上海市浦东新区2019届高三二模英语试题 含解析

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考查副词。A. Therefore因此;B. Otherwise否则,另外;C. Furthermore此外,而且;D. Instead代替,反而。因此,从长远来看,不完美实际上可以帮助我们。结合句意可知答案为A。 【47题详解】

考查名词。A. obstacle障碍;B. alternative二中择一;C. attitude态度;D. equivalent等价物。完美主义另一种可能的选择涉及到发展心理学家所说的“成长心态”。故选B。 【48题详解】

考查形容词。A. various各种各样的;B. fixed确定的; C. positive积极的;D. keen渴望的。与那些固定性思维模式的人不同——他们认为自己的技能水平是与生俱来的,不可改变的,而那些成长型思维模式的人相信,他们可以通过从错误中学习来提高自己的能力。结合句意可知答案为B。 【49题详解】

考查形容词。A. casual随便的;B. creative有创造力的;C. crucial重要的,决定性的;D. changeable可改变的,易变的。心理学家指出,父母在帮助孩子培养对失败更健康的态度方面可以发挥至关重要的作用。故选C。 【50题详解】

考查动词。A. persevere坚持;B. scheme 计划,策划;C. negotiate谈判,交涉;D. survive幸存。他们可以赞扬孩子的努力,即使他们的结果是不完美的,并当他们犯错误时帮助孩子学会坚持。故选A。 【51题详解】

考查形容词。A. potential潜在的;B. conditional有条件的;C. unique独一无二的;D. sustainable可以忍受的。完美主义的另一个潜在选择是培养自我同情。故选A。 【52题详解】

考查动词词组。A. compete with与……竞争;B. run after 追赶;C. respond to响应;D. argue with与------辩论。为了理解自我同情,你要考虑如果你的亲密朋友犯了错误,你会如何回应。结合句意可知答案为C。 【53题详解】

考查副词。A. favorably 亲切地,好意地;B. kindly友好地;C. accordingly照着;D. differently不同地。自我同情背后的理念是,当我们犯错误时,应该善待自己,提醒自己错误是人类的一部分,避免被负面情绪吞噬。可知答案为B。 【54题详解】

考查动词。A. promoted推动,促进;B. inspired 鼓舞;C. monitored指导,检测;D. consumed消耗。自我同情背后的理念是,当我们犯错误时,应该善待自己,提醒自己错误是人类的一部分,避免被负面情绪吞噬。可知答案为D。 【55题详解】

考查名词。A. skills技能;B. outcomes结果;C. levels标准;D. opportunities机会。把错误看成是学习的机会,用自我同情取代自我批评,你就有可能克服完美主义,为自己设定一个更健康的目标。故选D。

【点睛】.在做完形填空时一定要注意and/but/so/besides/however/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what’s more/though等词汇、固定结构的运用。它们连接了上下文,起着承上起下的作用。像but(但是)、however(然而),表示转折,这说明前后的内容相反或相对。把握住这一点,做起题来就会得心应手。本题第6小题,因此,从长远来看,不完美实际上可以帮助我们。结合句意可知此处是因果关系,故答案为A。

Section B

directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

( A )

I had a teacher who used to wake up in class by shouting: “The early bird gets the worm!” I say “let him have the worm”. I hate food that doesn’t stay still, and avoid Japanese restaurants for that very reason. Anyway, I stopped eating worms at the age of three, switching to regular breakfasts of cereal(谷物), to which I would add extra sugar.

Recently I was thinking about early birds and the competitive spirit after receiving a letter from a reader in Malaysia: ”My son deliberately throws away marks because he doesn’t like to be top of the class. What shall I do?” Give him a round of “applause” for being smart! Actually many children in Asia tend to be the focus by performing better.

Placed into a very competitive class when I was 11, I quickly learned the ideal position was second to last. The top three performers and the very last person are highlighted; the second-to-last contestant is INVISIBLE. And it’s an easy position to get—just deliberately underperform at every test. I could do that. I once came second to last in eight straight sports day races. No one suspected anything. I was so invisible that I could have robbed a bank in my street and no one would have noticed.

At the London Olympics a few months ago, badminton pairs from three Asian countries deliberately tried to lost matches to draw good lots in later rounds. It was funny to watch, but they were all thrown out for poor sportsmanship. What they really needed were acting lessons, their moves were so unconvincing. “Oops, I hit the ball in entirely the wrong direction.”

