
发布时间 : 星期六 文章高频词汇及核心语法更新完毕开始阅读

92. to …extent 在…程度上;to some extent 在某种程度上;to that extent 到那种程度

93. keep an eye on(=keep a close watch on)照看,监视; guard against (=defend, keep safe)警惕,防止 guard…against 警卫…防止

94. in the face of 面对着(困难等情况)

95. in one's face/in the

presence of sb当着某人的面;

face to face面对面; face up to 大胆面向

96. fall/get into the habit of 养成…习惯

97. fall short of (=fail to reach a desired result, standard, etc.) 没达到, 低于

98. sb is familiar with 熟悉,了解; sth. is familiar to sb. sth.为某人所了解,熟悉

99. by far 远, 非常 (与比较级或最高级连用)/so far 迄今为止

100. far from / by no means远远不是

101. find fault in/with(criticize)找毛病,对…吹毛求疵

102. in favor of 赞成/against 反对

103. (be) favorable to (=advantageous) 有利的; be unfavorable to 对…不利的

104. fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb. or sth.) 为…担心

for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about) 以防, 由于怕 in fear of (=afraid for the safety of) 担心

105. be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth. dull) 厌烦, 腻了

106. feel like sth/doing(=have a desire for) 想要
