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仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 Enjoy Cycling

Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise.


Sectio n A

」think traffic in Beiji ng is crazy.



e.g. The traffic there is good. 那儿的交通不错。 2. You 'l get used to it soon. 你很快就会习惯的。

e.g. I am used to getting up early. 我习惯于早起。

C. used to do sth.过去常常做某事(现在不做了); e.g. I used to watch TV after supper.以前晚饭后我常看电视。

D. be used to do sth.被用来做某事;

e.g. Wood is used to make paper.树木被用来造纸。 When I arrived, I was afraid of ridi ng my bike any where.



A. be afraid of doing sth.,可与 be afraid to do sth. e.g. The little boy is afraid of touch ing the fire aga in.

=The little boy is afraid to touch the fire aga in.


不敢做某事 转换。 But now I feel a little more con fide nt. 但现在我感觉有点自信了。

a little more con fide nt 意为 “更自信一点”, more con fide nt 是 con fide nt 的比较级。 a little...……一点,much ...……得多,两者都可以放在比较级前,用来加强比较的程度。 e.g. She is a little younger than he. 她比他年轻一点。

This bag is much heavier than that one. 这个包比那个包重得多。

」f people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accide nts. 事故就会减少。


1) A. rule n.规则,规章;

e.g. the rules of basketball 篮球比赛规则;the rules of grammar 语法规则;

the rules of law 法规;

B . rule v.统治(某人/某事物),管理;

e.g. Charles I ruled eleven years.查理一世统治了(英国)年。

2) if引导的条件状语从句,它同时间状语从句一样,主句是一般将来时,从句往往用一般


e.g. If it snows tomorrow, we ' ll make snowmen tog^O果明天下雪, 我们将一起堆雪人。 Now I like ridi ng my bike around the city more tha n before.



A. before adv..以前,过去;

e.g. She looked just the same as before.她看上去就和以前一样。 B. before还常用于完成时中。

e.g. I have received the letter three days before. 我三天前就收至M言了 C. ago adv.前,以前,常用于一般过去时。

e.g. It happened a few minutes ago.那是几分钟前发生的事。 7. It ' easy to park, too.而且停放自行车也很容易。 A. park动词,停(车),泊(车)。

e.g. You can pdrkthe car here.此处禁止停车。 B. park作名词时,指\公园”。

e.g. We often take a walk in the park after supper.晚饭后我们经常在公园里散步。 Many people around the world use bicycles for work and pleasure.



use sth. for doing sth. 运用 ..... 做某事;

e.g. We can use mobile phones for taking photos now. 我们现在可以用手机扌白照。 9. Bicycle need less space than cars.自行车比小轿车需要的空间小。 space n.意为\空地,空间\,是不可数名词。 | e.g. The desk takes up too much space.这张桌子占的地方太大了。 After the policema n arrived, he asked about the accide nt.






e.g. Don 'worry, the policeme n are coming. 另 U着急,警察马上就来了。 2) ask about 询问;

Sectio n B

The young man on the bicycle was very careless. 骑自行车的那个年轻人很粗心。 1) 2)

careless adj.粗心的; 其反义词:careful 细心的,小心的 ;

on the bicycle 在自行车上;


We should wear bicycle helmets whe n ridi ng. 1) wear bicycle helmets 戴头盔;

2) when riding 是 when we are riding 的省略。

」f we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in dan ger. 则,我们会受到处罚。


1) A. break v.打破,违反,破坏; e.g. break the traffic rules


obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则。

B. break n.停顿,休息; e.g. have a break 休息;

The childre n have a break betwee n classes at school.学校里孩子们有课间休息时间。 2) A. fine n. [C] 罚金,罚款;

e.g. He got a heavy fine.他受到严重处罚。

B. fine v.罚款;

e.g. I was fined for speeding.因为超速,我被罚款了。

C. fine adj.健康的,舒适的;

e.g. — How are you?你好吗? 一Fine, thanks.很好,谢谢。 3) get a fine 受处罚; 4) in dan ger 处于危险之中;

If you make a wrong turn, you will cause trouble. A. turn此处作名词,意为“(车辆的)转弯,转向;”

e.g. Make a left/ right turn into west street. 向左、右入西大街; B. turn还可作动词,意为\

使转动; 旋转;



常见词组: turn on 打开; turn off 关上;turn dow n 关小,拒绝;

e.g. Please turn on the lights! 请打开灯!