The other day, I took the children out and they raced for the car. “I’m first,” said one. The second said: “First is worst, second is best.” Together they sang at the last one: “And third’s the one with

a hairy chest.”

It struck me that the organizers of sports matches could use this song when people deliberately lost matches. “I lost,” the delighted loser will say. The judges could still declare them winners, pointing to a new, optional regulation: “First is worst, second is best, third’s the one with a hairy chest.” 56. Why did the author dislike Japanese restaurant? A. Its food was served raw. C. He was tempted by cereal.

B. Its food contained worms. D. He was affected by the saying.

57. How did the author manage to be invisible in a competitive class? A. He highlighted the top three students. B. He came to second in sports races. C. He hid himself in a bank skillfully. D. He intentionally underperformed. 58. What can be learned from the passage?

A. The judge is encouraged to eliminate the dishonest players. B. Players disqualified from Olympic doubles for using drugs. C. Children’s song praises the dramatic acting skills of athletes. D. players purposefully failed for easier lots in the following rounds. 59. Which saying might the author possibly support? A. Great minds think alike. C. Honesty is the best policy.

【答案】56. A 57. D 58. D 59. C 【解析】 分析】

本文是一篇议论文。文章通过举例论证告诉人们,有时人们会做出一些假象,其实事实并非如此。 【56题详解】

细节理解题。根据第一段中I hate food that doesn’t stay still, and avoid Japanese restaurants for that very reason.“我讨厌生的食物,因此我不去日本餐馆。”可知,作者不喜欢日本餐馆是因为它的食物是生的。故选A。 【57题详解】

细节理解题。根据第三段中And it’s an easy position to get—just deliberately underperform at every test.“这是一个很容易得到的位置——只是故意在每次测试中表现不佳。”可知,作者通过故意表现不佳设法在竞争激烈的班级里不引人注目。故选D。

B. God favors those who are prepared. D. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush


推理判断题。根据第四段中At the London Olympics a few months ago, badminton pairs from three Asian countries deliberately tried to lost matches to draw good lots in later rounds.“几个月前的伦敦奥运会上,来自三个亚洲国家的羽毛球选手故意输掉比赛,以便在接下来的比赛中取得好成绩。”可知,在接下来的回合中,选手为了更有利的抽签而故意失败。故选D。 【59题详解】

推理判断题。根据最后一段It struck me that the organizers of sports matches could use this song when people deliberately lost matches. “I lost,” the delighted loser will say. The judges could still declare them winners, pointing to a new, optional regulation: “First is worst, second is best, third’s the one with a hairy chest.”“我突然想到,当人们故意输掉比赛时,体育比赛的组织者可以用这首歌。“我输了,”兴高采烈的失败者会说。评委们仍然可以宣布他们是赢家,并指出一项新的可选规则:第一名是最差的,第二名是最好的,第三名是心胸开阔的。”可知,作者可能支持“诚实乃上策”。故选C。

【点睛】推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合。推理判断题的题干中通常含infer,suggest,imply,conclude indicate等标志性词语。 这种题型主要包括细节判断题、态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题。本题第3小题,根据第四段中At the London Olympics a few months ago, badminton pairs from three Asian countries deliberately tried to lost matches to draw good lots in later rounds.“几个月前的伦敦奥运会上,来自三个亚洲国家的羽毛球选手故意输掉比赛,以便在接下来的比赛中取得好成绩。”可知,在接下来的回合中,选手为了更有利的抽签而故意失败。故选D。

( B )

Shot in more than 40 locations in L.A., the musical La La Land is “a love letter to the city”. To coincide with UK release, we asked a local writer to pick some of the film’s amazing settings.

Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange

La La Land’s opening scene is a six-minute dance that plays out in L.A.’s bad traffic. It is also where the film’s leading roles, struggling actress Mia and jazz pianist Sebastian, first encounter each other—in a road anger incident. The scene is said to have been filmed over two hot days in south L.A.

Smokehouse Restaurant, Burbank

This is the setting for the scene in which Mia discovers Sebastian’s talent for the piano. The fictional Lipton’s restaurant---where jazz purist Sebastian was reluctant to play Christmas music---is in reality
