
发布时间 : 星期四 文章最新仁爱版精品八年级英语下册导学案全集(48份)更新完毕开始阅读

Unit5 Topic1 Section C


1:掌握生词与词组:care for; lonely, lively; cheer up; almost; mainly. 2:.继续学习表达情感的单词和句子。 3: 继续谈论电影。

重点:通过图片信息和所给词汇帮助进行阅读,提高阅读理解能力。 难点:能借助问题复述课文。 课前预习:

1. 预习本课出现的单词,短语并背熟它们。

2. 阅读和大声朗读1a.指导:完成阅读前的两个任务(1,2)猜猜课文讲的是什么,然后进行课文阅读。译一译:one of the most popular American movies; a story about...;care for...;be sad;be lonely and become angry; teach sb to do sth. lively songs; cheer sb up. 重点句型 及单词理解:

(1)The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children .

(2)Maria taught the children to sing lively songs perform short ,funny plays to cheer the


(3)lonely 孤独的,寂寞的。alone 与lonely 比较: alone 既可作副词,又可作形容词,说明客观存在。 eg:她独自在家. She is at home. lonely 形容词 侧重人的心理。

eg: 我从不感到寂寞。I never feel .

(4)、noisy 嘈杂的,喧闹的,是noise的形容词形式,作“声音”讲的名词还有sound ,


noise 指令人不愉快的响声,说话声或嘈杂声。 sound 指可以听到的任何声音。

voice 主要指人说话或唱歌时的声音,即“说话声,嗓音”。 3.尝试着完成1b.回答1c 里的问题检查自己是否理解了课文。

Teaching procedure:


1.Finish 2a.Do it in groups and then ask some to do it in class.

2.Finish 2b.Write down the conversation between Michael and Mr.Brown in your exercise booand act it out in front of the class.(assessing) 1. Part 3.Learn to sing the song,Do Re Mi. Ⅳ.当堂检测:

1.单词和词组:cry (反义词) mad (同义词) lonely (同义词) at first (反义词组) 使振作起来,使高兴起来 到处 活泼的;充满生气的 2.根据汉语提示完成句子。

1、He can (照顾)himself.

2.Wang lin was able to (使??振奋起来)himself. 3. (起先,开始),she sang an English song . 4.I couldn?t stand the loud rock music.I almost went ________(发疯的)。

5.There are many classmates in my classroom but I still feel _______(孤独的)

Section D.


1. 复习本话题前面三个部分并独自完成Grammar and Functions 部分。 2. 从Part1阅读文章里找出下列单词和词组:

形成;成立 主要地 与某人和解 和平 文化 手势,姿势

中国文化的重要的部分__________________.过去受老年人的欢迎______________. 3. 阅读part1 ,理解课文,完成Part1里的回答问题任务,大声朗读课文. 4. 理解并掌握:

1、be full of 装满,充满,同义词组为be filled with . eg:杯子里装满了牛奶。

The glass milk.=the glass milk. in the end (同义词) , (反义词) Teaching procedure: Ⅰ.预习展示:

1. Work in groups,read the text in groups loudly and then ask several groups to read the passage in class.

2. Ask some students to finish writing out the phrases: 形成;成立 主要地

与某人和解 和平 文化 手势,姿势

中国文化的重要的部分__________________.过去受老年人的欢迎______________. Ⅱ.合作学习展示:

1. Get the students to read Part1 again and finish the task in Part1 in groups and present it in class.(assessing)

2. Go through “Grammar and Functions” with the students, checking the answers and explaining sth important.

3. Part 2a: Work in pairs and talk about the pictures with the help of the key words. 4. Writing practice.2b.Get the students to do it in groups and present their writing in class. Ⅲ.当堂检测:


1.Chinese __________(文化) is more and more popular around the world.

2.More and more young people __________________(变得对….感兴趣) Beijing Opera. 3.—What is his ________(角色) in the play?—The old king.

4.People all over the world love___________(和平).

5.Li Xiang finished his task with a strong ___________(手势)。

6.The custom _____________________(形成)about two hundred years ago. 7.You should _____________________(与…..和解)him and become good friends. 8.Zhao Benshan ______________________(受….欢迎)the young and the old. 9.The room _____________________(装满) all kinds of books.
