
发布时间 : 星期四 文章英美文化考题翻译1-2-3更新完毕开始阅读

9. Social class in the UK lays more emphasis on money and property. ( F ) 英国人的社会地位更多地强调金钱和财产。(注:多方面,不只是金钱)

10. Britishness is associated with political, historical, technological, sporting, and cultural achievements in Britain. ( T )


2. The following are questions or incomplete sentences. Below each sentence or question four possible answers marked A, B, C and D are provided. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence or answers the question.

1. The English people and the English language were born from the union of ___D____. 英国人和英国语言源自于? A. the Angles and the Saxons.

B. Germanic conquerors and the Norman French. C. Danes or Vikings and the Norman French.

D. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons. (诺曼征服和击败盎格鲁撒克逊人) 2. The first known settlers of Britain were__A___. 英国最初的移居者是什么人?

A. the Iberians(伊比利亚人) B. the Beaker Folk C. the Celts D. the Romans 3. About 80,000 Scots speak Gaelic which is an ancient __D___. 大约8万个苏格兰人所说的盖尔语是古老的____?

A. Scottish language B. English language

C. Irish language D. Celtic language(塞尔特语)

4. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War II. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and ___D____.


A. Indonesia B. Singapore C. Hong Kong, China D. Pakistan(巴基斯坦) 5. In Britain ____ of the population is urban and ____ is rural.___A___


A. 90%; 10% B. 80%; 20% C. 70%; 30% D. 60%; 40% 6. The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient___A___. 威尔士人的祖先是古老的___凯尔特人______.

A. Celts(凯尔特人) B. Romans C. Normans D. Britons 7. The average population density in Britain is __A____ people per square kilometer. 在英国,每250米中的平均人口密度是?

A. 250 B. 370 C. 800 D. 500

8. During the fifth century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic __D__ invaded and conquered Britain.


A. Angles and Celts B. Angles and Picts

C. Angles and Brythons D. Angles and Saxons(盎格鲁撒克逊人) 9. The upper class in Britain consists of all the following except_D__. 英国的上层阶级不包括?

A. peerage B. gentry C. landowners D. Professionals(专家) 10. “Britishness” can be reflected in all the following except___D___. 以下哪一个不能代表英国人的风格?

A. Union Jack B. Conservativeness C. the Beatles D. Football(足球)



1. Read the following statements carefully and then decide whether they are true or false.

Put a “T” if you think the statement is true and an “F” if it is not.

[F] 1. The successful Roman invasion took place in 43 AD, headed by the Emperor Julius Caesar.



[T] 2. The name “England” derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who came to England in the 5th and 6th centuries.

“英格兰”这一命名来源于盎格鲁人,他们是5世纪和6世纪到英国的日耳曼部落。 [F] 3. The Magna Carta set out the rules which were to form the basis for the Parliament which op0erates in England today.

大宪章中制定的法规成为国会的基础,在今天仍旧实施。------原因不是特别确定 (注:大宪章是英国宪法的基础,后来不用了,但其内容仍然在宪法中有所表现) [F] 4. The Black Death ravaged England, carrying off three fourths of the population. 黑死病破坏了英国, 而且夺去四分之三人的生命。 (注:人口死亡约45%,不到二分之一)

[T] 5. During Edward III’s reign, the war with France known as the Hundred Years’ War began. 在爱德华三世统治期间,英法战争被认为是百年战争的开始。

[T] 6. The Wars of the Roses were in the main a great contest for Crown between the rival houses of York and Lancaster.


[F] 7. Queen Mary was a follower of the Church of England and was determined to make England once again a Protestant country.

玛丽女王是英国国教的追随者,她决心将英国再一次变为新教徒的国家。 (玛丽女王致力于平衡新教和天主教之间的关系)

[T] 8. James’ son, Charles I, who succeeded him in 1625, also thought that his right to rule was God-given.

詹姆斯的儿子查理一世,在1625年继承了王位,并且认为“君权神授”。 [T] 9. As a result of land enclosure, a new class hostility was introduced into rural relationship. 由于圈地运动,一场新的阶级战争在农村地区爆发了。

[T] 10. The establishment of the Britain East India Company in 1600 was a case of economic penetration.

