言:lost and found

技能目标:1.能利用所学内容达到对失物招领的对话文章的听说读写. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生助人为乐,拾金不昧的高尚品格。 学习策略:通过用英语与同伴谈论丢失的物品或寻找失主。 过程与方法:bottom-up approach tape recording, videos, OHP

二.重点与难点 1.名词性物主代词

2.名词性物主代词和形容性物主代词的差异 3元音字母a在单词中的读音

三.教材与学情分析 四.教学过程 Teaching steps 1.Warming up Teacher’s activity Students’ activity 1. Take out items out of your 1. Try to pronounce them schoolbag, and put them on your correctly. desk. Use them to review and teach 2. Match the words with pictures. the new vocabulary(e.g.watch) 2 match the words from the box with the pictures ①Listen and answer the questions 1 Students ask and answer questions in pairs. 2. Listening Is the football Tony’s ? Are the crayons Betty’s ? 3.Listening Ask the student to listen the tape, Try to match the people with then ask them to read after the tape. Ask them to read in pairs Ask them to practice in pairs Show the main points in the dialogue their things Read in pairs . 4.Out put 1show some things or 1.pracitice in pairs. pictures ,show the sentences on the 2 Ask and answer in pairs. blackboard. 2 Ask Ss to answer the questions 3 Ask Ss to do dialogues with their partners. 5.Feedback 6 Use some things around you to present the dialogue in pairs complete Show the short paragraph, ask Fill in the blanks then check students to read and fill. Homework: with partners . the passage

8.Homework ① listen and read the dialogue ②Recite the words and expressions. 教学反思:本课活动的设计层级性强,能依照语言的学习规律,帮助学生系统的进行知识的构建,对技能的训练也是由简到繁,先输入后产出。

Unit 2 Are they yours?

ⅠTeaching model Reading and writing. ⅡTeaching method Top-down approach ⅢTeaching aims

1. To get information from the reading material about the Lost and Found Office in New York City.

2. To write something about the Lost and Found.. ⅣTeaching Objectives

Key vocabulary: camera, phone, mobile phone, lost and found office, in a hurry, leave,

plane, taxi, why, airport, hundred, hundreds of, look for, thousand, strange, boat, duck, pig, sausage

ⅤTeaching aids Recorder, OHP, video ⅥTeaching Steps Step 1 Warming-up


1)教师先简单用英语介绍本班的一些情况,然后要求学生分两人小组就School life话题进行对话,也可以给出以下问题要求学生对话: Do you like your school?

How many lessons do you have each day?

How do you get to school?


2)教师说:下面有几位同学,他们也就School life 进行了交谈。他们谈了什么呢?

1.Look and listen. Then repeat.

1)教师说:请同学们听第一段对话,然后回答:How many lessons does Gu Ming have each day? 以下三段对话的教学方式与上相同,教学中使用的参考用题如下: What time is the recess?

What’s Gu Ming’s favourite lesson? What does Ms Wang teach?





Unit 3 Language in use

ⅠTeaching model Revision and application ⅡTeaching method

Formal and interactive practice ⅢTeaching aims

1. Function: Finding out what belongs to whom 2. Structure: Possessive pronouns

3. Around the world: The Internet lost and found
