
发布时间 : 星期四 文章《高中英语》入学考试复习资料更新完毕开始阅读


(一)记叙文 记叙文通常要求描写一段经历、一件事或者描写个人情感、观感等。记叙文包括六大要素:时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果。这种作文经常用的是时间顺序法,即按照事情发展的先后顺序进行讲述。在写记叙文的时候注意以下几点:




4.可适当使用一些表示事件发生的先后顺序的词语,是讲述更有条理性。如first―第一‖,second―第二‖,third―第三‖,then―然后‖,finally―最后‖,consequently―结果‖,at last―最后‖,in the morning / afternoon / evening―在早上/ 下午/晚上‖,last week / month―上个星期/月‖,yesterday / today / tomorrow―昨天/今天/明天‖等。

(二)说明文 说明文介绍事物(性质、特点、过程等)或人物(情况、简历、特征等)、解释事理(概念、原理、现象等)。主要有事物说明文和事理说明文。写说明文应该注意以下几点: 1.抓住事物特点即本质特征,从而使读者获得全面、深刻的认识。


3.讲究说明方法。写好事物说明文,不仅要抓住特征,注意条理,而且要巧妙运用说明方法,像举例子、作比较、分类别、列数字、打比方等。可适当用一些词汇来表明句与句之间的逻辑关系。如first, second, third等表示分类,on the one hand―一方面‖,on the other hand―另一方面‖,but―但是‖等表示对比和对照;for example / for instance―例如‖表示举例说明。


(三)议论文 议论文是针对某一观点阐述自己的看法,并且通过摆事实,将道理说明自己看法的依据是什么。写作中应注意以下几点:



3.议论文短文篇章的组成:一般是Introduction -- Body – Conclusion三段式文章,即于第一段中引出话题,从而提出主题,



1. 书信:分为感谢信、邀请信、求职信、安排信以及祝贺信等。 A.信件的格式: April 3, 2006 Dear XX, 称呼 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Best wishes! 结束语 Sincerely yours, 署名 XX B. 注意的几个问题:




(3)结束语Yours Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours Faithfully, Faithfully yours, Yours Truly, Truly


(4) 署名一般低于结束语一两行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始.

2.通知:分为口头通知和书面通知两种。无论是哪一种,多开门见山,直奔主题,简单明了,且时间、地点、内容、要求等要表达得准确无误。 书面通知的格式为标题(如NOTICE)每个字母都大写以便醒目;发布单位通常放在正文后面的右下方,也可以放在标题上面;发布日期通常放在正文后面的左下方。

3. 日记: 日记格式为左上角写具体日期,星期几,右上角写天气情况。正文遵循一般文章的形式。多用一般过去时态。


1. 认真审题。切实弄清楚写作体裁,主要内容以及写作要求等; 2. 列出要点。根据所给情景,确定要点;

3. 组句成文。按照要点,先用自己熟悉的表达方式逐一写出句子,同时注意句子之间的逻辑关系,在句子之间加上恰当的连接成分,以使各句连起来结构紧凑,成为一个有机的整体;

3. 仔细检查。细心通读自己所写的短文。通读时,结合对照自己所列要点,看是否有遗漏,并再次细读一下题目,看自己所写的短文是否满足了说明、图画(或图表、提纲)等所提供的―已知条件‖。同时要注意检查文章的格式是否正确、内容是否完整、表达是否得体、书写以及长度是否符合要求。


考试形式:闭卷 考试时间: 90分钟 试卷总分:100分 试卷结构:

一、语音知识(1%×5)(5%) 二、词汇与语法知识 (2%×15 ) (30%) 三、完型填空 (1%×15) (15%) 四、阅读理解(2.5%×16)(40%) 五、书面表达(10%×1)(10%)






1、A:wave B:save C:have D:gave 答案:C

2、A:three B:through C:those D:think 答案:C

3、A:won B:none C:gone D:done



4、A:cheer B:sandwich C:chalk D:cheat 答案:B

5、A:coffee B:deed C:knee D:freedom 答案:A

二、词汇与语法知识 (每题2分,共30分) 从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一个选项,并将正确答案填涂在答题卡上。

6、I don't hate homework. As a matter of fact, I'm very fond _______ housework, especially cooking. A:in B:of C:at D:for 答案:B

7、This street is usually quiet, but it will get very busy _______ Sunday mornings. A:on B:in C:at D:during 答案:A

8、Will you take these to your room and ______ them safe? I'll come and take them soon. A:set B:consider C:keep D:get 答案:C

9、Bob said he wouldn't go to the party as he was busy, but he went there _______. A:after all B:above all C:at all D:in all. 答案:A

10、Everything was expensive. I didn't buy _______ fruit, but I got some _______ apples. A:any; big red B:much; big red C:any; red big D:much; red big 答案:B

11、The problem is _______ we don't have enough time. A:it B:what C:that D:whether 答案:C

12、When he got to the hall, the meeting ______.

A:had already begun B:has already begun C:already began D:already begin 答案:A

13、That is the fact _______ the government has made the right decision. A:whether B:when C:if D:that 答案:D

14、The fire finally _______ after the firemen's hard work.

A:went by B:went over C:went on D:went out 答案:D

15、My brother has _______ the present but he won't _______ it and will send it back soon.

A:accepted; receive B:received; accept C:accepted; accept D:received; receive 答案:B

16、As we know that the cat, the dog or the wolf lead an ______ life in winter. A:activity B:action C:active D:actively 答案:C

17、We trust you; only you can _______ him to give up smoking. A:suggest B:attract C:advise D:persuade 答案:D

18、Why, you would _______ a good public speaker, I suppose. A:fall B:grow C:do D:make 答案:D

19、This is _______ fourth time I've ever been here; but I would like to be here _______ fourth time. A:the, the B:a, a C:the, a D:a, the



20、Mr. Zhang isn't here yet. I think he _______ about the meeting.

A:should have forgotten B:ought to forget C:must have forgotten D:may not forget 答案:C

三、完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)


Languages are always changing. The English of today is very different ___21___ that of 500 years ago. In time, some languages become more ___22___ and others less important. ___23___ even die out completely. About 1000 years ago English was a little ___24___ language.

If a language has a large ___25___ of speakers, or ___26___ it is very old, there may be difference ___27___ the way it is spoken in different areas. ___28___, the language may have ___29___ dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese ___30___ for thousands of years by many

millions of ___31___. The differences between the dialects of Chinese are ___32___ great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China cannot understand each other.

There are other kinds of dialects. In some languages we find words or expressions and even grammatical forms, which are, used ___33___ by men and others used by women. What's more, each generation ___34___ its own expressions and grandparents and grandchildren may sometimes have difficulty in ___35___ each other.

21、A:of B:from C:to D:for 答案:B

22、A:important B:simple C:easy D:impossible 答案:A

23、A:Anyone B:None C:Any D:Some 答案:D

24、A:known B:to know C:knowing D:knew 答案:A

25、A:amount B:deal C:number D:numbers 答案:C

26、A:if B:as C:as if D:even if 答案:A

27、A:on B:in C:at D:by 答案:B

28、A:However B:That is C:But D:So 答案:B

29、A:few B:several C:no D:little 答案:B

30、A:has been spoken B:has spoken C:is spoken D:have been spoken 答案:A

31、A:speakers B:talkers C:tellers D:writers 答案:A

32、A:very B:too C:such D:so 答案:D

33、A:till B:only C:neither D:either 答案:B

34、A:studies B:uses C:produces D:makes 答案:B

35、A:understand B:understood C:to understand D:understanding 答案:D

