
发布时间 : 星期五 文章最新仁爱版精品八年级英语下册导学案全集(48份)更新完毕开始阅读

Unit5 Topic2 Section A


1. 写出下列词汇的汉语意思,然后朗读并默写:strict_______;shy_______, send______ be strict with sb__________. take it easy____________

2. 从1a和3中画出含有because引导的句子,你会发现这些句子结构都是由连词________ 把前后两个简单句连接起来的,前一个简单句表示_________(结果/原因),后一个简单句表示________(结果/原因)试着写两个与其结构相同的句子:

_______________________________________________________________________ 3. 将下列句子翻译成汉语:1.Anything wrong?________________

2.What seems to be the problem?________________ 4.阅读和理解1a ,大声朗读1a。

5.通过全文预习,写出表示情感的形容词,看谁写得多:________________________ _________________________________________________________________. 6.预习指导:

理解并能运用:1. Anything wrong? 有什么不对吗?/有什么麻烦吗?


2. She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.

* do badly in…… *在…方面做得好 3.* be strict with sb 对某人严格要求 * be strict in sth 对某事严格要求 eg: 老师对我们要求很严格。Our teachers . 王先生对自己的工作要求严格。Mr. Wang .

4. * be worried about… 担心….. / worry about … 担心 eg: I am worried about your future. = I about your future.

5. So I send this card to cheer you up. * send sb sth = send sth to sb (上学期学过的带 双宾的结构)eg: 李兵送给我999朵玫瑰。Li Bing 999 roses.

= Li Bing 999 roses to .

Teaching procedure: Ⅰ.预习展示:

1. Group work first(Read 1a together in groups and then ask several to act it out.(Assessing) 2. Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases. 3. Get two students to translate the sentences into Chinese:

1. Anything wrong?________________

2. What seems to be the problem?________________

4.Ask some students to say out the words about feelings.____________________. Ⅱ.合作学习展示:

1. Group work and finish 1b and 1c.(Evaluating) Ⅲ.巩固落实:

1.Part 2.Ask the students to finish 2a by themselves and then get several to say out the sentences they havmade. (Evaluating)

2. Part 3.Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the e-card. then listen and check. Ⅳ.当堂检测:


1. The boy didn?t pass the English_________-(考试) 2. The little girl is always very____________(害羞的) 3. My parents are very_________ about my study.(严格的)

4. Jim is ill and his mother is very __________ about his health.(焦虑的) 5. He did b________in the English exam.He felt sad. 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.he did__________(badly)than before. 2.I am surprised _______(meet)her. 3.She seems so sad and ___ ( happy )

4.She is lonely and she has no friends _____(talk)with. 5.Thank you for ________(tell)me. Section B




fail_______.feeling______,joke._______, by the way________.talk to others.__________ suggestion_________.have no friends=___________(in English).make friends with sb______ at one?s age._________.

3.在Section A里我们已经学习了because 引导的原因状语从句,在本课的1a里找出类似的句子,在其下面划伤划线。

4.Miss Wang给了LiHong什么建议?________________________________. 5.译一译:(1)How are you feeling today?

(2)Why don?t you talk to someone when you feel sad? (3)Everyone gets these feelings at your age. (4)There, there! It?ll be OK.

6.指导:I am feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. *fail(in) sth 在….方面不及格 *pass 通过

eg: I failed the math exam. = I pass the math exam.

Don?t worry. Everyone gets these feeling at your age. * at one?s age 译为: eg: 你爸爸在你这样的年纪就开始挣钱了。

Your father began to make money .

Teaching procedure: Ⅰ.预习展示:

1. Group work first(Read 1a together in groups and then ask several to act it out.(Assessing) 2.Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases 3.Get some students to translate the sentences into Chinese: (1)How are you feeling today?

(2)Why don?t you talk to someone when you feel sad? (3)Everyone gets these feelings at your age. (4)There, there! It?ll be OK. Ⅱ.合作学习展示:

1.Finish 1b together:Ask the students to finish it in groups then get some to check by themselves. 2.Finish 1c:First do it alone then check the answers by others.

3.Finish 2a together:Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Play the material for them(twice) to finish the task,then check the answers with them.(Evaluating) Ⅲ.巩固落实:

1.Finish 2b:Work in pairs first,then act it out in class.(assessing). 2.Finish 3a and 3b with the whole class.(Explaining sth) Ⅳ.当堂检测:

一.根据句子意思及首字母提示完成下列各题: 1.—Are you f______ well today,Mike?—Not bad. 2.Mary couldplay the piano at h_______ early age. 3.would you like s_______to help you?

4.Tina seemed unhappy because she f______ the English exam. 5.He likes telling us j_______ after class and makes us laugh. 二.根据中文意思完成下列句子:

1.Kate 对大家很友好,所以,Ann 想和她交朋友。

Kate is friendly to everyone,so Ann wants to _______ _______ ________ her. 2.我今天早上没赶上早班车.

I ______ _______ ________ the early bus. 3.让我给你讲个笑话。

Let me _______ ______ ________ to you. 4.顺便问一下,你父母最近好吗?

______ ______ _______,How are your parents doing?
