
发布时间 : 星期六 文章最新仁爱版精品八年级英语下册导学案全集(48份)更新完毕开始阅读

5.他们不再住那里了。(no longer)_________________________________________.

Topic 3. Many things can affect our feelings. Section A



2.掌握的句型:(1)Hello,Kangkang!This is Michael speeking. (2) I get so nervous when I give a speech. 3.重点:简单句的六中基本句型,即:

S+V, S+V+O, S+V+P, S+V+O+OC, S+V+IO+DO, There be…. 4.难点:能通过图文信息掌握有关表达情感的方法并与别人进行交流。 课前预习:

1.阅读1b里的问题,然后带着问题阅读1a.回答1b 的问题。

2.译一译:做演讲_____________.考试__________.变得紧张____________ 骑自行车:________________.摔落.____________. 3.根据1a的理解完成1c.

4.熟读4a 中的6个句子,仔细观察、思考它们的句型结构并把它们填在4b 中对应的括 号里。思考:英语的简单句有6种基本句型,它们分别是:主语+谓语,主语+谓语+宾语, __________________,__________________,________________及There be 结构。 Teaching procedure: Ⅰ.预习展示:

1.Ask the students to read 1a loudly.(Evaluating).

2.Translate: 做演讲_____________.考试__________.变得紧张____________ 骑自行车:______________.感到轻松._____________摔落.___________. (1)Hello,Kangkang!This is Michael speeking. (2) I get so nervous when I give a speech.

3. Answer the questions in 1b to check if they can understand 1a.(assessing). 4.Retell 1a according to the key words: speaking, wrong, test, nervous, relax, speech, get when, CD, practice, relaxed, really

5.Finish checking 4a and 4b to know about if they understand the grammar .Ask the students to make some sentences . Ⅱ.合作学习展示:

1.Finish 1c.Work in groups and then finish it by showing the answers in class.(assessing). 2. Part 2.Finish this task by working in groups and discussing the following questions: (1)How do you feel when you give a speech?

(2)If your friend is worried about his/her speech,how will you help him/her? 3.Part 3.Listening-skill traning.Finsh the tasks in 3 together. Ⅲ.巩固落实:

1.Ask the students to make sentences based on 4a.

2.译一译:运动过后,我感到很轻松。____________________________. 流行音乐通常是我高兴。_______________________________. Ⅳ.当堂检测:

根据句子意思及中文提示完成下列各题。 1.Don’t be ________(紧张的).Take it easy.

2.Jane was very happy because she got an ―A‖ in the maths_______(测试). 3.The film was too _________(无聊的) and it made me feel bored.

4.At the meeting,Mr.Wang made a long _______(演讲) yesterday afternoon. 5.Mike _______ _______(摔落)his bike and got hurt. 根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词.


Mr.Li _______ ________ ______ ______ on protecting animals yesterday. 2在众人面前说话常会使我变得紧张.

Speaking in public usually makes me ________ _________.3.我们昨天进行了一次英语测试。

We _______ ______ _______ ________ yesterday. 4.放轻松些,一切会好起来的。 _______ ______ _______.It will be OK.



________ ______ one-month hard work, Yanfang passed the math exam finally.

Section B


1. 学生能区分元音音素/ i/和/ i:/, 并能正确拼读单词,注意对应的字母组合的拼写规则;学


2. 学生能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词sick, proud, anyway, ready, passport, boss 和


3. 学生能正确运用以下短语造句:

be confident about…, in a bad mood, be proud of , put on (a short play) , get ready for…,

each other和give sb. a surprise.

重点: 1. 朗读时掌握英语的语调和停顿规律。

2. 学生在交流中能自如地运用描述情绪和情感的形容词。 3. 将本课的重点短语运用到交流和写作之中。 难点: 在交流与写作中注意六种简单句式的正确运用。 课前预习: 1.阅读1a :

Find out and learn the key points in 1a. Try to make more sentences with the

expressions 找出并理解,译一译

be sick: 生病(= be ill),但ill只作表语,不作定语;sick作表语与定语均可。

a sick boy (√) an ill boy(×)

affect our feelings;be in a good / bad mood; be/feel confident about oneself; be proud of sb. He was afraid to give his speech, he did it anyway(尽管,即使这样). = Even though he was afraid to give the speech, he did it . put on a short play. 2.朗读1a 并完成1c.

3.仔细观察Part2 里的图片,根据图片将图片下的词语连成句子,并且判断它们属于六个简单句结构中的哪一种。


1.小组大声朗读1a,然后完成1b.(check and assess)

2.翻译下列单词或短语:生病的___________;尽管__________;护照_________老板________ 孙子_________.be confident about oneself___________; be in a bad/good mood.___________. be proud of ____________ give sb. a surprise.____________ put on a play____________ get ready for it.______________. become sick._______________.(Assessing) Ⅱ.合作学习展示:

1.Get the students to read 1a again and finish 1c.(Check it and assess)

2.Finish Part 2.Ask the students to make sentences by themselves in groups and get several to practice saying out the sentences made by them.(assessing) and then ask them to name out which sentence structures the sentences belong to. Ⅲ.巩固落实:

1. Retell 1a according to the following phrases.

seem very upset; in a bad mood; be brave ;be proud of; each other ;give ? a surprise put on a play;sounds great ;get ready for. 2.(OR)

Complete the passage with the proper forms of the words.

be proud of, confident, brave, afraid, good, in a bad mood, speak, shy, affect, nervou1. Lily is going to give a ________in front of all the students tomorrow. She is _____ to do that. She feels very ________ about it. She is a quiet and ______ girl and she doesn’t feel ________ about herself. Now she is _____________ . 2.Bad feelings may _______ her health. We must help her!


3.Tell her to be _______! She speaks English very well and we ____________ her. We believe she will do ______ in it. Ⅳ.当堂检测:

根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词. 1.一班的学生打算在圣诞节表演一个英语短剧.

Students in Class One are going to ______ _____a short English play on Christmas Day.
