
发布时间 : 星期日 文章2017年10月14日雅思写作预测更新完毕开始阅读


complex various factors contribute to the problem make common/concerted efforts /pool together action speaks louder than words limited ability

Limited as the individuals ability may sound, only when we pool together can we solve the serious problems. I feel that considering the widespread influence and the complexity of the problem, common efforts should be made by individuals.

protection of wild animals and birds

short-sighted focus on the present interests without considering the future development sustainable development

development of economy and society much more resources on the verge of extinctionendangered

ecosystem harmonious relationship between human and nature more urgent issues need to be addressed

diversity of the species balanced ecosystem in which humans are only a tiny part

Considering the sustainable development, feasibility and the balanced ecosystem, attention and resources given to species conservation are worthwhile. urgent endangered extinction worthwhile irreplaceable

although waste damage to the ecosystem

Thanks to development of economy and society, people can now allocate much more resources to the critical areas like the conservation of the endangered species.

Once the ecosystem is damaged, you can not repair it easily no matter how much money your are willing to spend.

Hardly do animals and birds stay in safety without the protection from the government. stress burden

It makes no sense to develop the economy at the cost of ecosystem.



protection conservation reserve

plant more trees in open area VS. build more housing

solution to environmental problems soil and water loss/soil erosion and water shortage sand storm produce/generate

fresh air curb the air pollution heavy haze haunting over like a nightmare open area public wealth is from people, of people and for people. skyscrapers can accommodate the growing population protect all wild animals

unfeasible huge amount of investment

over-protection interference only protect the endangered animals focus on the critical part panda reserve

unnecessary for some wild animals who have high reproduction ability/ reproductive performance indispensable part of the ecosystem balanced research value

protection of some animals is really unnecessary far from being endangered

Considering the feasibility, over-protection and reproduction ability of some animals, universal protection is really a waste of resources and attention. human activities&plants and animal species change with the help of advanced technology protection conservation successful experience

determination make up one’s mind with resolve decide to take measures to make common efforts to destruction to a serious extent serious motivation

Regarding to the advanced technology, successful experience and people’s determination, it is never late to improve the situation despite some doubtful voices. Media & Advertising printed books



inconvenient to carry troublesome waste of natural resources information searching, storage and processing high efficient utilization keep pace with the times the production of social and technological development

ever-changing times fast-paced life printed books help us calm down and restore the peace in heart high efficiency

advertising aimed at children self-control

growth environment resist temptations value outlook on life/the world future development of the nation accountable image businesses unfair

take the responsibility for the society healthy growth nation’s future knowledge creativity negative effects limited

within the control of their parents resist temptations self-control ability learn effectively from watching television

short attention span curious imaginative (imaginable imaginary) life span improve efficiency by reducing stress knowledge about many things/areas/aspects interfere with the regular teaching and learning within the control of... harms to your eyes

interfere with the regular teaching and learning



violence drug abuse sex pornography imagination creativity books can also serve this purpose

disadvantages outweigh the advantages considering the harms to health and grow-up as well as the unhealthy content on TV

advertising of certain food products eating style self control resist temptations smoking chemicals nicotine toxic addicted unlike food products harmful second hand smoke create a better environment fairness accountable patriarchal influentialnews media

get people fully informed of what’s going on

monitoring healthy operation of the administration power for money trade Jerry built projects public opinion mainstream value misleading

management judgement ability Education Internal Conditions

resist the temptations self-control systematic study lay a solid foundation give full play to their intelligence and imagination receive education according to their particular situations draw on others’ strengths to offset one’s own weak points get motivated

