
发布时间 : 星期三 文章最新仁爱版精品八年级英语下册导学案全集(48份)更新完毕开始阅读


_______ are you _______ today?

Section C


1.掌握生词与词组:usual, as usual, either,accept,lovely,helpful, international. 2.掌握的句型:(1)How time flies!

(2)The food was not as delicious as ours,either. (3)I live as happily as before.

3.学习语法:同级比较—as….as….; not as/so….as… 4:.重点:学习掌握同级比较。

5. 难点:用同级比较结构写有关描述自己和朋友。 课前预习:

1.自己朗读和背熟本课的出现的单词和短语:usual, as usual, either,accept,lovely,helpful, international。 2.阅读课文1a 并下列短语和句子,译一译:

.How time flies!__________! How I wish to visit you!___________. What? more._________ The food was not as delicious as ours,either.____________. I live as happily as before._____ (get)be used to sth/doing sth.

3.找出课文里出现的含有as…as, not as/so….as 的句子,并尝试着造些类似的句子: _______________________________________________________________________ 指导:并试着理解掌握as ... as:同级比较:结构:as +形容词/副词的原级+as ... *用于比较句型,中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级。意思是\达到与什么相同的程度\。如:He is as strong as a horse. 他力大如牛。 eg:Sue is Lily。(和...一样高) I want to live happily before。(和...一样) My computer is just yours. 我的电脑跟你的电脑一样的新。

*not as ... as或not so ...as主要用于两种事物比较时“甲方与乙方不一样,或甲方不及乙方”,是否定句型,as/so和as之间用形容词或副词原形 eg: I am not / tall you.我没你那么高。 李明这次考试没有李华考得好。

Li Ming didn't do / well Li Hua in the exam. 4.指导:I was not used to anything here.

* used to do sth ______________ * be/get used to sth/ doing sth 习惯于?? eg: 小明习惯于这里的天气。Xiao Ming ______________ the weather here.

小刚习惯于住在这里。Xiao Gang (get) used to (live) here now. 5.指导:3. I am not afraid to talk with others now. * be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事

* be afraid of (doing) sth 害怕做某事

eg: 建峰害怕晚上独自外出。Jianfeng ______________ going out alone at night. 那个男孩不敢去碰那条蛇。The boy touch the snake. * be afraid that-clause(复习并造个句子)

Teaching procedure: Ⅰ.预习展示:

1.Ask several groups to read the new words and phrases in this section.(assessing)

2.Ask several students to translate the key sentences and the important phrases into Chinese: .How time flies!__________! How I wish to visit you!___________. What? more._________ The food was not as delicious as ours,either.____________. I live as happily as before._____ (get)be used to sth/doing sth. (assessing)

3.Ask some students to write down the sentences which include:as….as…, not as/so….as…. Ⅱ.合作学习展示:

1.Read 1a in groups and finish 1b,then ask them to show their answers to the class.(evaluating) 2.Finish 1c: work in groups to retell 1a based on the key words and the table in 1b. Ⅲ.巩固落实:

1.Part2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box:Ask the students to do it by themselves and then get some to give their answers and check (assessing).

2. Part 3.Work in groups,Look at the table and make sentences with as…as…or not as/so …as 3. Part4. Group work: Make a similar table to compare one of your friends with you. Then write a passage.(Ask them to do it in groups first and then show what they write to the class ,checking it and assessing ). 4.Part 5.Sing this song: work together. Ⅳ.当堂检测:

一.根据句子意思及首字母提示完成下列各题: 1.I?m sorry.I don?t know the way ,e_______. 2.I?m very sorry.Please a_______ my apology(道歉). 3.Reading loudly is very h_______ for English study.

4.Mary?s sister didn?t come home early today,she came home late as u________. 5.His grandparents don?t like the city life.They get u_______ to the life in the countryside. 二.根据中文意思完成下列句子: 1.时间过得真快!_______ time _______! 2.他是新来的,他不习惯于这个学校的生活。

He is new .He didn?t ________ ______ _______ the life in this school. 3.康康和汤姆跳得一样高。Kangkang jumps _______ _______ _______ Tom. 4.这部电影没有那部有趣。This film is _______ ______ ______ _______ that one.

5.莉莉和爱丽丝一样漂亮。Lily is _______ _________ _______ Alice.

Section D

学习目标: 1.掌握生词与词组:

useless; deal with; elder; refuse; sadness; anyone; unfair; though; even though. not…any longer=no longer.

2.掌握的句型:…he doesn?t hate the driver any longer. He no longer stays in his room by himself. 3.复习原因状语从句和同级比较.

4.重点:引导学生通过复习SectionA-C 的单词、句型和语音知识,总结本话题


4. 难点:通过学习本话题提高自己能够和他人分享感受、给情绪低落的人以安慰并提出建议、




2.把课文里的Grammar 和Functions部分熟读并复习SectionA-C. 3.阅读1a 课文并完成1a 里的任务。

4.再次阅读1a 并独自回答1b里的问题看看自己是否理解课文。 5.大声朗读1a. Teaching procedure: Ⅰ.预习展示:

1.Ask some students to read 1a loudly to check if they can do it.(assessing) 2.Answer the questions in 1b to check if they can understand the text.(assessing) 3.Write down the important sentences and key words in the passage.__________ _________________________________________________________________. Ⅱ.合作学习展示:

1.Read Grammar &Functions by yourselves and finish the task to consolidate what they have learnt in this topic.

2.Read 1a in groups and finish the task in 1a together.

—Match the words or phrases with their meanings.(assessing).


1.Part 2.Work in pairs and talk about how you deal with sadness.Then write a short passage. The following questions may help you.

1.Why did you feel sad? 2.How did you feel at first?

3.What did you do to deal with sadness? 4.How didi you feel later? Ⅳ.当堂检测:


1.This question is so easy that _________ (任何人)can answer it. 2.My grandfather looks young _________(虽然)he is almost 60.

3.It?s easy for me to ________ _______(处理)the problem. I don?t need any help. 4.Tom ________(拒绝) to have a picnic with Jane because he was busy. 5.His ________(年长的)brother is a policeman.

二.从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。 deal with, even though,no longer,as….as…, not as…as. 1.It’s too noisy.I______ ______ want to work here.

2.Jim is used to the life there.So he can live ______ happily ______ before.

3.The environment here is ______ ______ clean ______ that in my school. It’s too dirty. 4.We should learn how to _______ ______ our problems by ourselves. 5.______ _______ it’s hard work,I think it’s interesting. 根据所给提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。

1.他不知道如何处理他的忧伤。(deal with)__________________________________. 2.虽然天在下雨,她还是去了那里。(even though)___________________________. 3.今天的天气没有昨天热。(not as/so…as..)___________________________________. 4.Jane 没有去上学,因为她病了。(because)________________________________.