」f you drive a car in En gla nd, you must drive on the left-ha nd side of the road. 开车,你必须靠马路左边行驶。



on the left-ha nd side of the road = on the left of the road on。

on the right-ha nd side of the road = on the right of the road 在马路右边; 注意: 在左边/右边,介词用

Sectio n C

The bicycle riders must pay atte nti on to the traffic around them.



pay attention to sth.意为\对 ......... 注意、当心”,to为介词,后接名词或动名词等作宾语。 e.g. Please pay attention to your pronunciation.请注意你的发音。 The bicycle riders must wear helmets to protect their heads. 1) wear helmets 戴头盔; 2)



to protect their heads 意为\为了保护头部”。




」t is also good for the en viro nment because bicycle do not cause polluti on.

be good for ... 对 .... 有益;

e.g. Drin ki ng milk is good for your health. 喝牛奶对你的健康有益。 Bicycle share the road with cars and trucks. share ..with ... 与… ??…分享……;

e.g. I 'd likeshoare a room with you.我想和你共住一个房间。 Drivers do not always no tice bicycles. A. notice v.看(听)至打注意到。 e.g. I noticed them come in. 我注意到他们进来了。 B. n.通知,布告,公告牌。

e.g. Look, there is a notice on the board. 看,布告牌上有一则通知。

Whe n riding at ni ght, they must wear light-colored clothes, and have lights in the front and reflectors on the back of their bicycles.






A. in the front 在前面;

B. 区别:in front of & in the front of

in fron t of \在…的前面”,指某一范围以外的前面。


at/in the fro nt of \在…?的前面”,

e.g. Miss Gao is sta nding at the front of the classroom.


There is a tall tree in front of the house.


」n case of an accide nt, bicycle riders should know how to give first aid. 者应该懂得如何进行急救;

万一发生事情, 骑车

1) in case of意为\如果,假使 ...... ”。

e.g. In case of an earthquake, what will you do? 假如发生地震,你会怎么做? 2) give first aid 进行急救;

In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful.



1) in a word 意为\简言之,一句话,总之”与 in short同义。

e.g. In a word, I don 'twant to be his friend any more.总之,我不想再成为他的朋友了。 2) the best way to do sth. 做某事的最佳方法;

e.g. The best way to lose weight is to eat less and do more exercise. 减肥的最佳方法是少吃多运 动。 7. Look out and always be careful. 留神并且时刻小心谨慎。 look out (表示警告,尤指有危险)意为\当心,小心,留神”。 二| e.g. Look out! There ' car coming.当心! 有车来了。 8. Call 120 if an accident happens. 当发生车祸,拨打 A. call v.意为\打电话”, e.g. call sb. (up) 给某人打电话;

Can you call me whe n you arrive in New York. 你到纽约,能不能给我打个电话? B. call n.意为\电话联络”,

e.g. make a call 打电话; give sb. a call



Can you give me a call whe n you arrive in New York? 你到纽约,能不能给我打个电话?

Sectio n D

Q in ghai Lake, the largest salt-water lake in Chin a, le nds its n ame to the provi nee of Qin ghai. 青海



lend one ' name to sth.以某人的名字命名(某地方)。 e.g. He lend his name to the mountain.他以他的名字命名了这座山。 Twe nty-three rivers and streams empty into Qin ghai Lake.



empty into 注入,流入,走近;

e.g. The Yan gtze River empties into the East Sea.长江流入东海。

」t has the highest altitude among all races hosted by the Intern atio nal Cycli ng Union. 际自行车联合会主办的众多赛事中海拔最高的比赛。 (1)


the highest altitude 海拔最高;

