北师大版高中英语选修7高考北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module7 Unit 19 Language学案

发布时间 : 星期六 文章北师大版高中英语选修7高考北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module7 Unit 19 Language学案更新完毕开始阅读


2)I want to ________ you with all my heart.我衷心地祝贺你。 【答案】 1)congratulate; on 2)congratulate congratulate和celebrate

congratulate专指对个人经过努力获得的成功的祝贺,只以言语表达祝贺之意; celebrate指以行为(如送礼、开聚会等)来庆祝生日、节日等。congratulate的宾语一般是人,而celebrate的宾语一般是事件。 (1)完成句子

I think he expects to be ________ every time he does the washing up. 我觉得他期望每次做了大扫除都受表扬一番。 【答案】 congratulated (2)名校押题

(2009山东)—John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month. —Oh, ________!

A.cheer up B.well done C.go ahead D.congratulations

【答案与解析】 D 考查交际用语。表示祝贺用congratulations。cheer up“高兴起来;振作起来”; well done“干得好”,表示夸赞; go ahead“开始吧”。 6.guarantee vt. 保证;担保 n. 保证;担保;保证金;抵押品 guard vt. 保卫;警卫 n. 警卫员;看守 guarantor n. 担保人;保证人

1)We cannot ________ the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. 我们不能保证火车在雾天能正点到达。

2)An advanced degree is no ________ of a dream job. 拥有高学历并不能保证你会找到理想的工作。

【答案】 1)guarantee 2)guarantee (1)完成句子

We ________ that you'll enjoy yourself. 我们包你玩得痛快。 【答案】 guarantee (2)名校押题

(2010山东百所名校联考)If you send the application form in straight away, I can ________ you


an interview.

A.guarantee B.conclude C.evaluate D.assume

【答案与解析】 A 考查动词。guarantee “保证”; conclude“推断;结束”; evaluate“评价;评估”; assume“假定;认为;以为”。

7.inform vt. 通知;告知;熟悉 vi. (向警方)告发或检举 inform sb (of / about sth) 告知/检举某人某事 inform sb that 熟悉/了解/检举…… inform against / on sb告发某人

1)Please ________ me by letter of your plans. 请来信告诉我你的计划。

2)If you see anything suspicious, ________ the police at once. 你要是看到什么可疑的东西就马上通知警察。

3)All those who are immediately involved will ________ ________ ________ the decision. 这个决定将被通知给所有直接有关的人。

4)He ________ the police that some money was missing. 他向警方报案说钱不见了。 5)One of the criminals ________ ________ the rest of the gang. 有一罪犯告发了同党。 【答案】 1)inform 2)inform 3)be informed of 4)informed 5)informed against (1)完成句子

I read the newspaper to keep myself ________ as to what is happening everywhere. 我看报纸让自己知道世界上发生了什么事。 【答案】 informed (2)名校押题

(2010浙江省重点中学联考)I________of the decision until yesterday morning. A.got informed B.didn't inform C.wasn't informed D.was informed

【答案与解析】 C inform意为“通知;让某人知道”,为及物动词,其宾语为人,此处应该用被动式,即be / get informed;另外本句运用了not...until结构。 8.ensure vt. 确保;保证

ensure = make sure “确保;保证” 其后可以跟 sth / that从句 / sb sth作宾语。 1)His ability will ________ him success.他的能力确保他会成功的。


2)I can ________ ________ the work shall be done on time.我可以保证工作会按时完成。 【答案】 1)ensure 2)ensure that (1)完成句子

The role of the police is ________ ________the law is obeyed. 警察的作用就是保证人们遵守法律。

【答案】 to ensure (2)名校押题

(2010海南重点中学联考)To ________ the child's quick recovery, many doctors and nurses took turns in looking after him day and night. A.approach B.require C.ensure D.promise

【答案与解析】 C 考查动词。ensure = make sure about / of “确保;保证”。


1.get ahead (使)走在前面;取得进步;获得成功 get about / around / round (消息、谣言等)传播;流传 get (sth) across (to sb)(使某事)传播或为人理解 get along with sb 与某人合得来;与某人和睦相处 get sth back 失而复得;重新得到 get over sth 克服;战胜;掌握

get through 用完;消耗掉(一定量的某物);(设法)做或完成某事;接通电话 get (sb) through (sth)(帮助某人)(考试、测验等)及格

1)The car behind wants to ________ ________ ________ us. 后面那辆车想超过我们。 2)By doing extra homework, he soon ________ ________ ________ his classmates. 他靠多做家庭作业,很快在班上名列前茅。

3)I've ________ ________ ________ my work. 我的工作已经有进展了。 【答案】 1)get ahead of 2)got ahead of 3)got ahead with (1)完成句子

He always tries to ________ ________ ________ others in everything. 他总是试图处处领先他人。


【答案】 get ahead of (2)名校押题

(2011黄冈中学高三一模)I tried phoning her office, but I couldn't ________. A.get along B.get on C.get to

D.get through

【答案与解析】 D 考查动词短语。get along和get on都意为“相处;进展”; get to“到达”; get through“打通电话”。 2.on purpose 有意地;故意地 同义短语:by design

反义短语:by accident / chance on purpose有意地;故意地 to the purpose 中肯

to no purpose 无效;没有作用 for the purpose of 为了……

1)What is the ________ of the meeting? 会议的目的是什么?

2)If you joke with him he'll think you are insulting him ________ ________. 如果你和他开玩笑,他会认为你在有意羞辱他。 【答案】 1)purpose 2)on purpose (1)完成句子

1)He has left his book here________ ________, so that you can read it. 他故意把书留在这里以便你能读一读。

2)He spoke nothing ________ ________ ________. 他说的一点都不得要领。 3)All my effort were ________ ________ ________ . 我所有的努力都付之东流了。

4)I came to Brighton ________ ________ ________ ________ seeing you. 我到布赖顿是特地来看你的。

【答案】 1)on purpose 2)to the purpose 3)to no purpose 4)for the purpose of (2)名校押题

(2011山东省实验中学模拟)Forgive him, please. I don't think he broke your mirror________. A.with care B.on purpose C.for fun D.with aim
